People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 178 Survival Day 178: Can’t mention it, can’t think about it

Soon, three supporting police cars came roaring in.

The police sealed off the house and began to conduct a thorough investigation.

Xu Zhijian and others were also taken back to the police station to take statements and were questioned separately.

Lori and others were in the house at the time and could testify to each other, so they were temporarily excluded from suspicion.

And he became the biggest suspect.

Because of the location of Elm Street in 2003, there were not many surveillance cameras installed here.

So there was no evidence that he was just buying things.

What if this was a trick, and he actually returned to 1428 to sneak in and kill people?

There are many such cases, not that there are none.

However, there is no actual evidence that he did it now, and the police have excluded his suspicion on the surface.

But in fact, they are preparing to investigate secretly.

Xu Zhijian can naturally understand their thoughts, and he sees through it but does not say it.

After taking the statement, everyone can leave.

Blake, Gibb, and Kaiya's parents had arrived long ago, and took them away with worry and nervousness.

Lori's father was away because he was out, and he couldn't go home for the time being.

So she went directly to Gibb's house.

It was a good opportunity to comfort each other and spend the most uncomfortable night.

Xu Zhijian had nowhere to go, and he was not going to waste the opportunity tonight.

Jason had just been resurrected and slaughtered. According to the direction of the movie, he would go to Blake next.

So he quietly went over to wait and find an opportunity to play a sneak attack?

After thinking it through, he went there decisively.

After they all left, a police officer sent all the information to the sheriff's office.

The sheriff, who was over fifty years old and fat, smoked and read carefully.

As he read, he immediately grasped two key points, and his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

1: There were no fingerprints, footprints or other clues in the room except Xu Zhijian and others.

2: No. 1428!

The combination of these two made him think of the nightmares that had happened on Elm Street.

Could it be... it did it? !

No, no, no!

You can't think of or mention its name, you must not remember it!

And how is it possible.

It has been destroyed for more than four years, no one will remember it, there is no such possibility.

The sheriff tried hard to erase the taboo name, unwilling and afraid to think about it.

He pressed the cigarette into the ashtray and extinguished it, and continued to check the case files, but his mind began to get confused uncontrollably.


Ten minutes later, Xu Zhijian came to the street opposite Blake's house.

Then he deliberately found a suitable place, hid with his back against a big tree, and observed secretly.

This is to avoid being attacked from behind.

Clown Art, Jason and other butchers have a skill: silent tracking and stealth.

No matter where the target hides, it will catch up.

And when you want to ambush, it has actually seen it clearly.

Then it will ambush you in the opposite direction.

Have to be on guard.

After watching vigilantly for a while, Blake sat in the yard with a sad face, lowered his head and remained silent.

He had a good relationship with Gibb's boyfriend. Now that his brother died tragically, how could he not feel uncomfortable.

After sitting for a while, a middle-aged man pushed the door and walked out.

It was his father.

In the movie, the middle-aged man wanted to scold Blake because he was supposed to take care of his sister tonight.

But he ran out to play.

But now seeing his son's distracted look, he hesitated for a moment and then returned to the house.

Blake didn't look up, but took out the wine bottle and drank two gulps.

Then he continued to be in a daze.

Xu Zhijian stared at all this silently, thinking that the scene of him and his father clashing in the movie should be a dream.

Because when he came back to his senses from half asleep, his father was sitting quietly beside him.

But the previous scene was opening the door and returning to the house.

So it can be inferred that his father actually wanted to comfort him and talk to him.

Unfortunately, Jason suddenly appeared and cut him with a knife.

But Blake fell asleep while sitting, so he didn't know. After waking up, he pushed his father in confusion.

As a result, his father's head fell into his hand!

Blood spurted from his neck.

Then, Jason, who had not left yet, appeared behind him and chopped him off too.

Now his father went back to the room, so this scene has changed from the plot of the movie.

So will Jason come again?

Xu Zhijian thought while continuing to wait, and at the same time carefully observed the surrounding movements.

Avoid being attacked from the opposite side.

After a while, Blake, who had been in a daze, fell asleep unconsciously under the stimulation of alcohol.

I don't know how long it took.

He suddenly woke up with a start because he heard someone calling him.

It came from the living room, and it seemed to be his father's voice.

He looked around in a daze and found that he was lying in the room. When did he go back to the room?

I can't remember clearly.

He turned on his mobile phone and looked at the time. It was already 2:30 in the middle of the night.

"Blake, come down!"

At this time, his father's stern voice sounded again.

He got out of bed, opened the door and walked out. He didn't know what his father wanted to do in the middle of the night.

While walking down the stairs in the dark, he said: "What's wrong? Why are you calling me in the middle of the night?"

"Blake, come here... Hehehe."

The voice floated from the dark living room, which seemed a little inexplicable and weird.

He reached out to turn on the light, but after pressing it a few times, the light bulb didn't light up.

He didn't know if it was broken or there was a power outage.

He stared and looked around: "Where are you? I can't see you."

"I'm here, come here."

A figure sat on the sofa in the darkness, looming.

He walked over helplessly: "What's the matter with you calling me? Is it because you have insomnia?"

"Hey hey hey... I want to play a game with you."


"Let's play hide-and-seek. How about you hide and catch me, haha."

Blake was speechless. Playing hide and seek in the middle of the night?

Thank you for the generous gift!

My father must have taken the wrong medicine!

Just as he was about to complain, his father's voice suddenly changed into another deep and hoarse voice.

"Hahahahaha~~! Freddy is here to catch you!"

Blake was stunned for a moment when he heard this. He was stunned. This... what is going on? !


This name seems familiar.


When I was taking notes at the police station today, I seemed to hear one of them whispering as I passed two police officers.

But who is this person?

While he was stunned and confused, the black figure suddenly jumped up from the sofa, and then stabbed him with his arms.


A strange scene appeared, and the black shadow's right arm penetrated directly into his chest!

However, Blake did not scream in pain, nor was he injured or bleeding.

The body is still in perfect condition.

As if by magic, a sword was completely inserted into the person's body, but the other person was fine.

"Ah! FUCK!"

However, he was still frightened out of his wits by this situation, and he suddenly woke up with a sudden jolt.

Then he saw that he was still sitting in the yard, and the black shadow just now disappeared without a trace.

This is……?

After thinking for a moment, I realized that it was a nightmare.

But just as he breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly heard his father's scream suddenly coming from the house!

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