People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 171: Day 171 of Survival: Crazy SAN Loss

David looked at Billy with anger, resentment, and evil.

In his eyes now, the other party was no longer the son he was familiar with.

Instead, he had twisted facial features and was hideous, like a round piece of rotten meat with tentacles!

There were many black and white eyeballs on each tentacle, densely packed.

At the same time, he made a sound that was incomprehensible, but could feel dangerous and terrible.


David stretched out his hands and pinched Billy's neck tightly.

Billy instinctively tried to pry his hands apart with pain, but the strength was not comparable and he could not resist at all.

He could only cry out in despair and whisper: "Dad... Dad... Dad..."

His voice became lower and lower, his face became more and more purple, and his breathing became less and less.

At such an urgent moment, David was stunned for a moment, and a familiar thought came to his mind.

There seemed to be two forces fighting in his brain, making him dizzy and feeling very tired.

The thick beard was twisted, looking very much like the tentacles of an octopus.

After patiently waiting for a while, the other party did not move, and it was most likely dead, so he approached carefully to check.

Bang, bang, bang!

Xu Zhijian fired several shots without saying a word, no matter what it was.

The two eyes were empty, without eyeballs and eyelids.

It is very likely that some danger is hidden.

What is even more strange is that under the background of the surrounding fog, the stone sculpture looks like it is soaked in water, with a hazy refraction.

It seems that everything has disappeared.

It looks very realistic, giving people a kind of uncanny valley effect.

Xu Zhijian continued to walk in the fog vigilantly, and the more he walked, the more he felt something was wrong.

Xu Zhijian looked around for a while, and fired two more shots at the head.

It has been more than ten minutes now, but he has not seen any vehicles, buildings or other objects parked on the roadside.

So what is going on now? !

He analyzed it carefully and guessed that he should have walked into another space unknowingly!

So the fierce look in his eyes decreased, and his hands couldn't help but loosen a little.

After walking for a while, he saw a black shadow looming in the fog ahead.

Because those indescribable things can understand catching people, but catching objects is completely unnecessary and impossible.

Hit if you can, destroy if you can.

The black shadow was shot and fell to the ground diagonally, making a muffled sound.

When he came to the side, he realized that the black shadow was a stone sculpture?

About 1.8 meters tall, in the shape of a man, with a green color as if it had been soaked in water for a long time.

If you normally see a statue, you won’t care, but now no matter what appears, it’s abnormal.

Otherwise there is no way to explain it.

After making sure there is no danger, he continued to move forward vigilantly.

After walking for a few minutes, a black shadow appeared in the fog ahead again.

He shot first as usual, and then approached to check.

As a result, he was stunned after seeing it clearly, because this thing… turned out to be the stone sculpture he encountered just now!

Xu Zhijian quickly took a closer look.

There were several bullet holes on the head of the stone sculpture, including the position of the previous shooting.

In other words, this is not a new thing of the same shape!

This is a big problem.

Since it is the same, doesn't it mean that it is still in a cycle? ?

Otherwise, how to explain that it encountered it again?

Xu Zhijian thought for a while and immediately overturned this inference.

No, no!

If it is still in a continuous cycle in a certain place, then this statue should be lying on the ground.

But it was standing when it was encountered just now!

The same thing.

The same posture.

But it is not a cycle.

Xu Zhijian's face became gloomy, and he was a little confused about what was going on.

After thinking for a moment, he tried to move forward again.

Five minutes later.

Sure enough, a black shadow appeared in the fog again! Standing quietly in front of him, it was sometimes bright and sometimes dark.

His heart sank, and then he continued to shoot and hit the other party.

Walked in again to observe.

The same statue, bullet holes in different positions, proved that what he saw this time was still the first time he saw it!


Xu Zhijian couldn't help but curse inwardly, and a chill rose up.

If he encountered a monster or an evil god, he wouldn't feel strange and panic.

But now this is too weird!

The strange statues keep appearing, but they won't come alive or make any other moves.

Just lie quietly on the ground.

Look at you silently with two eyes without eyeballs.

Over and over again... it seems to be endless.

"Current SAN value: 9.1"

The prompt that appeared made Xu Zhijian come back to his senses with a start. This time it actually dropped by 0.7 points? ?

Well, it does feel a little creepy.

He took a deep breath to adjust his mentality and tried to think about how to break the situation.

It's not a loop, and I don't know where it is or even in space.

I really don't know what to do.

As I was thinking, I suddenly heard a series of very strange body sounds in the sky.

It's not loud, and I can't tell what it is.

It's very slight, but it feels close to my ears.


It should be said that it went straight into the brain.

It's long and long, sometimes fast and slow, regular and irregular.

Like low-frequency noise, it's useless to cover your ears, and your heart is shaking with it.

Xu Zhijian endured the discomfort and looked around, trying to find the source of the sound.

However, the fog was thick and he could not see anything.

And as the sound got longer and longer, not only did his head feel painful, but his heart was beating violently.

His vision and consciousness began to blur.

"Current SAN value: 8.7"

"Current SAN value: 8.6"

Xu Zhijian covered his ears and shook his head hard, trying to get rid of this damn mysterious voice.

At the same time, a series of prompts sounded.

This made him even more confused and nervous, and he didn't feel any fear from the bottom of his heart.

Why did it drop so fast? !

Could it be because of this sound?

He tried to calm his heartbeat and thoughts, but it was useless, and he was still led by the mysterious sound.

His breathing began to become rapid and chaotic.

He covered his head and couldn't help but let out a painful roar. At the same time, a strange message suddenly flooded into his mind.

It was very complex and clear.

However, he couldn't understand it at all, and couldn't understand what the information was.

It's like a person who doesn't even know the words trying to read quantum mechanics, advanced mathematics, etc.

It's not that you can understand the words, but you don't understand what they mean when they are put together.

Instead, he didn't recognize anything at all, it was just a bunch of garbled code.

So "Advanced Mathematics" "Quantum Mechanics" = Cthulhu.

"Current SAN value: 8.2"

"Current SAN value: 7.7"

"Current SAN value: 7.5"

His sanity began to decline rapidly, causing his body and mind to feel extremely painful.

Especially his brain was almost overloaded.


Xu Zhijian was about to explode in pain, but at the same time, he thought of a way out because of his survival instinct.

So he gritted his teeth and used his last bit of sanity to quickly open the equipment bar and exchange the "Pain Feedback Trial Version".


As the skill took effect, the weird sound and the huge but incomprehensible garbled information began to fade away quickly.

His body and mind quickly returned to normal.

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