People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 186 Survival Day 186: Please, you are annoying

The police chief was deeply puzzled and asked: "How did you know that the murderer would go to the party?"

Xu Zhijian replied: "Do you want to hear the real truth?"

"Of course! The consequences of daring to provide false confessions are very serious."

He said calmly: "OK, it's actually very simple, because I like to watch detective novels and movies."

"You know, these subjects like to write reversal plots like this."

"In addition, most of the deceased were friends I knew, so I concluded that it would definitely go to the party to ambush."

"This is the truth."

The police chief frowned slightly when he heard this, with an expression like "Are you kidding me?"

Because it's really child's play.

Oh, right.

The time of death does not exceed 2 hours.

Because he has a very sufficient alibi.

For example, now the police officers investigating in the cornfield have sent in their first report and found four more bodies.

The police chief took his men to the custody room to see what the murderer looked like.

Xu Zhijian responded and left the police station.

Xu Zhijian shook his head: "I don't know. This is beyond my imagination. I am more surprised than you."

Seeing that what he said was so sincere and sincere, the police chief nodded and believed without too much doubt.

"We will call you at any time in the next few days to seek assistance, so please stay in touch."

"If I had known earlier, I would have hidden myself and never gone to the scene."

Opening the iron door and walking in, he reached out and took off his hockey mask.

Moreover, through the investigation of him, the suspicion of accomplice has been ruled out.

During this period, he had been operating with the police at the party scene.

The police chief came back to his senses and continued to ask: "Then do you know the identity of the murderer? Why is it resistant to bullets?!"

In fact, it's not that strange. After experiencing the ghost king in the dream, this is no longer a problem.

What's even more outrageous is that this kid actually guessed it right.

If you dare to call the police just based on the thought "I think", isn't this just asking for trouble?

It can only be said that young people are very energetic and dare to gamble and fight.

The sergeant put away the list: "OK, thank you. Go back to bed and rest early."

Who could have expected this kind of thing beyond common sense?

A twisted, hideous, and deformed face came into view.

"Thank you for your generous gift...?!"

Everyone widened their eyes and exclaimed at the same time, never expecting that the murderer would look so outrageous.

Is this still a normal person? ?

Very similar to those ogres in "The Mountain Has Eyes".


More ferocious and terrifying than them.

After watching for a while, the police chief left with surprise and continued to work on the party massacre.

Xu Zhijian left without going back to the hotel, let alone looking for Luo Li and others.

Instead, he sat on the roadside not far from the police station, wondering what to do next.

The local Jason was temporarily controlled, and the whereabouts of the remaining enhanced one were still unknown.

How can we find or elicit it?

And how to solve them?

True damage can kill it, but it can only cause temporary death.

As long as it doesn't get rid of its damn mother, it will always be reawakened.

You have to start from this point.

But that old lady only exists in hallucinations, or in thinking consciousness, and cannot be found.

After thinking for a moment, he took out his phone and took a look at it, and found that Loli had sent him several text messages an hour ago.

It means that they have all taken the medicine and are resting temporarily. If there is any situation, they can contact you at any time.

He thought that since there had been no text messages or calls for more than an hour, it meant that the medicine was working.

very good!

The effect of this thing is really strong.

Of course, it could be useless and they had been killed by Freddy in their dreams.

But the possibility is very low.

He leaned back on the chair and crossed his legs, rethinking how to deal with Jason once and for all.

After thinking about it, it seems that only physical means can be used.

That means sealing them in an iron box, throwing them into the sea, or filling them with cement and burying them underground.

In this way, even if he is resurrected, there is no way to escape.

You can go and keep company with Art, the soul-breaking clown.


Only one final question remains: Where is the enhanced Jason? How to find it?

At the same time, Jason, who was lying temporarily dead in the cell, was unconsciously having a dream.

A very strange and bizarre dream.

It found itself standing in a place that looked like a boiler room, surrounded by steam and no one else.

And the light also showed a dazzling red color, as if the whole world was dyed in color.

It held the machete and looked around doubtfully, wondering where it was and what the situation was.

At this time, a figure slowly walked through the mist and stopped on the stairs above.

Jason looked up.

The person who came was a man about 1.7 meters tall, wearing a black top hat and a red and green striped sweater.

The other party's entire face was burned like an ugly orange peel, with pits and spots.

The right hand also wears a glove with five sharp claws that are more than 20 centimeters long. looks a bit familiar, as if I've seen it before?

With its IQ, it naturally didn't know that this person was the legendary Dream Ghost King - Freddy!

I don't know that it has been behind the scenes.

Freddy chuckled: "Jason, thank you for remembering me, otherwise this game wouldn't be possible."

"I wanted you to come to Elm Street to scare those kids, and then I would come."

"I didn't expect you to not understand what I meant. You kept grabbing heads. This is not what a good kid should do."

"But none of this matters. The key is that a special person appeared and disrupted our plan."

"You must have seen it, right? If I'm not mistaken, you were seriously injured by it."

Jason listened to it gesticulating non-stop, tilted his head slightly, indicating that he didn't know what it was talking about.

The brain capacity is limited.

I just think this monkey-like person is annoying and want to chop off its head with a machete.

And Freddy continued: "Now we have to change the plan, otherwise we may all return to hell because of this."

"Next, we should work together, how about it?"

"Join hands to kill that guy, so that we can play freely."

"Kill as many people as you want, the whole Springwood Town, the whole Elm Street is your playground."

Jason still stood there in silence.

If it could talk, it would just say with disdain: Come on, you are so annoying.

Get down quickly and let me chop you.

Freddy was prepared for this, after all, he was just an eight-year-old boy who was more than two meters tall and could kill a cow with one punch.

It sneered and transformed into a middle-aged woman.

It was Jason's mother!

Jason's eyes finally flashed a glimmer of light when he saw this, feeling both magical and very surprised.

Why is the mother here too?

Why did the monkey disappear, and what does it have to do with the mother?

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