People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 138: Survival Day 138: One for All

Xu Zhijian couldn't help but think of his previous experience in the cave, which was vivid in his mind.

Especially the narrow passage. Thinking back now, it was claustrophobic.

He didn't want to experience that suffocating environment again.

Thinking about it, he took out a pair of plastic gloves and a professional gas mask and put them on.

Then he poured out a large bag of raw meat wrapped in plastic wrap from his bag.

About 30 pounds.

Each piece of meat was the size of a palm, and some of them were specially hung with small bells.

Then he started throwing it into the cave.


The bags of meat fell with a crisp sound, from large to small, until they could not be heard.

He controlled the rhythm and threw it once every 30 seconds, and finally threw it all down with his backpack.

Then he left leisurely.

When he returned, he went to the mountain ogre's wooden house to take a look, and their bodies were gone.

There were also Draven's remains.

I don't know if he was eaten by the goblins or taken away by the police.

We arrived at the Bear Mountain Forest smoothly and drove on.

We had just walked for less than five minutes when we received the expected prompt.

"Kill the predator and get 10 season points."

Xu Zhijian smiled with a plan.

The raw meat had been soaked in a well-known toxic substance in advance.

Sodium cyanide.

An inorganic compound with a cubic crystal system and a chemical formula of NaCN.

It is easily soluble in water, has a faint smell of bitter almonds, and is highly toxic.

Contact with skin wounds, inhalation, and swallowing trace amounts can cause poisoning and death.

It often appears in detective novels and comics.

Originally, Xu Zhijian wanted to lure the goblins out, block the entrance of the cave and kill them one by one with a gun.

But then he thought it was really time-consuming and laborious.

And those monsters are not stupid, they will not line up to die one by one.

But it is different to lure them with food.

They are completely unable to resist, and they don’t know if there is poison.

Just eat it and it’s done.

It’s just what he wanted!

"Kill the predator and get 10 season points"

"Kill the predator and get 10 season points"

"Kill the predator and get 10 season points"

Just thinking about it, several more messages came.

It doesn't matter how many you can kill in the end, one counts, anyway, you can just lie down and get points.

After driving for a distance, suddenly received a different prompt.

"Found airdrop, distance and direction: 547 meters"


Xu Zhijian's eyes lit up immediately, and he didn't expect to encounter an unexpected surprise.

There are actually airdrops nearby.

So he quickly slowed down and followed the prompts, and finally stopped by the side when there were about 200 meters left.

Then he went into the woods again to look for it.

After a while, he found it smoothly, and the supplies were quietly lying in a patch of weeds.

Pick it up and open it.

"Exchange point: 620"

"Open the airdrop supplies and get 10 season points"

Xu Zhijian couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. There was only one item, how could it be worse than the first one.

But it's normal to think about it.

Ninety percent of the dead players were rookies, and they certainly didn't have any decent assets.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have been eliminated.

Those who ranked high not only had strong abilities, but also had more equipment, so they wouldn't die easily.

Even if they had, they had to be lucky to pick them up.

Anyway, they got them for free, so why would they want a bicycle? Even if they only exchanged for 1 point, they wouldn't mind.

They set off again happily.

There were no more problems on the rest of the journey, and they finally arrived at the agreed town around 11:30.

At this time, they got 280 points from the goblin.

Not bad.

This was only a few hours of battle reports, and they could only wait and see how much more there would be in the future.

He parked the car and sat outside a restaurant and waited patiently.

At the same time, he searched for the latest news.

The events of Bear Mountain Forest and Crystal Lake had been reported many times, but they only said that a homicide had occurred.

The truth was not specifically stated.

On the one hand, it can be proved that Jenny and the others did not reveal his existence, and on the other hand, the police deliberately concealed it.

It is understandable that Crystal Lake was called a homicide case, and the camping site that had just opened for a few years was blocked again.

After all, Jason was teleported away, and this monster is "non-existent".

But the body of the mountain ogre is missing. If the police took it away, the truth can be inferred.

Now it is not announced to the public, which must be concealed.

This is a correct choice.

If it is revealed that there are deformed ogres in the world, let alone how many people will believe it.

Those Internet celebrities and self-media who want to be famous will definitely flock to it, causing more trouble.


Just like this, I was browsing the news while waiting.

At 11:50, Jenny and Miller, who had not seen each other for a long time, finally drove to it.

The two of them looked around carefully first, and soon found Xu Zhijian sitting on the street.

"Hi, Xu!"


The two of them greeted and walked quickly.

Xu Zhijian put away his mobile phone when he heard the voice, stood up with a smile and walked over.

After meeting, the three of them gave each other a big hug.

Miller joked: "I couldn't get in touch with you for such a long time, I thought you disappeared like Jason."

He echoed the joke: "It seems that you hate me and don't want to see me again, tut tut, bad woman."

"Of course, you know it now, hahaha~~"

"You're so good at disguising yourself. I should have sent you away at that time."

"No, no, no, you must be reluctant to leave."

The two sides chatted and laughed for a few sentences, and soon opened up the atmosphere.

It was noon when they arrived at the restaurant.

They walked into the restaurant, ordered food, and then happily ate and talked.

After being apart for more than ten days, they found that they seemed to be more beautiful than before.

Miller asked in a low voice curiously: "What did you do before? Can you tell me?"

"I really want to know, please~"

Jenny didn't say anything, but her big eyes were also curious.

Xu Zhijian smiled slightly: "Of course not, this is a secret, guess slowly, haha."

In fact, he couldn't think of a good excuse, so he simply didn't say it.

Miller rolled his eyes depressedly: "Damn it, forget it."

Although they both wanted to know the truth, they knew better what to ask and what not to ask.

They had experienced so many weird and terrible things together before, and they knew that he was not an ordinary person.

Since they don't want to talk, don't say anything more.

It's good for both parties.

Xu Zhijian asked, "What about you? Besides being busy with the funeral, what else did you encounter?"

Jenny shook her head, "No, I've been following the police to take notes and then go to the scene to investigate."

"No time, no extra energy or thoughts."

"Alas, seeing Ike's parents sad, I almost felt depressed."

Miller also sighed.

Xu Zhijian understood their feelings, but didn't know how to comfort them.

He could only take out the red wine he had bought in advance, pour a glass for each of them and raise it.

"Let's toast them a glass, may they be happy in heaven."

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