Food world!!

It accounts for about 70% of the Earth’s territory, and under the influence of abnormal weather and special magnetic fields, it is difficult to take images even from satellites.

It is the place where the legendary god of food Acacia discovered many ingredients such as the legendary ingredient God. About 500 years ago, it was the name “Gastronomy World” that was named.

It has a vast land that has not yet been explored, and it is a treasure trove of ingredients that have not yet been discovered.

At that time, people called the food world a food paradise, and many people set foot into the food world with the goal of the paradise.

However, the food world is not a paradise, but a pure hell, and soon IGO set up checkpoints everywhere, separating the human world from the food world, and designated the entire area of the food world as a dangerous specific area.

From the human world to the food world, there are three routes of sea, land and air, but the two routes of sea and air are more dangerous, there are terrible tornadoes above the junction of the human world and the food world, and the sea side has a toxic sea tide, so it is safer to choose the land route to enter the food world.

There are three land routes connecting the human world and the gastronomic world.

The first is Sabel Island, the Waterfall of Life Pool.

The second is the island of Eutto, a haven for evil spirits.

The third is the Wacker continent, the three-way road.

Among them, the first route is relatively the safest!

It is also a route often chosen by countless gourmets today.

On this day…

Level 18.

A man and a woman came here.

The man was wearing a white T-shirt, 2 meters tall, a strong body, and a smile on his handsome face.

The woman’s one meter seven, well-proportioned, two long legs are very attractive, a nurse’s outfit, delicate facial features, white skin, proper beauty.

The two were none other than Chu Feng and Atassino.

After leaving the Land of Healing, it took almost a day to get here.

Taili did not follow, and Chu Feng let it return to the Autumn Mountain Range.

“Inspector Elber!” Atacino greeted a little old man smoking a cigarette, “Long time no see!” ”

Elber is the chief surveillance officer of level 18, and everyone who enters the food world from here basically passes through his release.

“Yo, isn’t this Atassino?” Elber was delighted, “Didn’t the president come this time?” ”

In the past, President Yilong brought Atassino here and entered the world of food.

“The president didn’t come!” Atacino said: “This time, my partner and I entered the food world, please let it go!” ”

“Huh?” Elber looked up at Chu Feng, and saw that it was a strange fellow, not an IGO 0th courtyard clerk he knew, and was immediately surprised, “Atassino, you guys really…”

“Don’t worry, we’ll be fine!” Atacino said.

Although it is still relatively reluctant to enter the food world alone, with Chu Feng here, she believes that there will be no danger.

“Alright!” Elber nodded, “I can’t stop the work of foodies.” Come with me! ”

The two followed Elber through the level to a cliff.

Every year, hundreds of people jump off this cliff and enter the food world, but almost no one has ever come up, so this place is called Life Waterfall Pool, which means life-taking waterfall!

“Below is the food world, Chu Feng, let’s go down!” Atacino said.

Chu Feng nodded, did not say nonsense, directly hugged Atassino’s small man’s waist, jumped his body, and jumped down.

The corner of Elber’s mouth twitched: “Just… Isn’t it too messy to go on like this? ”

“Atassino, be careful!”

Hurry up and shout.

He didn’t see anything powerful about Chu Feng, so he was worried.

Atacino was taken by Chu Feng and jumped directly off the Life Waterfall Pool, but he was not panicked at all, and said indifferently: “From the Life Waterfall Pool to the ground of the food world, it is about 20,000 meters, and after stepping into the food world, the gravity there is 10 times that of the human world.” When I first went in with the president, my whole body couldn’t move, my stomata were bleeding, and I almost died. Later, after a few more advances, I slowly adapted. ”

Chu Feng said, “President Yilong takes great care of you!” ”

“Hmm!” Atacino nodded, “I was an orphan, and I was adopted by President Ichiryu because I was interested in medicine and became a surgeon, but because I also often cooked for some of the staff of Garden 0, I gradually became a cook. ”

“In order to cultivate my abilities, the president often took me into the food world to capture ingredients for me to cook!”

Chu Feng nodded, and had to say that the First Dragon Guild Leader was better for Atassino than for the Four Heavenly Kings such as Ah Yu.


At this moment, the void hummed and broke through the void.

It was a powerful aura shell, roaring like a turtle faction qigong wave.

“It’s the Breath Dragon’s attack!” Atacino looked up, his face changed.

Chu Feng’s face was as usual, and he immediately used his empty steps to stay in the air.


Breath shells flew under Chu Feng and Atassino, hit the cliff wall, and immediately bombarded a large pit hundreds of meters.

You can imagine how tough this attack is.

In fact, this was just a sneeze accidentally made by the breath dragon.

In the original work, Ah Yu was hit by this “sneeze” and went to half his life.

Looking ahead, I saw that in the distance, the breath dragon was taller than a giraffe, walking in the woods.

As far as Chu Feng knew, the capture level of the Breath Dragon was over 120.

This level of fierce beast, Chu Feng can easily deal with it.

However, Chu Feng didn’t bother to pay attention to it and continued to sink with Atassino.

It’s getting faster and faster.

It soon sank to 10,000 meters.

Looking down, I saw a large dense forest below.

Other than that, nothing else was found.

However, after the divine consciousness was released, some fierce beasts were found living in caves on the cliffs.

Didn’t care, sink at a faster pace.

Atassino’s long black hair was blown straight, and he had to bury his head in Chu Feng’s chest and close his eyes.

After a while, Atassino felt the wind stop, opened his eyes, and found that he was less than 100 meters from the ground of the food world.

Chu Feng slowly fell with empty steps.

Go for it!

Feet on the ground.

The terrifying gravity strikes, more than 10 times stronger than in the human world.

It’s relatively close to the Earth’s core, and gravity is strong, which is a matter of course.

However, this gravity did not have much effect on Chu Feng.

After all, Chu Feng’s physique was many times stronger than ordinary people did not know.

Soon, Chu Feng adapted to the gravity around him, and his steps were light, no different from the human world.

Atacino had been here before, so he had already adapted to the gravity here, and it didn’t matter.

“Let’s go, let’s go to the front, I remember there are air fruits there!”

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