People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 10 Survival Day 010: Marketing Accounts and Understanding King

When I woke up naturally, it was already afternoon.

Xu Zhijian leaned on the bed and browsed Thriller Town's exclusive player forum on his tablet.

Enjoy the various chats and professional tips.

"Do you think you will always be stuck in the black iron rank? 》

"Why do you want me, a person who has never watched horror movies, to come here?" Can’t you go to Xiao Huang X World? 》

"In reality, LOL and Dota are black iron and bronze, and entering the main god space is still, then I didn't travel in vain?" 》

"Successfully cleared "Deadly Curve" and share some life-saving strategies"

"After reading this guide of mine, you can win "Sleepy Hollow" without any harm"

"High Redemption Points, please give me a detailed guide on "The Twilight Zone"! 》

You can read the chatting posts at will, but you need to redeem various valuable strategies to buy them.

The cheap ones are four to five hundred, and the expensive ones are tens of thousands.

Can't afford it, can't afford it.

I continued scrolling down and soon saw a hot post with a very high response rate.

"Shock! It turns out that the truth of the Lord God Space is like this! 》

Xu Zhijian couldn't help but click in curiously.

"I won't talk nonsense and get straight to the point!"

"If everyone clicks on this post, it means they are all players of the Lord God Space. So what is the truth?"

"It's very simple. In fact, the main god space is a space called the main god."

"Brothers must be surprised why there is a main god, but this is the fact, and I am also surprised."

"The above is the information I compiled. If you have any ideas, please leave a message to discuss."

Xu Zhijian:…………

WTF? !

I thought I was dazzled, but I didn’t expect that the main god space would also sneak into the marketing account. It was amazing.

No wonder it’s so popular, all the replies are greetings to his and her family.

He was also given a +1 by the guy on the first floor who said, "If you give me a like, the owner's copy survival rate will be reduced by 10%."

Exit and continue browsing. Not long after, I saw another hot post.

"Does everyone understand that matter?" 》

Click in to view.

"If you tell me something, everyone who understands it will understand it, and those who don't understand will not understand it even if you tell me."

"Don't ask too many questions. I won't tell you, because the interests involved are too great. There is no benefit in knowing."

"I can only say that the water here is very deep, and the Lord God is involved."

"Don't even expect to find it, all the information has been deleted by the Lord God."

"You still don't understand when you see this?"

"That's why I said that everyone who understands understands, and those who don't understand don't understand even if they say so. There's nothing I can do about it."

"I'm so sorry...!"

Xu Zhijian has a black line on her head, okay, okay, this is how you play, right?

In addition to marketing accounts, there are also those who know Wang lives up to expectations.

You can't escape even if you come to another world.

The Lord God doesn’t know what to do for food every day, and he doesn’t know how to purify the Internet environment.

After looking around, he finally made a post.

"Missing Person Notice, I hope everyone can come in and take a look"

"Is there anyone who is Li** from Youzhou Province, or knows someone with this name?"

"I love playing ball and am a pure IKUN"

"If you can see the post or know me, please contact me immediately."

This person is his real friend and has a very good relationship with him.

It's a pity that after high school, we went to different schools and couldn't keep in touch anymore.

I don’t know life or death.

So I wanted to test it out, can I find it here?

After half an hour of posting, there were several replies, but none of them were relevant.

Floor 1: Why is the main god’s space full of little black people (annoyed)

2nd Floor: Borrowing the building, I’ll also look for the two people who are driving together with me.

Floor 3: Boss, what copy did you just clear? Can you give me a guide, I beg you.

After watching it for a while, I exited the forum and opened the Lord God Mall to check.

In addition to players being able to buy and sell among themselves, Thriller Town officials are also the largest merchants.

And there are more and stronger things.

Of course, the exchange points required are also shady.

For example, an illusory space called the "Training Room" can simulate the attack methods of many butchers and evil spirits.

Let players practice to increase their survival rate.

The stuff is pretty good, but it requires 50,000 points + gold level.

The main theme is a movie that can only be enjoyed by the eyes, just look at it.

Unconsciously, at night, there was a rumble of thunder in my stomach.

No water or rice came in all day and night.

Since it is a small town, it can naturally meet the basic needs of food, clothing, housing and transportation.

5 exchange points per month is enough to manage everything.

Xu Zhijian made a selection at an online restaurant and bought rice + fish-flavored shredded pork + a bottle of Coke.

As soon as I pressed OK, steaming food appeared on the table out of thin air.

He leaned over and picked up the chopsticks to taste it. Good guy, it smells so good.

Definitely a god-level level.

I have eaten a lot of special fish-flavored shredded pork since I was a kid, but none of them are half as delicious as the one in front of me.

After eating comfortably and resting for a while, he got up and went out.

See what a difference it makes in Scary Town at night.

But there is no difference after walking around. There are fewer players on the street, and there are still fishermen fighting hard by the lake.

Bored, went back to surfing.

However, when returning to the original route, I suddenly bumped into a man walking towards me.

But I saw that the other person was about 1.8 meters tall and had an even body shape.

Black hair, wearing a black mask.

Although the complete appearance cannot be seen clearly, the eyebrows, nose bridge and the help of the mask to enhance the appearance make people feel handsome.

At most, he is only three points inferior to himself.

He apologized, "Sorry, little brother, I was looking elsewhere and didn't notice."

The man didn't say anything, nodded and left.

At this time, he found that the other party's information was not completely hidden, and a small part was revealed.



"Rank: Silver (6000/10000)"

Xu Zhijian's eyes lit up. Good guy, I came here for a day and saw such a silver.

Maybe he just finished a copy and happened to improve his rank.

Tsk, it seems that he is a high-level player.

Watching the other party disappear in the darkness, he turned around and went home.


After lunch at noon the next day, Xu Zhijian, who had nothing to do, returned to reality to check the situation again.

As soon as he came back, he saw eight people gathered by the bed.

There were men and women, all wearing white coats.

One of them was a bald old man in his sixties wearing reading glasses, bending over and looking at him, and was amazed.

He sighed: "This kind of case is really unheard of, unseen, amazing, so amazing!"

"Yeah, I've never seen such an amazing thing."

"Tsk tsk... It's just like a novel."

Others also echoed in amazement.

A middle-aged woman said: "Perhaps, this is the legendary God blesses the loyal and good, good people get good rewards?"

Everyone nodded thoughtfully without commenting.

"Good people?"

Xu Zhijian guessed from the conversation that these were doctors from various hospitals, and even great people who could rank nationwide.

They came here to study their own resurrection.

This situation is very normal. Usually, if a hospital has difficult and complicated cases, they will invite each other.

And good people get good rewards, which also shows that he has been reborn as a positive character?

Well... this is not bad.

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