People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 126 Survival Day 126: The scene is a bit confusing

Xu Zhijian deliberately winked at him and smiled.

Lance understood immediately.

Although he didn't know how and when the actor was brought in, it didn't matter.

What he had to do now was to quickly come up with some exciting scenes to attract the audience.

So he whispered: "OK, it looks fine now, now we have to get closer to each other!"

"What kind of result will we see? Everyone can guess for themselves."

Lance adjusted his mentality and walked carefully in front, with Houston and Sasha following beside him.

TC was behind with a video recorder.

Xu Zhijian didn't move, standing at the stairs and watching with interest.

At the same time, he silently wrapped the Holy Light Cross around his right hand, ready to take action at any time.

Six meters.

Four meters.

Two meters.

They stopped in time and didn't dare to get closer.

And the weird woman still had her back to him, swaying, without any reaction.

Lance asked tentatively: "Hey... Excuse me, who are you? Why are you here?"

The other party was unmoved.

He glanced at Houston and Sasha and continued to ask: "Hello? Can you speak?"

"Can you answer? We are members of the Cemetery Encounter Program Team, and we are..."

Before she finished her words, the woman finally turned her head slowly.

Her true face was revealed.

In the flashlight, a... extremely hideous and twisted face appeared!

There were only whites in the two eyes, and the mouth was split up and down to an exaggerated degree that humans could not do!

More details could not be seen clearly, because Lance and the others were immediately scared to death.

"FUCK!! WTF——!"

"Shit! What the hell is this? !!"



The four of them screamed in fear, their brains went blank, and they immediately turned around and ran away in fear.

TC even threw the video recorder directly.

Ghost... It turned out to be a real ghost! !


The four of them ran to the stairs like the wind, and then rolled and crawled down.

Completely ignoring Xu Zhijian who had been watching the excitement.

He looked at it calmly and thought of an idiom: Ye Gong likes dragons.

It is most appropriate to use it at this time.

But it is understandable.

This is a real ghost, the kind that wants to kill people. Anyone who encounters it will be afraid.

Pretending is not as important as life.


The female ghost rushed in front of him in a blink of an eye, her hideous and terrifying face was close at hand, wanting to eat him.

Xu Zhijian instinctively took a step back, and then used his right hand wrapped around the cross to directly hit him.


The female ghost was caught off guard, her body shook, and she opened her huge mouth and was stunned for a moment.

? ? ? ?

It really didn't expect the other party to dare to fight back. Did it know how much psychological damage a big fight would cause to a female ghost?

And in terms of magic.

The cheek was burned by the cross and black smoke came out.


It came to its senses and immediately dodged, covering its face with pain and roaring, and then pounced again.

Faster and more fierce.


This time, Xu Zhijian couldn't dodge in time, and was grabbed by the cold and powerful hands.


He only felt the icy cold and took a deep breath, and then used his right hand to tightly grab the other's neck.

One person and one ghost were pinching each other like this.

This scene is a bit funny.

Hiss... Hiss... Hiss...

Fortunately, Xu Zhijian was more skilled, and the cross continued to cause irresistible damage to the female ghost.

It made a sound similar to electric shock.

In less than two seconds, the pain was unbearable, and she let go of her hands uncontrollably, and her body twisted wildly.

Then her body was turned into ashes bit by bit.

"Kill the first evil spirit and reward 50 season points"

"Cough cough cough...!"

Xu Zhijian rubbed his neck and coughed a few times. It was so cold and painful! If it was a few seconds later, it would be miserable.

I remember that this female ghost in the movie was not powerful at all, at least that's what the commentary plot was.

She just scared Lance and the others, and then disappeared.

Oh, right.

First of all, reality and movies are not exactly the same.

Then according to the normal time, it is now the fifth day, and all monsters have +50% ability.

Even those who were weak or would not attack actively before have the ability now.

Naturally, they will fight.

If an ordinary little evil spirit is like this, how strong will the boss behind the scenes be?

Tsk, it feels difficult to deal with.

Xu Zhijian thought while turning to go downstairs, but suddenly found that the staircase was gone? !

Instead, it became a wall.

His heart sank suddenly, and he stretched out his hand and pushed hard.

It was very solid, obviously not an illusion.


It seems that it has begun to change silently!

This is good, it is exactly the expected result, it will appear earlier and solve it earlier to avoid more trouble.

If it continues, he will starve to death because of the time disorder even if he can't beat the ghost.

He took out his pistol, holding a cold weapon in one hand and a magic exorcist + flashlight in the other.

He walked carefully to the depths of the passage.

At the same time

Lance and the others also fled back to the hall in a panic, but found that Matt was missing.

"Matt? Where is Matt?!"

"Could he have been killed by a ghost..."

"Damn it! Get out of this place quickly, quickly!"

They didn't bother to look for it, and even left their backpacks and equipment behind. They ran to the gate and banged it wildly.



The huge banging sound echoed in the hall, but how could it be opened?

Sasha cried: "What should I do... What should I do?"

Lance subconsciously began to look for tools. After searching for a while, he suddenly remembered that he had the key with him.

He was so scared that he forgot about it.

So he ran out quickly and poked it several times with trembling hands before it opened.

However, when they pushed the door of the hospital open excitedly, the four of them froze in place, their eyes wide open and completely dumbfounded.

They were shocked, confused, and couldn't believe it.

Their scalps were numb and they were covered in cold sweat.

Because what they saw was not the outdoors as expected, but... a dark and deep passage!

And it was so familiar.

Isn't this... that underground tunnel? !

The four of them stared blankly, not believing their eyes at all, and their lips kept shaking.

The outside of the gate should be outdoors!


Why did it become a tunnel? ? !

After being stunned for a long time, they came back to their senses with a start, and looked at each other in shock and despair.

Nothing to say.

Only absolute fear remained.

I thought this so-called haunted hospital was just a fake gimmick like other places.

Unexpectedly, it was real.

And it was a hundred times more terrifying than imagined!

What should I do now? ?

At this time, Lance suddenly thought of Xu Zhijian, and remembered that he had said that there was a ghost here.

How did that guy know? ?

Did he come here before and escaped without injury?

It must be like this.

Although I don’t know how he got out, I can only count on him now.

Lance wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "Hurry... Go find Xu! He should be able to save us out!"

I went home from the Internet cafe in the middle of the night and met an old man yelling in the community.

After listening for a while, I understood that he was cheated by a bitch.

And those two showed their affection in front of him before, damn, it’s a good way to die.

I couldn't help but think of the previous cuckold article, and I checked it again. Wow, the average subscription is over 1500.

This... I'm so broken.

Then I comforted the guy and told him to think more positively. The bitch deserves the dog. You are playing with the man's partner, so you are not losing out.

He thought what I said might make sense, and cursed for a while, chatted for a while and left.

Mainly because it was too late, the two people didn't dare to show up.

It lasted for about half an hour, and many people watched the fun on the balcony.

I guess there will be more to come later, but I personally support it.


Two men who broke down because of different things T.T.

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