People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 118 Survival Day 118: Loss or Profit

Ah, this…………

Xu Zhijian felt a little speechless. In this case, did he make a profit or a loss?

If he made a profit, he solved the current dilemma and got season points.

If he lost money, it would be troublesome if he ran into them in the subsequent dungeons. Oh, by the way, it was Jason who had been upgraded!

Just thinking about it made me feel sour.

Forget it.

I'll talk about the rest later. Maybe by then I'll be able to beat them.

And it's not certain that I will run into them.

Maybe other lucky people will enter that dungeon and receive double surprises.

If I think about it this way, it's pure profit.

Thinking about it, he waved and shouted, "It's safe, come over!"

Jenny ran over first.

Then Miller.

Richie ran to Whitney and comforted her for a few words, and then the two of them went over together.

They looked at Xu Zhijian in shock and amazement, with puzzled questions in their eyes.

How did the monster suddenly disappear? !

This... is incredible!

Although Jenny and Miller already knew that he was very powerful, they didn't expect him to be so exaggerated and hidden.

Xu Zhijian knew what they were thinking and didn't plan to explain.

Because it was too troublesome.

So he said decisively: "There are some things I can't say directly, and you don't ask too much, everyone keep tacit understanding."

"Just know that everything is over, let's go, leave here quickly!"

Everyone looked at each other and understood.

Although the Americans don't have the saying "don't look at it or listen to it", there are also proverbs with the same meaning.

If you still talk too much when you are not allowed to ask, it's just asking for trouble.

Anyway, it's safe, what's more important than surviving.

Whitney hugged Richie and cried with joy.

Jenny and Miller helped Xu Zhijian up, gave them a few seconds to hug, and then set off.

Richie asked at this time: "By the way, what about Mike and Gina's bodies?"

When they came to the cabin just now, they had already seen them, but they didn't have time to deal with them.

Xu Zhijian said, "Don't worry about it, just let the police handle it, let's go."

Everyone left quickly.

After walking for a while, he suddenly asked, "Did you drive here?"

Rich nodded quickly, "Yes, but the car can't drive into the camp, it's parked three kilometers away."

"It's okay, as long as there is a car."

Soon back to the campsite, Richie and Whitney went in and took away the backpack they were carrying.

At the same time, they found the car keys from Mike's clothes.

When they came to Wade's body and picked up the backpack and took a look, they realized what he was doing.

It turned out to be looking for leaves.


Everyone left Crystal Lake Camp without stopping, supporting each other successfully.

"Clear Crystal Lake, get 20 season points"

Xu Zhijian judged the direction and found that they were in the opposite direction of what he came from.

Rich asked at this time, "Where are you going?"

He replied, "Tennessee, can you take me there?"

"Of course, even if I can't go home, I will take you there, get in the car."

Everyone got in the car one after another.

This is a big SUV, and it is no problem to seat five people.

Xu Zhijian sat in the back seat with his eyes closed and kept silent. Now without the stimulation of adrenaline, he felt tired and painful.

The arm that was kicked before was no longer strong.

He just wanted to rest and didn't want to say a word.

The other four people felt the same way, leaning on the seats in a trance.

Doubt, shock, fear.

Mixed feelings in their hearts.

No one dared to believe that they would encounter all kinds of weird experiences, and their companions died tragically in front of them.

At the same time, they were glad that no matter what, they succeeded in surviving!

Thank God.

Even more thanks to this mysterious Xu!

They drove in silence for more than an hour and finally reached the nearest town in Tennessee.

It was already six o'clock in the morning and the sky was bright.

The night of terror was over.

And the two sides had to separate.

Because Richie and Whitney lived in the neighboring state of Mississippi, they were not on the way.

The five people hugged each other and said goodbye.

Before leaving, Xu Zhijian reminded again: "Remember, only tell the police what happened, don't mention me."

"This is the best way for you, understand?"

Rich nodded: "Don't worry, I swear to God, I will never say anything I shouldn't say!"

Whitney echoed: "Yes, if we breach the contract, we will go to hell."

They are not fools, they understand the interests.

This mysterious man has the ability to make monsters disappear out of thin air, so he is definitely not human.

It takes only a few minutes to kill me.

You are so bored to go against him.

"GOOD, see you again in the future, bye."


Watching Richie drive away, Xu Zhijian took Jenny and Miller to the nearest hospital for examination.

Only then did he see that the whole arm was bruised and purple and swollen.

It hurts to touch it.

Luckily, the bone only cracked a few marks, not broken.

Just recuperate for a while.

Coming out of the hospital, Xu Zhijian said, "You two should contact your families as soon as possible to deal with the death of your companion."

"I have some important personal matters to attend to, so let's say goodbye here."

It is already the fifth day of the season, and it is unknown what will happen next.

But according to conventional reasoning, it will definitely become more and more difficult.

One arm was injured and inconvenient to move.

So he didn't want to take the two people on an adventure again, because he couldn't keep them safe and was a burden.

Although Jenny and Miller were reluctant, they really didn't dare and didn't want to experience anything again.

They couldn't bear it either physically or mentally.

It was the best choice to tell the police what happened first and then contact him to meet up.

So they took out their mobile phones and contacted their families and confirmed to return in the afternoon.

It was still early and they were exhausted. The three of them found a motel and opened two rooms to rest.

After a whole night of tossing and turning, they were covered with dirt and sweat.

The first thing they chose to do was to take a shower.

Half an hour later.

Xu Zhijian walked out of the bathroom while wiping his head. Just as he put on his sweatpants, Jenny and Miller knocked on the door.

They also changed into clean clothes, and their hair was still a little wet.

Because they had just washed, their cheeks were still slightly red, very smelly.

He was holding a bottle of red wine in his hand.

He smiled and asked, "Where did you get this? Did you just buy it?"

Jenny shook her head and said, "No, I've been keeping it in my backpack. I was planning to drink it to celebrate when I travel."

"Unfortunately, I forgot about it after what happened."

He nodded to show that he understood.

Miller took it and opened the cork of the red wine, poured three glasses and gave them to the two of them.

"Come on, let's have a drink first!"


The three of them drank it all at the same time, and then Miller continued to fill them up.

After finally escaping from the dead and being safe, and just taking a shower to relax physically and mentally, they had to celebrate.

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