38, the covenant of three sword fights, the old monster of the fountain was born (ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly tickets!) )

[At the age of 30, you and your brothers went to the Shushan Sect to prepare for the sword fighting covenant. 】

The sword fighting contract began, and the two sides agreed to win two games in three games.

In the first game, Master Sister Li Yingqi fought against Jiujian Immortal, and the two sides were invincible or undefeated.

In the second game, you fight with Dugu Jianshen.

You are on par with Dugu Yuyun cultivation, but your invisible sword is even better than his ruthless sword path, and you won this round.

In the third game, Dugu Jiansheng opened the Lock Demon Tower, released his senior brother Jiang Qing, and forced him to make a move on the condition of adopting his daughter.

Jiang Qing’s cultivation reached the Dao Realm, but only the soul body remained, and he only had the power of a battle.

Master brother Dan Chenzi was no match for Jiang Qing.

In the third game, Shushan faction won.

The two sides of the sword fighting covenant each won and drew one each, regardless of victory or defeat, and agreed to fight again in the following year.

[At the age of 31, the second sword fighting contract begins, and your side wins three times in three games. ] 】

The Emei Sect has gained a great reputation in the cultivation world, on the contrary, the prestige of the Shushan Sect has plummeted!

In the same year, Emperor Huizong appointed the Emei faction as the state religion of the Great Song Dynasty.

Subsequently, with Yue Fei as the general, he commanded the Northern Expedition of 500,000 elite troops.

After resting and morale, the Song army counterattacked the Jin army and won victory.

The Jin army retreated outside the Sixteen States of the Clouds.

[At the age of 32, the old monster of the ghost spring suddenly appeared, and the coercion covered the Shushan cultivation world, and people were panicked! ] 】

Shizun Changmei Zhenren summoned the Sword Immortal Cloud in Shuzhong to gather Emei and discuss the matter of eliminating the old monster of the ghost spring.

The Wutai Sect Venerable Zen Master and the Kunlun Sect Xuan Tianzong arrived one after another.

The Shushan faction closed the mountain and was not born, and the third sword fighting contract was temporarily canceled.

The old monster of the ghost spring wandered adrift, going back and forth between the mountains, and many small sects were destroyed.

[33 years old, you told the long-eyed real person that the old monster of the ghost spring is determined to be in the blood cave of Qianyou, and he can be killed. ] 】

The long-eyebrow real person agreed to your plan, and passed on your Nanming Fire Sword, and the system detection magic weapon level is a sixth-order top grade!

You secretly plotted to create the illusion that the blood cave of Qianyou was about to come out, and the old monster of the ghost spring was really deceived.

[Master Brother Dan Chenzi and Xuan Tianzong set off and stopped the demon path doppelganger of the old monster of the ghost spring. 】

The long-eyebrow real person led you, the Heavenly Thunder Double Sword, the Seven Sons of the Clouds, and the three hundred Qingcheng disciples to attack the old monster of the Dark Spring.

The old monster of the ghost spring is fixed by the long-eyebrow real person Hao Tianrealm, and you use the chaotic yin and yang five spirit beads to fix the square inch space, block the five elements, and the old monster of the ghost spring is unable to escape.

You kill the old monster of the Fountain with the Nanming Fire Sword, and obtain the Qianyou Blood Talisman, which can walk freely in the blood cave and swallow ten thousand years of blood qi cultivation without being bound.

[At the age of 34, you opened the Qianyou Blood Cave with the help of a real person with long eyebrows, and this matter was done very secretly and no outsiders knew about it. ] 】

With the Qianyou Blood Talisman as your basis, you entered the Blood Cave to cultivate, and your cultivation progressed rapidly.

In the meantime, the Red Corpse God Monarch transforms into a butterfly and sneaks up on you.

You have already noticed it, and Nanming slaughtered it with the fire sword.

In the same year, under the leadership of Yue Fei, the Song army pushed back the Jin army and directly attacked the yellow dragon.

[At the age of 35, you broke through to the late Yuan Infant period. 】

The ascension channel between the immortal world and the cultivation world reappeared, and the cultivation of the master with long eyebrows had reached the peak of the gods, and he had a premonition that he was about to ascend.

