People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 204 Survival Day 204: Gap in Concepts

The homeless man scratched his crotch and turned around, snoring and continuing to sleep happily.

Strangely enough, just after making the phone call, the dream disappeared in a blur.

I have completely forgotten what the specific content was.

Only the word "seven days" was passively imprinted deep in my mind.

It's like it was carved with a knife.

And the videotape he threw away disappeared silently at some point.

The night is already dark.

It was as if everything had never happened.

Half past four at midnight.

I didn't pay attention to this before when I was in a hurry to go out, and I thought it was just a nightmare.

However, before he finished speaking, he saw something was wrong. He saw an obvious red handprint on Keller's neck!

"I thought it was her at the time and was very scared, but before I could react I was grabbed by the neck."

Not to mention, this kind of old-fashioned machine + picture quality has a different feeling.

Because if anyone else encountered that kind of weird and terrifying situation, they would have to run away quickly and not dare to stay at home.

it is as expected.

He asked first: "Tell me, what situation did you encounter..."

So he picked up the mirror and handed it over.

"Then I was woken up... Also, before I went to sleep, I saw my face was twisted and my nose was bleeding."

But it's not a big problem.

But I didn't expect...that it would actually show up in reality? !

Xu Zhijian asked: "Did you dream about that Samra? Tell me in detail."

But it was a bit earlier than the movie. I remember it seemed that bad omens started appearing frequently on the third day.

Opening the door directly, it was Keller who came.

Xu Zhijian sighed and understood.

Not surprised by this.

Xu Zhijian did not sleep, nor could she sleep. She was still watching horror movie tapes in the room.

She nodded repeatedly: "Yes! I dreamed that she was sitting in my son's room, covered in water."

Keller took it and took a closer look, and suddenly showed a look of horror.

There was a knock on the door soon.

Soon I heard the sound of a car driving outside and knew it must be Keller.

Dang Dang Dang.

Sadako is also a standard rule-based evil spirit and adheres to professional ethics.

It is said that seven days are the last seven days, never a minute early or late.

He comforted: "Don't worry, things are indeed scary, but you won't be killed during this period."

"Have a good attitude and find the tape and we will win."

Keller sighed: "It's all because I was too careless, and I actually lost the belt, alas!"

Xu Zhijian said: "There is no need to blame yourself, who hasn't made a mistake yet?"

"In addition to asking Arkham's investigation team to help, I also thought of another way, which I can tell you about."

Keller's eyes lit up: "Really, what can I do?!"

He explained seriously: "It's actually very simple. Aren't you a reporter? This profession is quite good."

"You have to use all your connections and abilities to publish an advertisement in newspapers, magazines and TV stations."

"I'm asking for that videotape. Whoever finds it can send it over. The reward is one thousand dollars!"

"This is currently the easiest and most efficient method to implement."

It's 2005 now, and the iPhone won't be released for another 2 years.

The Internet is developing well, but it is certainly not as dominant as it is now.

Therefore, the current mainstream media are still traditional newspapers and television stations.

Seattle has a population of 3 million+, and you probably won’t be able to find it if you look for it on your own.

We can only rely on the power of the media.

And a reward of one thousand US dollars is a lot of money now, let alone the current node.

As long as someone really picks it up, they will find a way to deliver it without urging.

Keller thought about it and thought this method was indeed feasible.

The only question is how much does it cost to achieve the advertising effect? ?

I don’t have that much savings.

She expressed her concerns directly: "It's a good idea, but I don't have that much money for advertising."

Xu Zhijian asked back: "Based on your professional experience, you want one out of ten people to know how much it will cost?"

"It's at least around one hundred thousand dollars."

"That's it..."

He nodded and felt that the price was not as expensive as he thought. He thought it would cost millions.

This is the conceptual gap caused by different times.

After all, the difference is 19 years.

There is too much inflation, and the carrier has become mainly online.

After thinking for a moment, he came up with a compromise: "In this way, we can just print a batch of leaflets."

"Then hire a few people to paste it everywhere. This saves money and has good dissemination effect."

"And relying on the media is secondary. The main way to break the situation seems to be your son."

Keller was stunned when he heard this.

Why does this have anything to do with his son? ?

He continued to explain: "It's my fault that I didn't think of this before and forgot that your son actually has a special ability."

"How should I put it... By the way, it's similar to the legendary psychic."

"He should be able to sense where the tape is."

"But this is also an inference. I'm not sure whether it actually exists, but I have to give it a try."

In "The Ring - American Version", Keller's son is set to have a psychic physique.

He kept mumbling.

Never call Caleb mom, but call her by her first name.

In the first part, he could sense Samra's existence, for example, he drew his cousin's death a week in advance.

He also provided clues that he hated the dark and didn't want to stay in the stable, etc.

Thus guiding and enlightening Keller to solve the puzzle.

In the second part, he was directly possessed by Sadako.

In summary, we should be able to know the end of the videotape.

Of course, if there is no such setting here, it's another story.

Keller frowned, puzzled and shocked. On the one hand, he didn't expect and couldn't believe that his son had such ability.

On the other hand, he was puzzled as to how he knew it? ?

Is the Arkham Asylum Investigation Team really so powerful and outrageous? !

It can know all the secrets.

She came back to her senses and asked, "Are you kidding? Why didn't I find out that Adam has that ability?"

Xu Zhijian affirmed, "I'm serious, and this is just an inference, it doesn't mean it's 100% true."

"I know you're confused and scared, I understand."

"But this is related to the secrets of the investigation team, so I can't tell you why we know."

"Again, I'm here to help you solve the problem, I won't hurt you."

Keller nodded without comment.

If it was a normal homicide case, she would definitely think that the other party approached her for other purposes, or even the murderer.

But now it's a supernatural incident, the problem is much more complicated.

Compared to conspiracy theories, it's more acceptable that others are sincere to help.

She rubbed her forehead: "Okay, I understand, organizations like yours do have confidentiality regulations."

"I'll call Adam to ask when it's daybreak."

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