People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 183 Survival Day 183: Avengers

"If you dare to disturb the order again, you know what the consequences will be!"

Nico closed the door and left after saying that.

Mark sat up and took out his work card from his pocket and shook it. The brown-haired guy was delighted and snatched it away.

He praised: "Good job, buddy! They will go to other floors to check in five minutes, be prepared."

Mark nodded, opened the bedside table and took out a small medicine bottle, put it in his pocket and put it away.

Five minutes.

Four minutes.

Three minutes.

Two minutes.

One minute!

When the time came, the two quietly opened the door and observed the corridor.

No employees were patrolling.

And they could clearly hear footsteps going downstairs, obviously Nico on duty had left.

The two waited patiently for a while, then left the room and tiptoed to the fire escape at the back.

After successfully reaching the first floor, they hid behind the stairs and lurked patiently.

As expected, several employees soon pushed the door and walked in.

This time it was settled.

After hiding for about a minute, he came out and used the employee card to open the entrance and exit gate.

Escaped successfully!

The two were very familiar with the alley behind them, and immediately quickened their pace and left quickly, disappearing into the night.

At the same time, at the gate of Elm Street High School

Xu Zhijian and others were still waiting.

However, the location was changed from the playground to the most obvious entrance, so that whoever came could see it at the first time.

He still had that calm expression, while Lori and the others were very uneasy.

After waiting for a day, it was almost eight o'clock in the evening. Where was the person who promised to come? !

Will he really come?

Lori couldn't help asking: "Xu, how long do we have to wait for him to come?"

He said truthfully: "I can't tell the exact time, but don't worry, he will definitely come, keep waiting."

Kaiya said: "What if he really doesn't come?"

"Then don't come, it's no big deal."

"Ah this...?"

They were speechless and didn't know how to respond for a while.

After waiting for a whole day, will it still end in disappointment?

Just when she was depressed and anxious, she saw two black shadows running quickly from the distance on the left.

Although she couldn't see the other person's appearance clearly, Xu Zhijian was sure that they finally came!

A little later than expected.

The two black shadows ran over quickly, and the two sides came into close contact, and familiar faces came into view.

That's them!

When Lori saw the brown-haired boy next to Mark, she was stunned, and the helpless and uncomfortable look disappeared directly.

Instead, it turned into disbelief, excitement, and excitement.

"Will... Will??!"

She called the other person's name expectantly.

The boy smiled: "Thank God, it's great that you are not injured..."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Lori's tight hug.

"It's really you... It's really you..."

She couldn't control her excitement and cried with joy.

Will hugged her and gently stroked her back.

Gib and Kaiya looked at each other, thinking that the boyfriend she had been thinking about was this person.

Xu Zhijian didn't bother them, and gave them a few minutes to vent their happy emotions.

After all, Lori's character is infatuated, even if her boyfriend suddenly left without saying goodbye for four years, she still didn't let go.

She has been waiting and looking for him.

The party last night was actually Kaiya and the others wanted to introduce her to new boys.

Three minutes later.

Xu Zhijian interrupted: "Okay, you can feel the joy of reunion for a while, it's time to get down to business."

"You brought the special medicine out, right?"

Will heard that he had separated from Lori and wiped her tears.

Mark took out the medicine bottle from his pocket: "Of course, otherwise we would have escaped in vain."

Will asked in confusion: "Dude, how did you know we have a special medicine?"

This question really made them both curious.

Why did a student who was not a patient in a mental hospital or a reporter know this secret?

What's even more bizarre is how he knew that he would definitely escape from prison and came to the school to look for him? !

There is strangeness everywhere, and it is amazing to predict the future.

Seeing their expectant and puzzled eyes, Xu Zhijian decided to show off a little.

So he smiled crookedly: "Okay, it's time to tell you some little secrets."

"Why do I know so much? It's simple, because I'm a member of the Avengers!"

Five people: ???

Avengers? ?

What is that? ?

He continued to explain: "It is a top-secret intelligence organization affiliated with the country. No more information can be leaked."

"Don't ask more. The more you know, the faster you die. OK, let's get down to business."

"Once the current dilemma is solved, you will naturally know all the truth."

Lori and others looked at each other more puzzled, but since they said so, it was not good to ask more.

He reminded again: "Mark, tell them about the effect of this medicine."

Mark nodded and raised the medicine bottle.

This is a bottle that looks like a health product, and it says: HYPNOCIL.

1000 tablets, 500 mg each.

Mark explained: "This was developed by a psychiatric hospital. It is experimental and has not been approved by the FDA."

"The main effect is to suppress dreams. It is very effective. We take it every day."

Suppress dreams.

This one feature is enough to show the specific situation and the specific reason.

Lori and the others naturally understood it instantly.

On the one hand, they were happy that there was such a magical medicine. Now they were not afraid of Freddy appearing in their dreams!

On the other hand, they also keenly thought, why did Will and Mark take this? ?

The reason why they didn't want to dream... was it the same? !

This amount of information was a bit huge.

Xu Zhijian asked: "How many tablets are left in this bottle?"

Mark had already counted: "Not many, only 17 tablets."

He nodded: "It can last for almost 3 days, enough time, can you give me two more tablets?"

"Of course, then what are your plans next?"

"The things that come later should have nothing to do with you..."

Xu Zhijian felt that three days could solve all the difficulties, and there was no need to worry even if they really couldn't handle it.

Because there are still a lot of this medicine in the mental hospital.

Now they have the work cards to enter, they can take the opportunity to go back and steal some out.

As long as there are enough, it can completely prevent dreaming about Freddy.

Few people know its name now. Once Lori and others stop remembering it, its strength will decline rapidly.

Until it enters hell again.

Because according to the setting, Freddy's weakness is that he is afraid of being forgotten.

As long as no one remembers it and no one is afraid of it anymore, it will be a waste.

It can be said that this dream ghost king can be solved without injury.

Next, we only need to deal with the two Jasons, and this copy will be perfectly completed.

And facing this kind of butcher with explosive physical values, the fewer people who can't help, the better, and hiding far away is success.

Otherwise, you have to distract yourself to take care of them, which is more troublesome.

Thank you Xiaolou Fengyu Yiyeting for 1500 book coins!

I haven't received such great support for a long time, tears in my eyes, and the computer progress +1%.

Thank you friends who voted for the monthly ticket from 1st to 4th.

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