People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 195 Day 195 of Survival: You are the Ghost King of Dreams?

But where on earth is this bastard hiding? It's not a good idea to keep it like this.

It can't last long. It will be killed sooner or later!

And Xu Zhijian can't wake up now. Without external interference, he can only continue to sleep.


He fell to the ground and covered his legs in pain. His body trembled constantly because of the severe pain and cold.

Like an activated vibration motor.

His skin has been frozen pink, which is an extremely dangerous signal.

"FUCK! What should I do...?"

Xu Zhijian's consciousness gradually became confused, blurred, and began to blank.

And at such a cruel moment, he suddenly felt that his chest was rapidly heating up.

It was like a stove attached to his body.

It spread from the chest to the stomach, arms, legs, and feet.

The limbs that were frozen and unconscious began to feel and warm up.

After a while, he even started to sweat? !

Sweating in extremely low temperatures is quite uncomfortable. Clothes cannot absorb it and are sticky and cold.

Xu Zhijian subconsciously began to take off his clothes.

However, just as he lifted a corner of his shirt and exposed his belly, he suddenly regained consciousness.


What am I doing? !

Damn... It was a close call. Fortunately, I had the mental resistance bonus. I almost committed suicide!

The feeling of being hot and wanting to take off clothes just now was obviously set!

And this phenomenon actually exists in reality.

Forensic terminology: reverse undressing phenomenon.

It means that the body shivers due to the heat preservation reaction in the early stage of a cold environment.

Blood vessels contract, and blood flows to the deep layers of the body to reduce heat loss.

As the body temperature drops, the exchange rate of qi and blood decreases, and the brain becomes excited.

Panting occurs, breathing and heart rate increase, and it is sensitive to stimuli.

When the body temperature drops to 34-27 degrees, the skin blood vessels are in a paralyzed state.

The cerebral cortex enters the inhibition period.

Under the regulation of the hypothalamic body temperature center, the skin blood vessels suddenly expand.

Warm blood deep in the body fills the skin blood vessels, the core temperature drops quickly, and the surface temperature drops slowly.

At this time, although the body temperature has been dropping, the skin receptors feel hot.

The hypothalamic temperature regulation center sends heat information to the effector, resulting in abnormal undressing before freezing to death.

Such death cases are everywhere.

Fortunately, he regained consciousness in time, otherwise Xu Zhijian would have taken off his clothes and accelerated his death.

After thinking clearly, the body's heat dropped rapidly and disappeared.

Entered the extreme cold state again.

Now every time I breathe, the cold air pierces my throat like a knife.


What should I do... What should I do? ! !

Got it!

The tortured Xu Zhijian had a flash of inspiration and finally came up with a way to fight Freddy.

Even crush it directly!

Open the equipment bar, exchange, and start.

At the same time, close your eyes immediately, unable and dare not look at the phenomenon after the skill takes effect.

I saw a crack directly appear in the room.

It's not very big, only about two meters high.

It emits colorful light, which is very similar to the concept of wormholes in science fiction works.

Then, something that I don't know how to describe flew out of the gap.

This thing seems to be composed of countless bubbles of different sizes, and it is definitely not a physical state.

The color and depth change with the surrounding environment.

And in the middle of countless bubbles, there is an eyeball that exudes an ancient atmosphere!

As it came out, everything around it disappeared instantly.

No room, no extreme cold.

No crystal lake.

Nothing is left, the world has become an absolute pure white space!

A void.

And Freddy, who has not been seen for a long time, finally appeared not far ahead.

From this, it seems that it has been hiding around in an invisible form, admiring and controlling.

Freddy looked at the bubble body in astonishment, and then looked at the endless white around.

There was fear in his eyes and cold sweat on his forehead.

Because this situation is too terrible.

The reason why the world turned white is because the dream it created was forced to disappear!

It's not as simple as waking up.

Instead, it directly erased the concept of dream.

At the same time, it entered the dream created by this bubble!

This is impossible... How is this possible!

Only the three giants of hell + Jesus can deal with their nightmare abilities so easily.

What is this bubble? !

And it also shows that... the other party's ability is at least the same as the Trinity.

Thinking of this, Freddy's heart almost jumped out of his throat.

Because of tension and fear, his body began to tremble slightly.

Since being given the power of the devil, he has never encountered such a situation in all these years.

Can't believe it.

Can't accept it.

It wanted to escape at the first time, but the power was completely out of control and couldn't be activated at all.

And there was an ancient, mysterious, and indescribable breath that oppressed the senses.

Involuntarily produced an irrepressible sense of fear.


Just when it was shocked and terrified to the extreme, an invisible chain suddenly appeared and entangled its body.

Then it floated into the "mid-air".

Because everything above, below, left and right was white, I had no sense of direction and couldn't tell whether I was going up or down.

Then, the invisible chain emitted a superheated white light.

Xu Zhijian was more than twenty meters away, and he could still feel the suffocating heat waves hitting his face.

Skin feels hot.

He hurriedly retreated backwards in pain. Although he couldn't see anything with his eyes closed, there was no obstacle to stop him.

He didn't stop until he was out of the scorching range, and continued to close his eyes and listen.


Freddy screamed hysterically, a fear emanating from deep within.

The body was like a piece of paper ignited by fire, burning quickly and turning into white ashes.

Only the pair of clawed gloves survived, falling slowly.

At the same time, the mysterious and strange bubble disappeared, and the empty white space disappeared.


Xu Zhijian, who had her eyes closed tightly, opened them uncontrollably and sat up suddenly.

What you see is a familiar hotel, and a good program is playing on the TV.

It was also dark outside the window, and police sirens sounded from time to time.

Look at the time, it's just half past two midnight.

That means I slept for less than three hours.

He regained consciousness and took a deep breath, wiping his forehead, his hands covered with cold sweat.

I wonder who I summoned just now?

What happened again?

Was Freddy completely wiped out?

"The ranking challenge of "Freddy vs. Jason" was successful"

"Return in one hour/return immediately"

Just as I was thinking about it, the long-awaited news finally appeared.


Xu Zhijian suddenly became energetic and succeeded as expected.

So what are you talking about? Just get out of the way.

Anyway, there is nothing to talk about with Luo Li and the others, so there is no need to meet again.

Go back and do something serious first.

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