In the same year, the Moon Worship Sect developed a steam engine, explosives, and successfully generated electricity, and the Nanzhao Kingdom entered the steam age.

Under your leadership, the Song Dynasty opened mutual trade ports with the Nanzhao Kingdom, and advanced technology flowed into the territory of the Song Dynasty.

[At the age of 37, you broke through to the peak of the Yuan Infant, and your cultivation entered the bottleneck period, and the Qianyou Blood Cave was no longer helpful to you. ] 】

You transfer the Qianyou Blood Talisman to Master Brother Danchenzi, who enters the Qianyou Blood Cave to cultivate.

In the same year, Master Venerable Changmei Zhenren gave you the Haotian Mirror, and passed on the position of the head of the Emei Sect to you, and then soared across borders!

[At the age of 38, you opened the treasure pavilion inside the door and began to cultivate Taiyi Divine Arithmetic, detailed explanation of the innate array diagram, and great refining treasure skills! ] 】

System detection, these three exercise levels are sixth-order upper grade, sixth-order middle grade, and sixth-order superb grade!

In the same year, the Shushan faction lifted the closure.

[At the age of 40, you have achieved success in cultivating Taiyi God, and you can easily calculate the auspicious fortune under the Yuan Infancy Period. ] 】

You sent Li Xiaoyao to Shushan to reaffirm the third sword fighting covenant, which was ignored.

[At the age of 42, you have completed all the formations in the detailed explanation of the innate formation diagram, and you feel that you can arrange the sixth-order formation! ] 】

In the same year, the master brother Danchenzi broke through the peak of the Yuan Infant and got out.

Subsequently, the Qianyou Blood Talisman was passed on to Master Sister Li Yingqi!

The Shushan faction ignored your request for the Third Sword Fighting Covenant.

[At the age of 44, you have realized that the Great Refining Treasure Technique has achieved success in cultivation, opened the treasure house inside the door, and took out nine Taiyi Essence lightsabers and some materials refining formation diagrams! ] 】

[At the age of 46, you have refined the Dao Dao Dacheng of the Formation Dao, refining the nine Taiyi Essence Light Swords into the Nine Palaces Taiyi Sword Array, which can reverse the Yin and Yang to cover the heavenly machine. ] 】

The system detects that this set of sword formations is a sixth-order lower grade!

The Shushan faction responded to you, and the third sword fighting covenant was postponed to ten years later.

[At the age of 47, you began to cultivate the Nine Turns Golden Pill Zhizhi, and the system detected that this was a sixth-order peerless alchemy exercise! ] 】

You issued an edict calling on the disciples in the sect to search for genius earth treasures.

In the same year, the Nanzhao Kingdom and the Great Song Dynasty also responded to your request.

[At the age of 50, your cultivation of the Nine Turns Golden Pill is directly directed at Dacheng, and you can already refine the sixth-order elixir! ] 】

In the same year, the genius earth treasure required for the Nine Turns Golden Pill was collected, and you began to refine the Nine Turns Golden Pill (Sixth-Order Peerless)!

Master sister Li Yingqi broke through the peak of the Yuan Infant and succeeded.

The Blood Talisman of Qianyou was passed on to Changkong Wuji!

In the same year, the Moon Worship Sect developed the internal combustion engine, and the Nanzhao Kingdom and the Song Dynasty entered the electric age.

[At the age of 52, you have successfully refined the Nine Turns Golden Pill, and you have three pills, which can be used by three people to break through the Transformation God Period! ] 】

In the same year, you officially took the Nine Turns Golden Pill in retreat and broke through the Transformation God Period!

[At the age of 53, you successfully broke through to the stage of Transformation God, and you comprehended the heaven and earth of the divine power! ] 】

The system detects that the grade of this magical ability is a sixth-order lower grade.

You acquire talent – Tao Law Nature (red): goodness is like water, benefit all things without dispute, three thousand avenues, all can become enlightened, you are born close to the Dao, you have the ability to comprehend that ordinary people can hardly imagine.


(Do you think that any talent is better, you can recommend it, want to be talented bald…) Newcomers and new books ask for flowers, evaluation votes, monthly tickets, thank you for your support!!! )

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