People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 169: Survival Day 169: Colors of Heaven and Earth, Darkness of Nothingness


Xu Zhijian said to himself, "Not good!" and quickly reached out to grab David next to him.

As expected, he grabbed nothing.

He didn't find it strange that they suddenly disappeared, he had seen it many times.

He just wondered how they disappeared so quietly?

Were they taken away by something unknown in the mist, or did they enter a different illusion space? ?

He waved the ashes in front of him, trying to observe the surrounding situation and think about the reason.

Just now, he encountered the ashes first, and then met a figure that looked like himself, forming a cycle.

Prove that these rhythms are connected.

Perhaps, I don't know when I have entered a realm of something indescribable?

Super weird.

Like the images of bubbles or gasoline exposed to direct sunlight.

At the same time.

Colorful, hazy, psychedelic, indescribable.

Occupying the entire world.

All known colors are there.

And so on.

Amanda was wrapped in colors, and her eyes began to bulge and hurt because she received too much information.


Is she encountering the same situation now?

Xu Zhijian probed for a moment, then groped forward cautiously.

She didn't know what to call colors.

She had no idea where she was or what was happening.

Even the spectrum that the human eye couldn't see was clearly revealed.

Consciousness began to become chaotic and blurred.

All the colors intertwined and mixed together, changing rhythmically, and continued to evolve more new colors.

Now I don't know what happened to David and the others, even if I can't find them, I have to keep moving forward.

Amanda was terrified and shocked. She stood there unable to suppress the fear in her heart, looking around.

All I could see was a thick variety of colors wherever I looked!

Black, white, red, blue, purple, pink, green.

This scene was a bit familiar. There was a movie full of black flavor that showed a similar cycle.

"What on earth is this..."

She looked at the world of colors in pain and despair, wanting to escape, but where could she escape to?

And she didn't want to run away in her heart.

Everything made her feel uneasy and scared, but she inexplicably wanted to touch these colors more.

An unknown force pulled her forward slowly.

Amanda walked blankly, looking around, and her painful eyes gradually returned to normal.

She felt that these dreamy colors became more distorted and ethereal.

It also became more familiar and intimate.

She stopped walking because she saw an extremely tall light column in front of her.

It was fluorescent pink, twisting and spreading upwards with no end in sight.

Like an indescribable worm?

Every time the light column extended, the colors between heaven and earth would change and merge.

Amanda came to a place ten meters away and looked up, expressionless.

She subconsciously raised her hand and tried to touch the light column in the air.

An unspeakable emotion surged in her heart.

Warm, familiar, and intimate.

It was like returning to a warm hometown and gathering with family members with the same blood.

She couldn't help but open her arms, revealing a strange smile, to welcome and feel the message conveyed by the light column.

Soon, her hands underwent strange changes.

The flesh-colored fingers quickly turned into the same colorful colors as the surroundings, spreading from the fingertips.

The entire palm, forearm, entire arm, neck, face.

In less than a minute, the entire body was dyed.

The dreamy colors changed and flowed on her body, like a colored snake twisting, very creepy!

Then, her eyes also turned into the same color spectrum.

And began to shed rainbow tears... No, it should be said that blood!

Because the eyeballs were dissolving and splitting rapidly, like melting ice cubes.

But Amanda did not feel the pain, but felt extremely enjoyable, a kind of refreshing experience she had never experienced before.

Then rainbow blood began to spurt out of her mouth, nose, and ears.

The brain was also shrinking rapidly!

Obviously, in addition to blood, brain matter and brain marrow were also flowing out.


She knelt straight in front of the light column, continued to open her arms, revealing that happy and weird smile.

The fingers followed and began to dry up and melt.

Then the arms, legs, torso... until the whole person completely dissipated, leaving no residue.

Blending into the colors of the world.


Unlike the colorful psychedelic picture that Amanda saw, Ollie was in a dark place at this time.


It was pitch black.

Nothing could be seen or heard between heaven and earth, just like covering your head with a quilt in the dark night.

There was only the sound of breathing and heartbeat.

"David... Xu... where are you?!!"

He shouted with a trembling voice, but there was no response, and the sound seemed to be blocked by something.

Panicked and turned on the flashlight, emitting light.

However, the strange thing was that the light could be seen, but... the light was covered by the darkness and could not shine far away.

Try to compare it to eating noodles while eating noodles?

Ollie had no idea why, he just felt endless fear and horror.

Splash... Splash...

At this time, he suddenly heard waves of waves.

He was stunned for a moment, what... what was going on? ? Was he on the sea?

Oli came back to his senses with a start, squatted down tremblingly and stretched out his hand to test.

A piercing cold touch came from his fingertips.

It was water!

Now he was even more confused. Let’s not talk about how he ran to the sea.

Why can he stand on the sea surface normally when there is no land under his feet? ! !

Oli couldn’t figure it out, and his brain was a little out of order.

He subconsciously looked down at the deep dark sea surface, and could not see anything except black.

At the same time, a chill spread throughout his body.

Because he thought that if there was a sea under his feet, and it was still so dark, would there be a more terrifying existence hidden? !

A picture emerged in his mind.

The empty dark space, the bottomless deep sea, something was staring at him quietly.

Deep-sea phobia broke out directly.

Oli wanted to escape but didn’t know where to escape to, and his legs trembled uncontrollably.

At this time, a white light suddenly appeared out of thin air in the absolute darkness in the distance.

It looked the size of a walnut and porcelain white.

It was extremely clear and dazzling in this environment.

"What is that...?"

Oli was surprised and pleasantly surprised. Seeing the light was just like seeing a water source in the desert.

His body and mind were excited.

At the same time, he also found that the light spot was rotating rhythmically, showing 360 degrees.

After watching for a while, he immediately thought of something: a lighthouse.

It really looks like it.

Since it is a lighthouse, it means that there is a tower keeper inside, right?

As Ollie thought, he hurriedly ran towards the light spot, his legs stepping on the sea.

However, the strange thing was that there was no splashing sound of water or other sounds.

But he ignored this phenomenon and just wanted to chase the light spot of his dream!


Is there any big brother who can support me? Let me explode. I can't hold it anymore.

The more others update, the better the results.

The more I update subscriptions, rewards, and monthly tickets, the lower they are.

What the hell is this... Who can stand it? T.T

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