People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 104 Survival Day 104: Silent and Deadly

"Achieve the "Careful and Meticulous" achievement and get 20 season points"

Xu Zhijian sneered and squatted down to touch the corpse.

Jenny and Miller looked at him like this, looked at each other in fear, and trembled a little.

Things were too sudden and weird.

Why did he kill people just for no reason? !

Could it be that... after the series of things just now, Xu has become psychologically distorted.

Has he also become a monster that will kill at will?

If this is true, doesn't it mean that he is also very dangerous? ?

Thinking of this, the two of them couldn't help but take two steps back, sweating coldly, and even ready to run away.

Who would be afraid!

And Xu Zhijian fumbled for a while and took out two wallets from his pocket.

He opened it and looked at the things in it, and it was exactly as expected.

He glanced at Jenny and Miller again, knowing what they were thinking at this moment.

But it doesn't matter, I can understand it.

Just to tease them.

He grinned evilly: "You two are right, now, I have completely become a murderer!"

"It's your turn next, hehehehe..."

Jenny and Miller's faces turned pale with fear and disbelief.

They were about to cry.

They hurriedly stepped back and begged: "No... please don't kill me, Xu, we are friends."

Xu Zhijian sneered and aimed his gun.

"NO--!!!" Miller collapsed on the ground and cried desperately.

Jenny was also dumbfounded, and couldn't believe that things would turn out like this.

She also closed her eyes and waited for death in despair.


Xu Zhijian laughed when he saw that it was almost done, and put the gun away.

Then he teased: "Do you really think I'm a pervert? It seems that my acting skills are really good."

Jenny and Miller slowly opened their eyes after hearing this, with a confused and dazed look on their faces.

WTF? !

What...what is going on here? ?

Xu Zhijian put away his smile and said seriously: "I was just teasing you just now, and the reason for killing him is very simple."

"This old guy is in the same group with those goblins!"

"You can even say that he is the one who feeds those monsters, understand?"

Jenny and Miller listened in a daze, their brains were a little confused.

Impossible? !

How can normal humans cooperate with monsters? This doesn't make sense.

Xu Zhijian didn't expect them to be detailed immediately, but he still explained the cause and effect in detail.

First of all, this old Bden is a character in "Dark Invasion 2".

Although the specific identity is not stated in the movie, it can still be inferred based on the plot.

His identity is a forest ranger.

At the beginning, he said that his grandfather had also entered the cave and never came out again.

So he knew very well what was in the cave.

It can even be said that those goblins are actually the result of the mutation of his grandfather and others?

So he had to act as a feeder and try his best to improve the food for the monsters.

As for whether it was out of family affection or forced.

The movie did not elaborate.

Of course, there is another possibility, that what Old B Deng said was all lies.

In fact, he was the first to discover the underground cave and the monster, and then the two sides reached some kind of agreement.

Then he not only fed the monster, but also deliberately tricked others into going in as takeout.

For example, the grandfather and others were most likely lured in by him!

And the reason?

I don't know.

There is no need to delve into it, because this is a conventional setting for horror movies.

There will always be a mysterious ending, which will allow the audience to discuss it on the one hand, and pave the way for the sequel on the other hand.

If the results are good, continue to shoot, and if they are not good, just stop.

Obviously, the second part was too much of a dog's tail, and both the box office and word of mouth failed.

Naturally, there is no third part.

And horror movies are originally niche, and few people have seen the first masterpiece, let alone the second one.

Therefore, this level can definitely kill a large number of players.

If the underground cave is a blatant massacre.

Then this Old B Deng is a silent and deadly one!

You thought you had passed the customs and got on the bus, but in fact you entered the countdown to death.

Xu Zhijian handed over the wallet after saying: "Look at this, and think about whether it would be on him under normal circumstances."

Jenny and Miller took it and looked at it, and they were immediately shocked.

There were some US dollars and a group photo in the wallet.

There were six people in total.

And the people on it were himself and Draven and the others!

This was taken by everyone with a Polaroid when they set out a few days ago, and then kept by Amanda.


Unless he threw it away on purpose and happened to be picked up by the old man, it would never be on him!

The two of them finally understood it, and they were shocked and relieved.

No matter why things were so weird, they finally knew that Xu did not become an evil monster, and that was enough.

Jenny couldn't help but complain: "You acted too realistically just now, almost scared us to death."

Miller also echoed: "That's right, damn it, you must treat me to a big meal when you return to the city."

"Haha, let's get in the car and talk later."

Xu Zhijian laughed and first lifted up the body of Old Bden, then dragged it into the woods and hid it.

Then he drove away in a flash.

On the road.

Jenny checked the map to find the nearest city, but after looking around, there was no town within a hundred kilometers.

She said with some worry: "What should we do? Do we have to go to Tennessee?"

Miller howled: "WTF?! I don't want to go now. I just want to go home quickly. It's too painful."

Jenny asked: "Xu, what do you think we should do now?"

Xu Zhijian said while driving: "Let's act separately. I will continue to Crystal Lake."

"You two drive to Tennessee later. Contact your family to pick you up first, and then call the police."

The two were stunned. Oh my God, we have to go to Crystal Lake? !

What is this for? ?

Jenny hurriedly asked: "Why? Can't we go back together? Why do we have to go to that place?"

Xu Zhijian said: "I have something very important to do. It has nothing to do with you. You don't need to know."

Jenny blurted out: "Then I'll go with you!"

He shook his head decisively: "No, I can handle it better by myself. You two go home honestly."

"Otherwise, you will be in danger again, and it will be too late to regret it then."

Jenny was still a little worried: "Let's go back together. If there is anything, we can talk about it later, okay?"

Xu Zhijian: "No, there is not so much free time. Just listen to my arrangements. Don't worry."

Jenny and Miller didn't know what to say for a while.

Now I feel very conflicted.

On the one hand, I am grateful for his help along the way and don't want to separate and put him in danger again.

On the other hand, I finally escaped successfully. Now I just want to go home and don't want to do anything else.

I will never take this kind of trip again in the future.

I drove in silence for more than ten minutes, getting closer and closer to the Crystal Lake Campground.

At the same time, an accident suddenly happened.

Thanks to Cha Guo, Ed Stafolk, finding a factory to screw screws, those who stay calm can't live, Yijian Ye Han, Guyu, Lei Gong the ancient physician, the invincible Tyrannosaurus God, book friend 2903, and book friend 0240 for their monthly tickets.

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