“Hey, what are you bastards doing?!”

Ah Yu had a gloomy face, and his eyes were fixed on Domilot, who suddenly rushed over and hugged him.

“Well, then, goodbye, Ah-Yu!” Domilot smiled cruelly, and stabbed his right hand into Ah Yu’s waist.


Blood splattered.

“Ahh Takimaru, Madge’s expression changed drastically.

However, Ah Yu’s eyes were cold, he stood straight, and said coldly: “Thank you so much, suddenly broke into my field like this, welcome…”

“Huh?!” Domilot’s brows furrowed, and he found that the hand that pierced Ah Yu’s waist was locked deadly, unable to move forward, and could not be pulled out for a while.

“If it’s close to battle, it’s convenient for me to say hello!” Ah Yu said coldly, and in the next second, his fists clenched, and he smashed a punch against Domilot’s brain: “10 consecutive nail fists!” ”

Domilot seemed to sense the danger and immediately took action, his mouth opened sharply, and a terrifying demon head appeared inside, which was very frightening.

The demon opened its mouth and bit into Ayu’s fist.

“This?” Ah Yu’s expression changed drastically, and he found that the power of the nail fist was eaten, and the entire fist was even more unconscious, as if he was frozen to death, “What kind of power is this?” My hands…”


Domilot’s figure flashed, taking the opportunity to stay away from Ayu.

The two sides looked at each other, and the battle was on the verge of breaking out.


At this moment, the ice exploded and the ground collapsed.

“Tweet, ahhhh

Two giant penguins emerged from under the ice, very angry.

This is a Waldorf penguin, caught at level 30.

“Wow, what’s wrong?”

“The ground is collapsing!”


Ayu, Domilot, and everyone else all fell from above to tens of meters below.

Everyone reacted and found themselves in an even larger ice cave.


At this time, a beautiful light came.

“That was… Food display window! Komatsu first discovered, his eyes widened, and he exclaimed excitedly, “It’s the soup of the century!” ”

Others looked over, and sure enough, they saw the ingredients frozen in ice, like an exhibition, displayed there, with auroras appearing above their heads.

“How beautiful, this is the legendary food display window!?” Takimaru’s eyes were filled with awe.

March said, “Is that the food display window?” It seems that the century soup is below! ”

Ah Yu said: “Komatsu, the century soup will be handed over to you!” The aurora is relatively light, and the beast in the food display window is emaciated, I am afraid that there is not much soup, and it must not be grabbed by the people of the food club! ”

“Okay, leave it to me!” Komatsu replied, then ran to the side.

Domilot ordered, “Barry, Buki kill that imp!” ”

Barry and Buki immediately chase after Komatsu, but are blocked by March and Takimaru.

“Although I have no grievances with the Food Club, the century soup must not let you snatch it away.” March said with a firm gaze.

Domilot said: “Forget it, ignore that little ghost, destroy all the enemies in front of you, and then seize the century soup.” ”


After Zonggai and his two younger brothers escaped from the blood basin of the tiger-striped walrus, they were attacked by a fierce snow wolf.

“Whaaaa It’s going to be eaten! ”

“No matter how you look at it, it’s stronger than the tiger-striped walrus, Lord Sogai!”

“Well… Go for it! Zong Gai replied while burying his head and desperately trying to escape, “Then run away, I really want to go back!” This continent is so disgusting! ”


The snow wolf slapped down, and the three were directly shocked and fell off the ice cliff.

“Lord Sogai, we’re going to gameover, right?”

“Don’t worry, I’ve saved the file seriously!”

“Where did you save the file?”




The three also took shit luck and fell on an ice shelf.

“Lord Zonggai, we are still alive!” The bald little brother was pleasantly surprised.

“Haha, that’s of course, I said it all, I saved the file! Die, just play again! Zongai laughed maniacally.

The two cheered.

Another sharp-billed monkey cheek brother pouted: “No, first of all, we are not dead!” ”

“Huh… What is that? “The bald little brother found a hole.

“Wow, it’s a hidden cave! Haha, right on target! Sure enough, here is the right route! Zongai laughed.


A man with long hair and no face to see his face jumped off an ice cliff, landed on an ice shelf and walked into a cave.

He reached out and took off the hood on his head, revealing an airplane head, and said as he walked: “Whew… I’m so tired wearing these things! ”

If you look seriously, this guy looks dignified and talented, even if a long scar appears on his right face, it does not affect his handsomeness in the slightest.

He is none other than the regenerator, Teppei!


“Wow! Is this a gourmet window? So beautiful! Atacino looked at the countless ingredients frozen in front of him, and his eyes showed shock.

Chu Feng glanced at the food display window and found that many of the ingredients in it were just empty shells, and there was almost no flesh essence.

This also shows that the food display window is about to be destroyed, and there may not be much century soup.

Look at the bottom of the food display window.


A drop of transparent liquid drips from under the gourmet display window into a groove….

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