People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 106 Survival Day 106: Rushing to Send

Xu Zhijian opened the leaderboard while thinking and took a look. It was still the code 111 who ranked first.

The current season points are 600.

And as expected, many players died tragically.

Even including high scorers of 450+.

These are the ones who have not watched "Dark Raid 2" and do not know the true identity of Lao B Deng.

As a result, he was capsized in the gutter.

What a pity.

Then he opened his personal information and checked his current assets.

"Personal Information"

"Player Code: 520"

"Current Ranking: 51"

"Current Points: 510"

"Hold 1000 hidden season points, which will be settled at the end"

"Current Armament: Unlimited Ammunition Pistol"

"Hold 1000 hidden season points, get 510 points, and choose to unlock props/abilities - 1/3"

Very good.

The remaining two can be chosen according to the situation.

Jenny and Miller quickly came out after washing, and he also took out clean clothes to wash one comfortably.

As I was wiping my hair and returning to the hall, I suddenly heard a conversation outside.

"Wow~~~~ It's so beautiful."


"We chose the right place this time. Crystal Lake Campground is really good."

There were both male and female voices.

Xu Zhijian and Jenny Miller looked at each other in surprise, and then immediately went out to check.

I saw five young people walking quickly from a distance.

2 women and 3 men, carrying travel backpacks.

Judging from their age, they should be college students.

The other party didn't expect that there would be someone in the cabin, so they stopped talking and stood still.

Both sides began to look at each other.

Xu Zhijian observed and laughed secretly, wow, look at this configuration.

It's still a standard horror movie suicide group.

And they all look familiar, but not very familiar.

This is normal.

After all, there are 12 "Friday the 13th", and each one is a new protagonist group.

At least dozens of characters in total.

There are too many, it's impossible to remember them all clearly.

If it was still a character from the first part or the early part, then they would have forgotten it completely.

But it doesn't matter, most of them are cannon fodder anyway.

Jenny and Miller had similar thoughts, and they couldn't help but feel happy. The more people, the better.

Only in this way can they feel safe.

After looking at each other for a while, the other party came over to say hello first.

The man with brown curly hair smiled and said, "Hi, hello, I didn't expect someone to be here."

Xu Zhijian also nodded friendly: "Hello, we have just arrived for about half an hour."

"Is that so."

The curly-haired man suddenly realized and looked at his companions: "It seems that we are a step late, should we change places, or...?"

The man with the left eye said: "No need to change, it will be more lively with more people, what do you think, buddy?"

The man on the right is taller, wearing a baseball jacket, and has yellow hair that is neither long nor short.

The standard image of an American school bully.

He also nodded: "Yes, such a big cabin is enough for us to live in, let's live here."

"Okay, I have no objection."

"No objection."

The other two women also agreed.

For them, it doesn't matter if there are many or few people, each of them is a community leader.

The main thing is to be able to play in Crystal Lake.

"OK." The curly-haired man extended his hand in a friendly manner: "Since we are destined to meet, let's play together, how about it?"

Xu Zhijian shook hands with him: "Of course no problem, very happy to meet you."

After a brief exchange, everyone walked into the cabin to choose a room.

There are a total of five rooms here.

Each room has two bunk beds, which can accommodate at least four people.

It can be perfectly allocated.

Xu Zhijian has one room.

Jenny and Miller have one room.

Curly and one of the girls have one room.

The school bully and the other girl have one room.

Eyes has a room alone, because he is the only single.

After choosing a room and putting down the things, everyone came to the hall to open a few bottles of beer and chat while drinking.

Get to know each other first.

Just as Xu Zhijian had deduced, they were also college students who came here to play during their vacation.

The curly-haired guy was called Richie.

His girlfriend had long brown hair and beautiful features, and her name was Whitney.

The school bully was called Mike, and his girlfriend was a blonde, Gina.

The eyed guy was called Wade.

Xu Zhijian took a sip of beer: "So, why did you think of coming to Crystal Lake for a vacation?"

Wade replied: "Because I heard that this place is very beautiful, and now it seems to be really good. What about you?"

He laughed: "Same, just passing by and came to see it, play for two days."

Mike hugged Gina and teased: "Dude, you are really amazing, you have two girlfriends to accompany you, haha."

While talking, he looked at Jenny and Miller from time to time, with ill eyes.

The two of them immediately felt disgusted when they saw this.

Xu Zhijian was too lazy to answer this question and pretended not to hear it.

After chatting for a while, everyone walked out of the cabin and started the first entertainment activity: swimming.

He was not interested and directly declined.

Jenny and Miller wanted to play in the water, but when they thought of Mike's behavior, they decided not to.

They just used the excuse that they couldn't swim to avoid it.

The five-member team didn't force it, but went back to the room to change into swimsuits, and then started to have fun.

Xu Zhijian sat on the shore and watched silently.

Thinking that the two girls have great bodies, curvy and white.

It's a good feast for the eyes.

Jenny, who was standing next to him, saw this and deliberately teased: "Xu, be careful, you'll get beaten up easily with that look."

Miller also echoed in a sarcasm: "Oh~~BOY!"

This means "See, all men are the same."

Xu Zhijian said with reason: "Wrong, this is a righteous look, I'm avenging you just now."


The two of them laughed happily.

They chatted happily on the shore, and Wade and the others were having a lot of fun, and the laughter echoed on the Crystal Lake.

After a while, Mike and Gina hugged and kissed passionately.

If there was no one around, they would definitely go further.

Xu Zhijian was so happy when he saw it.

Good, good.

It's really a disco on the grave.

When Jason is resurrected, it would be unworthy of his title as the anti-pornography captain if he doesn't kill you first.

He started to make bets in his mind while thinking.

Guess who died first and last in the group of five.

Was it wiped out?

Or was there someone sensible enough to listen to him and save his life, etc.

Time passed while playing, and before I knew it, it was eight o'clock in the evening.

Night fell.

Crystal Lake changed from the sparkling and picturesque scenery during the day to a dark and terrifying place.

Everyone sat around the shore and lit a bonfire, eating and chatting.

Wade suggested: "I heard there is an abandoned camp here. Are you interested in looking for it together?"

Richie thought for a while: "Are you talking about the earliest one? It seems to have been built in the 1980s."

He nodded to indicate that it was correct.

Mike took a sip of wine: "Really? Is there a treasure hidden in there like in the movies?"

Gina laughed: "What are you thinking? How is that possible?"

Wade showed a sly smile: "Hehehe... There is no treasure, but there may be something more terrible."

Whitney asked subconsciously: "What terrible thing?"

He glanced at everyone: "Of course it's a monster, such as the legendary killer Jason."

"Damn it, shut your stinky mouth."

"You are such a spoilsport."

Everyone rolled their eyes at him and gave him the middle finger in disgust.

And Xu Zhijian wanted to laugh even more after hearing this.

From their reactions, it turns out that they all know the legend of Crystal Lake?

Ah this...

Is it true that there is a way to heaven but you don't take it, and there is no door to hell but you break in?

You rush to give yourself a head.

Okay, okay.

I must give a thumbs up to show my respect.


Just got up and saw that the leader of the Cen Guang helm has supported another leader!

Chicken frozen!!!

I was already getting more and more upset because of the poor subscription, but now I am really excited.

I won’t say anything more, I will continue the explosive update mode tomorrow, code till death!

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