People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 192 Survival Day 192: HP1

Chapter 192 Day 192 of Survival: HP-1

Nancy didn't know what to do.

After thinking quickly for a while, I suddenly remembered that my mother had hidden one of Freddy's sharp knife gloves.

Just inside the fireplace in the basement.

And this thing... seems to be its true body?

There was no time to hesitate at this moment, so she found it with the attitude of giving it a try, poured gasoline on it and burned it.

As the gloves burned less and less, there was less and less movement outside the door.

In the end both disappeared together.

Nancy didn't know what happened specifically, so she could only hide in the corner and wait anxiously.

This wait lasted until dawn.

Finally, it was her mother who knocked on the door and called her out.

However, there is no way to kill it completely, it can only be temporary.

So I told my mother about it first, and at night I went all out to make sure it was true.

The source of its ability is precisely because of the "Necronomicon".

Then the search for Freddy's whereabouts began.

But maybe it was because I was too nervous and excited that I couldn't fall asleep.

five minutes.

Nancy slowly turned into shock, and then into surprise, thinking that this was really not a dream!

Freddy really got himself killed!

1: If you bring it to reality, your ability will be greatly weakened and you will be just a little rubbish.

After careful consideration, Xu Zhijian adjusted his posture, holding the weapon in his hand and finally fell asleep.

This time, Nancy slept until the next day without even dreaming.

If everything goes well it means it is true.

The method is to let my mother watch over me while I sleep.

fifteen minutes.

She wants to be hit by a car and wake up!

It seems that this is indeed the most effective.

Nancy successfully graduated from college and entered the Westin Hills Mental Hospital as an intern.

It was as if the other party had never appeared.

When he picked up the knife and wanted to prick his finger, his mother stopped him.

If Freddy is not dead, let his mother wake him up as soon as she sees something is wrong.

Oh, by the way, there is a more special way.

Seeing that her mother was okay, she hugged her and cried for a while excitedly.

However, I searched the entire house and couldn't find any trace.

However, she never dreamed that the storm would start again, and the ghost king from the terrifying dream would appear again!

In the fourth film, Nancy was finally killed and replaced with a new character to continue acting.


So if you can get this book, you can also find a way to annihilate it.

2: Completely forget about its existence.

She was anxious and happy, but she still felt uneasy.

Everything is no different from reality.

Unfortunately, this idea is even more unrealistic.

I had no choice but to run out of the house quickly, looking left and right for a long time, and finally suddenly ran into the middle of the road.

Her mother also said everything was normal and she slept very soundly.

Three years later.

Nancy felt bad and thought she was dreaming again, and hurriedly used various methods to wake herself up.

According to the comic settings, Freddy and "The Evil Dead" actually share the same world view.

Overall, there are only two ways to get rid of Freddy.

However, all the oncoming cars braked suddenly, and the drivers got out and cursed.

ten minutes.

It lasted until the new version.

A week passed in such anxiety, and I really never had any nightmares again.

The days that followed became quiet, and everyone did what they were supposed to do, gradually forgetting about Freddy.

He adjusted his mentality and took a long breath, trying to calm down and not think so much.

Gradually, I finally fell asleep.

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, he suddenly opened his eyes with excitement and jumped up from the ground.

At this moment, I found myself standing in a strange wilderness.

At midnight.

The huge moon hangs in the sky, emitting a cold light, surrounded by vast forests.

From time to time the crows were heard.

On the left is an endless lake with sparkling waves and bursts of fresh water.

"Haha, it finally started?!"

Xu Zhijian looked around, not only knowing that he was in a dream, but also finding that this place looked familiar.

Isn’t it Crystal Lake Campground?

It seems that they want to use this place as a battlefield.

very good.

He looked around excitedly and nervously, looking for Freddy.

But it seemed that no one was found.

Is this Lao Deng afraid to show his face?

So he deliberately taunted loudly: "Come out, stop hiding, there is no point in wasting time."

"You're going to die sooner or later anyway. Wouldn't it be better to get rid of it as soon as possible?"

After waiting for a moment, a black shadow finally appeared slowly in front of him.

Wearing a red sweater with black and green stripes, black pants, and a black hat.

The right hand wears a sharp claw glove.

With this classic look, who else could it be but Freddy, the Ghost King of Dreams?

Finally showed up.

Xu Zhijian looked at it carefully with interest, thinking that he was in face-to-face contact with it.

It feels familiar, but also a little strange.

Freddy sneered: "I didn't expect there to be humans like you in the world. It really exceeded my expectations."

"And he took out that idiot Jason, which honestly surprised me."

Xu Zhijian was overjoyed: "When you asked for cooperation, you called me brother, but now that you don't need it, you call me a fool. Your character is not good."

Freddy also laughed: "Hehehehe... I am the Ghost King of Dreams, not a human being, and of course I have no character."

Xu Zhijian:…………

All right.

What you said really makes sense.

But he still mocked: "Haha, with your level, you dare to call yourself the Ghost King? You are just a waste."

"You didn't dare to come to me before because you knew you were not my opponent, right?"

Freddy heard the murderous intent in his eyes, but he didn't refute it, because it was true.

The truth hurts the most.

But you can't lose in momentum, you must get back.

It said sarcastically: "NONONO, in the dream, I am God, I can dominate and control everything!"

"I didn't come to you at the first time, it's just that you don't deserve it."

"Besides, don't worry, I will definitely torture you well, hehehe..."

Xu Zhijian said calmly: "Don't pretend, now I am the only one on Elm Street who still remembers your name."

"Except for being forced to come to my dream to accept death, you have no other choice."

After this, Freddy's expression changed obviously.

Because he was right again.

I originally wanted to enter the dreams of Lori and others, kill them one by one and continue to enhance my own abilities.

It turns out that they were not dreaming, and they could not invade at all.

There was no choice but to go to his dream first.

"Humph, you think..."


Freddy wanted to continue to say a few more words, after all, he was also a chatterbox, and he couldn't admit defeat in this regard.

But before he finished speaking, Xu Zhijian suddenly attacked and fired several shots!

The third shot, real damage.

The sixth shot, real damage.

The bullet went straight through Freddy's body, leaving two holes as thick as thumbs.

Then... it healed instantly at the speed of a blink of an eye.

Freddy can be said to be unscathed, in online game terms, it is just a mandatory HP-1.

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