People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 153 Day 153 of survival: destined to be alone?

People who usually keep and look for these things are divided into two types.

1: Those who are obsessed with supernatural phenomena and take actual actions, treating them as treasures.

2: Witnesses, victims, and related descendants.

There should be third, fourth, and fifth categories, for various reasons, but not many.

The contents recorded in the book combined with the current situation can clearly infer a clue.

These four people or one of them are the descendants of Bell.

They moved to this place and lived in anonymity for decades, but for some unknown reason, their identities were suddenly exposed.

Or they were discovered by the witch, so they came to wipe them out.

It's quite confusing to say.

This witch didn't know how many lifetimes of deep hatred she had with them, so she held on to them.

It won't stop until death.

According to records, after Bell and Becky died, it still didn't give up torturing the family.

It said that it would come out again in seven years and continue to slaughter the remaining people.

But it didn't show up when the time came.

The residents of the town and the Bell family thought they were safe and all breathed a sigh of relief.

As a result, one day a hundred years later, the witch suddenly came out again and slaughtered several descendants of Bell.

Then she disappeared again.

It seems that this female corpse is it!

This is the third time it has come out to kill people after a hundred years.

Xu Zhijian was happy with this inference, but he still didn't know how to start.

There is no way to eliminate it in the book.

But what to do?

He stuffed the album into his bag and sat on the bed thinking about feasible means silently.

However, as he thought about it, his face suddenly became serious.

The rising hope was immediately extinguished by half.

Because I realized that there was a loophole in this matter, or a mistake.

First, make sure that these four corpses are descendants of the Bell family, and the female corpse is the mysterious witch.

But here comes the question.

Why didn't it leave after killing people? ?

This is not in line with its usual style.

Normally, it should complete the task → continue to lurk → wait for the birth of new descendants of the Bell family → come out to kill again.

And the most important point is, has it always appeared in the form of this corpse?

According to the description in the book, it should be in the form of a possessed person or evil spirit.

It has never been said to be a female corpse.

Is it keeping up with the times and playing new tricks, or is there a deeper reason that has not been calculated? ?

Xu Zhijian thought carefully for a moment and decided to make a bold plan.

So he left the bedroom and continued to search in other rooms, and soon found three candles.

Then he took them into the bathroom and closed the door.

First he tried to turn on the light, but there was no response, which was expected and saved trouble.

Then he walked to the mirror in front of the sink and lit the candle with a lighter.

Finally, he turned off the flashlight.

The dark bathroom was left with only the dim candlelight, which flickered.

He adjusted his mentality and prepared to play the legendary Bloody Mary!

See if he can ask some new clues.

And summoning it requires four steps.

1: Enter the bathroom or a closed room alone.

2: Lock the door, without any light source.

3: Face the mirror and light a candle between you and the mirror, or light one on each side of the mirror.

4: Close your eyes and slowly chant "Bloody-Mary".

Or say "I believe in Bloody Mary, please show up" three times.

"Bloody Mary... Bloody Mary... Bloody Mary!"

Xu Zhijian chanted three times rhythmically with his eyes closed, then pricked up his ears and waited vigilantly.

After waiting for a while, there was no response.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked in the mirror, but saw nothing.

This probably didn't work, right?

Thinking of this, he raised his voice and chanted the name three more times.

He quickly opened his eyes and looked again, but still nothing.

Just when he thought the summoning ritual was useless and was about to give up, a vision suddenly appeared.

I saw a face slowly appear in the mirror.

It was his reflection.

However, the strange thing was that the three candles went out without warning.

The bathroom fell into darkness.

But the reflection inside was still very obvious and clear, as if it was illuminated by a fill light.

He stared at himself.

After looking for a while, the reflection inside automatically showed an evil and sinister smile.

The real him was serious and alert.

This comparison is really weird, the picture is so beautiful that I dare not look at it.

Xu Zhijian whispered: "You are Bloody Mary, can you tell me the identity of the female corpse?"

According to the legend, it has the ability to predict the future.

Can answer any question.

If you are lucky enough to summon it in a normal state, you will naturally get the answer you want.

If you are unlucky and summon it in an evil state, you will be in big trouble.

Of course, he is not afraid of this.

It is much worse than the Qiles Ancient Mirror. If you have the ability, pull me into the mirror and see how I whip you hard.

Let Bloody Mary know what "lap bang bang" means... If you feel happy, clap your hands.

After asking and waiting for a while, the reflection in the mirror did not respond.

Xu Zhijian continued to ask: "Don't want to answer or don't know? Then let me change the question first."

"What is my future girlfriend's name? Is she beautiful?"

As soon as the voice fell, the reflection in the mirror suddenly disappeared.

Xu Zhijian: …………? ?


What's the meaning??

As soon as I asked this question, he ran away. Does this mean that he is destined to be alone and mock me? ?

Just when I felt speechless, I suddenly saw another scene in the mirror.

I saw a black shadow waving a knife and stabbed me fiercely from behind!

Damn it!

Xu Zhijian instinctively squatted down to avoid it, and fired two shots in a row to fight back.


The bullet hit the wall, and there was no black shadow at all.

It was just that the mirror shattered without any warning, like a spider web.

Xu Zhijian stood up and looked at the mirror and then behind him, studying what happened just now.

It can be understood as an illusion.

But what does the black shadow and the broken mirror mean? ?

It can't be broken for no reason.

Did he not want to answer, or was he teasing on purpose?

Or was he afraid?

After thinking for a while, he couldn't figure it out, but he knew that this method was useless.

Xu Zhijian turned on the flashlight and walked out of the bathroom and returned to the hall.

Checking the time, it still shows 01:18.

I don't know what time it is, and how long it will take until dawn?

We must hurry up and solve it, otherwise it will be troublesome when the police receive the information and rush over.

Oh, right.

Who is the so-called policeman before, and what does he want to do? ?

While thinking, he looked at the four bodies that were still there, and then he returned to the basement with peace of mind.

However, as soon as he came down, he found something wrong.

I saw that the face of the female corpse was strangely blocked by a piece of sackcloth!

It wasn't like this when he left just now.

He immediately raised his vigilance, waited for a moment, and then approached carefully.

He came to the female corpse and tried it first, and confirmed that there was no problem, then squatted down and reached out to lift the sackcloth.

Thanks to the big guys who supported 18-20.

The apprentice supported by Xianyucong! 100 book coins from QINAMY.

Thanks to book friend 3672, Daddy's Antique Shop, TENMA, Salty Cat, JK Robert, It's Easy to Become a King, Zisha Small Stove, book friend 6046, Blue Sea, Emperor Alliance, Flowers and Me, Canghai, Why is it like this, Clear Lake, Spinach and Tofu, Optimal Damping Ratio, GZALILI, Eat Nine Bowls in One Step, Heart of Ten Thousand Relics, Night Smoker, Author Please Update Quickly for the monthly tickets

Whether it is subscription, reward, or monthly ticket voter, it's all these.

I almost memorized everyone's ID.

It's miserable~T.T

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