People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 134 Survival Day 134: Is there such a thing?

The door slowly opened automatically.

Then, Xu Zhijian saw a strange and terrifying scene.

There was another operating room behind the door.

But a male doctor appeared and two nurses were operating on a patient!

The huge operating light emitted a green light, which made people panic.

Take a closer look at the so-called patient.

It turned out to be Lance!

He lay flat on the operating table, and a big hole had been opened in his entire chest.

It was as if an alien had drilled out from inside.

And his skull was also cut open, revealing the brain structure, with a soft plastic tube inserted.

The brain was being sucked away bit by bit.

The death was cruel, and it was already cold!

The two nurses slowly turned their heads to look at Xu Zhijian, their eyes glowing.

Although wearing a mask, it can still be seen from the hair and the burly figure that it is a female ghost.

In the past, most of the nurses recruited by Collingwood Hospital were male nurses, who were tall and strong and had strong martial arts.

Unexpectedly, even women are so domineering.

That strong man weighed at least 20 pounds more than him.

Of course, they had already become evil spirits, and they didn't rely on such things to compare their strength.

They exuded a strong yin energy, silently looking at Xu Zhijian, and didn't take action directly.

It seemed to be waiting for orders.

And the male doctor was still calmly tossing Lance, without any reaction, without even raising his head.

It must be the legendary Dean Colin!

I don't remember what his full name is.

If the enemy doesn't move, Xu Zhijian can't take the initiative.

You can't throw the cross over.

And those evil spirits didn't rush over, obviously they were still a little afraid of each other.

After a stalemate for a moment, Colin finally stopped and slowly raised his head.

But you can see that it is about fifty years old, bald, and wearing glasses.

At this time, the two eyes were glowing green, brighter than any other ghost.

It took off the bloody gloves and threw them away, staring at Xu Zhijian and the other evil spirits.

And Xu Zhijian suddenly felt that their breath became wrong.

They retreated a little, and their ferocious expressions showed more fear.

He didn't know whether Colin spoke or not, or whether he spoke in ghost language but he couldn't hear it.

In either case, it showed that the patient ghosts were very afraid of the dean.

He hurriedly encouraged: "Don't be afraid, hold on! If you admit defeat now, you will never be able to turn over again."

"This is the only chance, do you understand!"

The evil ghosts did not express their opinions, but they could feel that they were also thinking and hesitating.

Insist on resisting?

The gap in ability is too big, and they will be destroyed in minutes.

Not resisting?

Just as he said, this is the only chance, and if you miss it, you will struggle in hell forever.

While he was hesitating, two nurses suddenly appeared beside Colin.

The four of them acted directly with ferocity!

At the same time, they rushed to the nearest evil ghost and pulled it down.

Then they decapitated it with a sharp scalpel and cut it in the middle!

The whole process was very fast and was completed in a few seconds.

The evil ghost had no time to dodge or resist.

This also proves that the gap in strength between the two sides is indeed huge. As subordinates, they are so fierce.

How powerful must this BOSS be? ?

"Don't be afraid! As long as we attack together, we can definitely kill him!"

Xu Zhijian shouted a reminder, and at the same time quickly jumped away, took out the salt he had sprinkled before and threw it over.

Because the four nurses rushed towards him.


The salt grains hit the evil ghost in the front, causing a burst of sparks and black smoke.

However, it was not fatal.

On the one hand, the opponent was powerful, and on the other hand, there was too little salt.

He blocked the cross in front of his chest, looking for a good opportunity to hit the opponent with a punch and kill him with one blow.

The nurse ghost immediately stopped attacking and stood two meters away.

It was obviously afraid of the power of this artifact.

After all, it was at the intermediate level at best, and it was completely restrained.

At the same time, another nurse evil ghost appeared behind him silently in an instant.

Then his right hand strangely turned into a scalpel-like shape, extremely sharp.

Stabbed down quickly at the neck!


There was a sound similar to the collision of steel.

Then the right arm of the nurse ghost's scalpel twisted N degrees in a strange and incredible way.

It pierced his neck completely!

Xu Zhijian was unharmed. After hearing the sound, he turned his head and saw this scene.

The nurse ghost fell to the ground with a bang, and his head and neck were separated.

He killed himself.

Colin and other ghosts were stunned when they saw this. No one could have imagined that such a thing would happen.

No one could have imagined what was going on?

Especially the patient ghosts, who were hesitant and worried at first, but their emotions changed after seeing this scene.

If they could talk, they would definitely say: WTF? !

There is such an operation? ?

Xu Zhijian was also stunned, but he realized the truth in an instant.

It was the "rebound stance" that worked!

There is a 10% chance to rebound any attack of the evil spirit to the other party, causing the same damage.

It seems that he is really possessed by the emperor of Europe, and his luck is quite good.

A good start!

Because of this strange situation, the other three nurse ghosts did not dare to act rashly.

Xu Zhijian seized the opportunity and said, "Why are you still standing there? Kill these three things together!"

"Now you understand how strong I am, what's there to be afraid of!"

The patient ghosts who were still hesitant finally began to move, and then one of them rushed over first.

Then the second, third, fourth, and so on.

In a moment, they all started.

The three nurse ghosts were not afraid and immediately fought back, killing the two patients who rushed over first.

However, there are more people, and more ghosts.

The rest of the patient ghosts swarmed in, threw them to the ground, and bit and hunted them madly.

Some bit their arms, some bit their legs, and some gnawed their faces.

Others used their claws to grab their eye sockets. Throat, heart and other places.

And smashed their skulls and dug out their brains.

Anyway, what kind of cruel experiments they had suffered in their lives, now they are returning the same way.

The three nurse ghosts struggled painfully and twisted for a moment, and turned into a pool of mud and ashes.

Xu Zhijian found that Colin was gone at this time.

It probably ran away.

He hurriedly asked: "Oh no, the dean is missing, who can sense where he went?!"

The excited ghosts heard and took a look, and it was true.

But don't worry.

We are all ghosts, with the same breath and position, and we can find the whereabouts.

So they just searched for a short while and immediately found the traces.

The ghosts flew out of the room with a roar and led the way.

Xu Zhijian also hurriedly followed behind, thinking that this time it was completely stable.

From the performance, Colin is powerful, but he should not be able to do 1VN, so he had to run away.

This time, as long as he is caught, there is no need to remind himself, these ghosts who have tasted the sweetness will take the initiative to attack!

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