After finishing the work, Li Yan made some cakes and placed them one by one. After packing up, Li Yan sat in the hall. He noticed that Xiangling was playing excitedly with Qi Liangliang, so he shook his head.

He drank a sip of tea, thinking about entering the system to see what good things he could exchange.

Suddenly he noticed that the door was open.

Aratake Ito walked in, touching his head, and said with a dry laugh:”Boss Li Yan, I’m here again……”

“Yidou, what’s the matter?” Li Yan asked

“I… Hey, what game is this?” Aratake Ichito noticed the PS4 game console and asked excitedly.

“Yeah.” Li Yan nodded.

Arawaki Ichito touched his head and asked;”Well, can I play with it?”

“Go ahead.”Li Yan waved his hand.

He looked at Kuki Shinobu and winked at her, meaning that Ara Taki Ichito came for you.

Kuki Shinobu blushed, rolled her eyes at Li Yan, and drank water by herself.

Li Yan laughed.

After waiting for more than half an hour, Li Yan chose to close the door.

Ara Taki Ichito and Qi Liangliang were a little regretful, but they had to leave.

Ara Taki Ichito walked back and thought of the business. When he went back, he found that the door was closed.

“Oops, why did I play too much? I promised to take care of Ninja.”Ara Taki Ichito said, grabbing his hair


The night slowly deepened.

Li Yan waited for Jiuqi Shinobu.

Jiuqi Shinobu changed into a beautiful dress, and she looked much prettier than she did in the store. Especially when she let her hair down, she looked so gentle, and Li Yan’s eyes lit up.

“Have you been preparing for a long time?”Li Yan took Jiuqi Ren’s hand

“No, I don’t.”Jiuqi said with a red face.

Li Yan smiled and said,”Whether it is or not, you are very beautiful today, which makes my eyes light up. Let’s go.”

“”Hmm.” Jiuqi Shinobu was delighted. She had been preparing for a long time at home and even let her hair down.

She followed Li Yan to a shore.

There was no one on the shore, and sitting here you can see the sun, moon and stars in the sky falling on the sea. The scene was so beautiful that it was breathtaking.

Li Yan took down the chair and put his earlobe into the sea.

The two of them just sat there.

Jiuqi Shinobu felt a little unnatural sitting there. It took her a while to slowly relax. She looked at the sea and said softly;”Boss, I feel a little more relaxed this way.”

“We are here for night fishing, so don’t think too much, just let your brain empty, and you will feel much more relaxed.” Li Yan held her and spoke softly in her ear.

Jiuqi Shinobu blushed and leaned on Li Yan’s arms.

She whispered,”Actually, there is one thing I don’t know how to do. I want to ask you”

“Go ahead.”Li Yan said

“I used to be a shrine maiden at Narukami Taisha Shrine, but later I left Narukami Taisha Shrine due to some problems. I also had a big fight with my family. My mother was very angry with me.……”Jiuqi Shinobu confided her true feelings.

Li Yan gently comforted Jiuqi Shinobu and said,”Shinobu, you chose to leave Mingshen Taisha for freedom. I don’t think you did anything wrong.

And you chose to stay with me, which really touched me.”

This made Jiuqi Shinobu stunned.

She thought about it carefully, and it was really the case.

She left Mingshen Taisha because she wanted freedom, and staying in Li Yan’s shop would definitely not be free.

But she had never thought about it in this way.

“I, I don’t regret my choice, let alone you, you treated me like that, you, you can’t abandon me!” Jiuqi Shinobu said nervously. Li Yan kissed her on the lips and said:”How could I abandon my A-nin? I love you so much!””

“What I want to say is, I believe that your mother-in-law must have forgiven you in her heart, but neither of you is willing to take that step. Maybe you should take that step, after all, she is your mother.”Li Yan said.

Jiuqi Ren blushed and said shyly;”What mother-in-law!”

“You are my future daughter-in-law, so isn’t she my mother-in-law?” Li Yan looked at Jiuqi Shinobu with a sly smile.

Jiuqi Shinobu’s face turned even redder, and she whispered;”Yes, yes, okay, then…then I’ll go home tomorrow.……”

“Well, we should bring some gifts back, how about the fish we caught today?”Li Yan said

“But I haven’t caught any fish yet.” Jiuqi Shinobu looked at the sea and felt the fishing rod in his hand move.

Jiuqi Shinobu said,”Yes, there is a fish on the hook!”


He pulled it and it was a big fat fish weighing several kilograms. It looked white and plump.

Li Yan put it into the bucket.

“This is just the beginning, how about we compete to see who catches more fish, and the loser will agree to a condition from the other party?” Li Yan asked.

Jiuqi Ren snorted, as if what happened just now affected her, she said confidently:”You will definitely be defeated by me today!”

“You are confident, then let’s see who’s the best!” Li Yan laughed.

After that, Jiuqi Shinobu was like a cheat in fishing, and caught fifteen in a row, while Li Yan only caught eight, which seemed to be wrong.

Jiuqi Shinobu stared at Li Yan proudly and said,”Hehe, you see, my skills are very powerful, now you have to promise me one thing.”

Li Yan said helplessly with his hands slack,”Then what do you want from our sister Aren?” ps:

Thank you [Linfeng 4396] for the flowers and monthly tickets, thank you very much!

Thank you so much.

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