People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 12 Survival Day 012: Reverse the time of taboo

"Householder: Xu Zhijian"

"Block: No. 666"

"Rank: Black Iron (100/3000)"

"Ranking: 10659+"

"This asymmetrical battle royale world: "The Time of Taboo""

"Pass rate: 45%"

"Mortality rate: 55%"

"Average rating: C+"

"Main mission: Assist the heroine Quinn to survive when she successfully escapes from death, and will be rewarded with 100 redemption points."

"Side mission 1: Kill or repel the demon, reward 1,000 redemption points"

"Start entering the dungeon world"

"Sir, are you okay?"

As soon as he entered the world, his vision had not yet recovered, Xu Zhijian was the first to smell a pleasant fragrance.

And a caring female voice close to my ear.

He hurriedly opened his eyes and found that he was sitting in an elevator.

And there was a woman standing next to him.

He is in his twenties, wearing a green jacket, blue jeans, golden brown hair tied in a ponytail, and pretty features.

At this time, she was lowering her head slightly and looking at herself curiously.

Xu Zhijian is very familiar with this face. Isn't it the heroine of "The Last Day", Quinn Harris?

Just met like this?

Let me think...what time period should it be now.

Seeing his dull look, Quinn couldn't help but ask: "Sir, are you okay? Do you want to call a doctor?"

He recovered and stood up, and asked deliberately: "Thank you, no need, what happened to me just now??"

While stalling for time, he quickly recalled the plot.

Elevator meeting... got it!

This is about twenty minutes into the movie.

The place where she is now is Dong Hospital, and she is a nurse here.

It's time to get off work now.

Just two minutes ago, driven by curiosity, she clicked on the link shared by her friend.

Downloaded that deathware.

Oh ho, it’s over.jpg.

The time card is really good. I don’t believe that the Lord God didn’t mean it.

Quinn replied: "You fainted when you got on the elevator just now. Maybe your illness is not cured yet. It's best to get checked again."

"I understand." Xu Zhijian asked hurriedly: "Have you downloaded the software?"

She frowned slightly when she heard this, wondering what the strange man in front of her meant.


I don’t know him well, so why do I suddenly ask this kind of question that only acquaintances would ask? ?

Also, what is the software you are talking about?

Hmm...could it be a mental illness?

Xu Zhijian understood what she was thinking and explained: "We really don't know each other. No, it should be said that I know you unilaterally."

"Can you answer my questions first, and then we can have a nice chat?"

"I'm talking about the software that can predict lifespan. I forgot the specific name."

"When the Taboo" is a domestic translation.

He really couldn't remember the specific English name.

After hearing his explanation, Quinn felt even more confused.

Although I am a nurse here, some patients do know themselves one-sidedly.

But why would he ask such a strange thing?

The most important thing is that I did download the software just now, but this is personal privacy.

How did he know? ! !

Quinn's thoughts were racing, and she subconsciously took a step back.

The situation is really weird.

Xu Zhijian was not in a hurry: "If you want to know the truth, just answer it directly."

She thought about it, but finally couldn't hold back her curiosity.

So he nodded: "Yes, I just downloaded COUNTDOWN, so why do you know?"

Sure enough, it was still a step too late.

Xu Zhijian said: "The software shows that you have about three days left to live, right?"

I don’t remember exactly how many hours or minutes are left in the movie.

But the number of days is certainly correct.

Quinn's eyes couldn't help but twitch, not only curious but also shocked.


If he can know that he downloaded the software, he can also understand that it is a group sharing link.

But why do we still know the specific data? ! !


Could it be that this guy is the developer of that software? ?

Xu Zhijian added more energy: "That countdown is true, you only have three days to live."

"And the way you died was a car accident when you and your family were visiting your deceased mother over the weekend."

Quinn was so shocked that the CPU completely crashed.

At the same time a feeling of fear arose.

Now I just want to escape from this elevator quickly, and then go to the police to report that someone is following me and monitoring me!

This kind of thinking is so normal and understandable.

No one can be calm and indifferent when facing a stranger who knows their privacy.

You will definitely suspect that the other party has bad intentions.

damn it!

Why hasn’t the elevator arrived yet? Hurry up!

Xu Zhijian smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't harm you, but I'm thinking of ways to save you."

"So, how about we sit down at a coffee shop and have a good chat?"


At this time the elevator reached the first floor.

Quinn looked at the door that slowly opened, and then at him.

five minutes later.

There is a cafe fifty meters away from the hospital, by the window.

The two sat facing each other, each holding a cup of steaming drink.

Quinn didn't know how she agreed to the invitation, and now she just wanted to know who the other party was.

Why do you know such private things!

She said anxiously and seriously: "Tell me the truth, who are you and what do you want to do?"

Xu Zhijian had prepared his words long ago.

He took a sip of coffee: "I am a theological fortune teller. I have been ill recently and have been hospitalized in your hospital."

"One time I wanted to go to the bathroom, but I almost fell while walking. You happened to pass by and helped me go."

"So I was very impressed with you and remembered your name."

"Today I heard other nurses say that you downloaded the software together during your lunch break to check your life span."

"I calculated that you must have been curious and downloaded it, so I wanted to find you to stop it."

"I don't want a kind and work-loving person to die because of this."

"Alas, it's a pity that I was still a few minutes late."

Quinn listened silently, blinking his eyes.

I felt that I finally understood what was going on, but it also felt very nonsense.

As a nurse, she came into contact with too many patients every day, and she didn't remember helping them at all.

So she didn't know whether this identity was true or not.

But fortune teller?

Oh my God.

It's 2024, how could anyone still believe this.

But he actually knows my private affairs, this... this is very mysterious.

Also, the next software will die, which is even more speechless.

How is it possible!

No matter how you explain it, it doesn't make sense, no one believes it at all.

She smiled awkwardly: "Thank you very much for your kindness, sir, but..."

She was interrupted before she finished speaking.

Xu Zhijian said: "I know what you want to say, now do two things, you will naturally believe it is true."

"1: You can try to uninstall the software, you will definitely not be able to uninstall it anyway."

Quinn was stunned for a moment, then took out his mobile phone and started the experiment as he said.


There is really this software in the Apple Store, if you are interested, you can download it and have a look.

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