Chapter 236, Go to the Upper Realm, Qiankun City.

236, go to the upper realm, Qiankun City [Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for monthly tickets! ] 】

The upper realm, located above the three thousand worlds, can only be entered by beings above the Heavenly Monarch. After sending Fang Han and several people to the major worlds respectively, let him be promoted to the Heavenly Monarch.

Lin Yan directly grabbed the entire Creation Immortal Sect with his big hand, and led the disciples of the entire sect to break through the violent laws of heaven and earth. He entered the Upper Realm, which was extremely powerful than the Upper Realm.

This seems to be a distant ancient battlefield, full of chaos and chaos. An air flow appeared in Lin Yan’s palm, and there was a faint flow of the word sun and moon.

One of the chaos swallowed, and the chaos and mixed heaven and earth vitality in the void was collected by his palm, transformed into vitality and released back into heaven and earth.

As soon as his big sleeve flicked, the Creation Immortal Sect flew out dripping, magnified infinitely in the wind, and fell back to the heaven and earth of the entire upper realm, and after returning to the Xuanhuang Great World, Lin Yan got a news.

After Linglong Immortal Venerable was promoted to the realm of immortals, he was attracted by the invisible existence in the void and automatically ascended to the Hongmeng Vault. Here is the legacy left by the Hongmeng Daoists.

And the location of the Hongmeng Vault is in the upper realm.

Many people may not know about the upper realm alone, but when it comes to the gate of eternal life, many people are not unfamiliar. The Gate of Eternal Life is located in the depths of the Immortal King’s battlefield.

The Immortal King Battlefield exists in the Upper Realm.

Therefore, after giving Fang Han and the others enough things to save their lives, and calculating the opportunities of each person, Lin Yan flew directly to the upper realm with the disciples of the Creation Immortal Sect alone.

There are many powerhouses in the upper realm, and the Heavenly Monarch is not a real master.

For example, the Lord of Qiankun, the Lord of Yin and Yang, the Ancestor of the Two Yis, and the Lord of Blood are power-level Heavenly Monarchs, and their strength is almost all existences of more than ten eras.

They are the closest people to the Immortal King.

Among them, the Lord of Qiankun has even reached the cultivation level of fifteen eras.

These people are all in the upper realm, forging their own city, and Annaizing immeasurable creatures. The rules of heaven and earth in the upper realm are closer to the gate of eternal life, so they are conducive to enlightenment.

After Lin Yan settled everyone, he flew towards the deepest part of the upper realm, the rumored largest city, Qiankun City. Qiankun City belongs to the Lord of Qiankun.

It is said that the Lord of Qiankun once wrestled with the Creation Immortal King, and his strength is extremely powerful.

Lin Yan’s divine mind soared freely between many planes, and soon found the huge city where that side was located for eternity. At this time, outside the city, all kinds of huge monsters were rampant and wanton.

These huge monsters are all unpossessed by the Three Thousand Worlds.

The upper realm, because of its proximity to the gate of eternal life, has its own violent and twisted laws. And it is also accompanied by endless fetish.

Therefore, the cultivators of various races such as the Terrans living here are often affected and undergo some strange changes. As soon as Lin Yan arrived here, a huge monster pounced.

Because his holy Terran aura is strong, it is the special object of these huge monsters.

However, Lin Yan’s strength was strong, and those huge monsters just pounced in the air, and they were rolled up by Lin Yan’s big sleeves, directly turned into a mass of vitality, and then absorbed.

With Lin Yan’s strength, he suddenly came to the upper realm, and he was still carrying a large world, and he would easily be coveted by other parties, especially the strongest existence under the immortal king like the Lord of Qiankun, especially so.

Lin Yan naturally didn’t want to let him go.

The cultivation of fifteen epochs should be related to him, and it is better to accept him as a subordinate.


Lin Yan walked out of the passage of time and space, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

A huge ancient city, standing between heaven and earth, even the sun and the moon cannot compare with it, all of them have been reduced to foils. He stepped out and walked into it.

What you see is a myriad of people.

Moreover, it was the existence of countless Heavenly Monarchs with powerful cultivation.

Starting from the cultivation of one era, to eleven or even more than twelve epochs. After coming to Qiankun City, Lin Yan knew what it was called the Heavenly Monarch to walk everywhere.

Once the king of the immortal world, the existence of the immortal is just a slave-level small people.

Lin Yan dialect looked, and even saw some existences whose cultivation was comparable to that of the supreme immortals, and they were actually miscellaneous on the streets and working as slaves.


I couldn’t help but sigh. Why bother?

If he was one of these people, he would not live with such a nod and a smile.

But it is also possible that this is from the gap in cognition, so that they are content with the status quo and indulge in the present.


The deepest part of Qiankun City, Qiankun Hall. This is the retreat of the Lord of Qiankun.

At this time, Lin Yan had just arrived in Qiankun City when he was discovered by him.

It’s not because Lin Yan’s concealment technique has a flaw, or the strength of the Lord of Qiankun is too strong. It was entirely because Qiankun City was refined by him.

Any being beyond his control, entering into it, will be discovered by it.

Lin Yan’s body was delicate and clean, there was no Heavenly Monarch breath, and no strong aura emanated out, but it possessed an indescribable mighty power.

It’s an almost creative force.

The Lord of Qiankun had had countless dealings with the Creation Immortal King.

Understand that even if the Creation Immortal King Buddha-figure appears, just by virtue of his perception and understanding of the way of creation, he may not be as good as this young man named Lin Yan.

Therefore, he was desperate to see each other.

“In an instant, go and bring that young man to me!”

Almost instantly, the Lord of Qiankun gave instructions to his little brother, the Lord of the Moment. Lin Yan, who did not have the breath of a heavenly monarch on his body, was directly considered a small character by him.

Because, he thinks that this little brother under his command with twelve epochs can be easily solved. Hearing the Lord’s orders, the Lord of the Moment did not dare to hesitate, and immediately nodded and agreed. But at the same time, there was still a trace of doubt in his heart.

What kind of divine is it that would alarm the Lord of Qiankun, who has been in retreat for many years. Is it because of that hairy boy who didn’t even cultivate the Heavenly Monarch?

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