People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 206 Survival Day 206: Acquaintances are the worst


The young man frowned and looked at the tape, and then he thought of something.

I forgot where I heard it from.

Recently, there seems to be a legend that there is a mysterious videotape, and if you watch it, you will die within 7 days.

The content of this tape is messy and incomprehensible.

And after watching it, you will receive a mysterious phone call immediately.

Thank you for the generous gift!

Could it be... this is the rumored cursed videotape? ! !


The young man swallowed his saliva and showed fear in his eyes. He subconsciously threw the tape aside.

Although the matter was suspicious, he was still trying to convince himself that it was unlikely to be the case.

2: A high school girl died in a car accident for unknown reasons.

It was done smoothly, and I continued with the second copy.


Thinking about it, he hurriedly opened the old notebook and started looking for keywords.

When the last copy was copied halfway, the screen suddenly froze.

It is worth noting that the other party must watch it to the end, otherwise there will be no effect.

1: A teenager suddenly fell from a high building and died.

The young man's frightened heart finally calmed down a little. God bless, there must be a solution!

Then he searched for a lot of similar rumors.

As he walked, he thought about who he should give the copied tape to?

Should he find someone he knows, or throw it away and wait for passers-by to pick it up?

What should he do?

What should he do? !

He took out a tissue and wiped the sweat on his head. He originally used it to wipe that thing, but it was no longer useful.

How could there be such a thing as a curse in the world? It's all nonsense.

4: A teenager died of excessive fright.

And it's very simple and easy to do.

Soon he really found a so-called solution.


A sharp sound similar to metal friction was made.

Then there is only one truth.

He did it as soon as he said it. He immediately put the tape into the machine again, but found that there was no extra blank tape at home.

5: Someone committed suicide at home and wrote the number 7 on the ground.

This time it's normal. this too coincidental? ! !

Damn it...damn it! !

This horrible legend is actually true, and I was so unlucky to encounter it.

Seven days.

It's true that acquaintances are the worst.

Just copy the video tape three times and show it to others, and the curse will be lifted.


Curse the video tape.

Some people also listed the death cases in the past month, which were as high as more than a dozen.

That means all died at 21:49!

The young man became more and more panicked, and his forehead was full of cold sweat, which had already dripped onto the keyboard.

3: A girl died strangely at home, and her death was horrible.

These people died in different ways, but they had one thing in common.

So he rushed out to buy it.

It's very likely that his friends were deliberately making fun of him.

Tsk tsk.

The young man was so scared that he quickly turned off the machine, took out the tape and looked at it, and re-tested it after confirming that it was not damaged.

He walked quickly on the street, and because of nervousness and distraction, he frequently bumped into people walking towards him.

According to his understanding of their personalities, they would definitely do such a thing.

After thinking it over again and again, he decided to use acquaintances as a knife! After all, you can find a way to let the other party see it first.

Then, with shaking hands, he continued to search for a way to crack it.

After buying the tape and returning home, he began to copy the first copy.

The young man wanted to convince himself, but no matter how he thought about it or how he explained it, it didn't make sense.

However, as he stared at it, he always felt a faint cold wind behind him.

He frequently turned his head to look at the hall, but he didn't find anything wrong.

It seems that he was too nervous.

Finally, he finished copying three copies and began to study who to give it to in order to ensure that he could achieve his goal.

Good brothers will definitely be willing to see it, this one counts.

What about the rest?

The relationship between those other friends is not good or bad.

You have to find an excuse to let them let down their guard.

That's right!

In addition to finding good relationships, you can also find enemies.

That damn guy has been bullying me, so I can take this opportunity to vent my anger!

That's it.

The young man thought seriously for a while and finally selected 4 unlucky guys.

3 copies, 1 original copy.

He took out a pen and paper and wrote something on the tape, then looked at the time again.

It's still early, so don't act now.

Otherwise, it's easy to be seen.

Wait until night and then quietly put the videotape at the target, without anyone noticing.

Then continue to look for news about this matter.

The more he watched, the more frightened he became. At the same time, he suspected that the stall owner also wanted to break the curse in this way.

Damn bastard!

He cursed and watched for a while, and found that in addition to copying, there was another suspected feasible method.

That is to burn the tape with fire.

According to the other party, fire is a high-level godhood that can purify all evil and heresy.

As long as it is burned, the curse can be killed.

The young man pondered for a moment and felt that what he said made a lot of sense.

After all, there is a god who is the god of fire. What is his name... I can't remember.

But as long as he is a god, it's fine. He is also the enemy of the devil.

So he took the mother tape to the kitchen, turned on the gas stove, and threw it into the flames decisively.


The tape soon began to burn, emitting white smoke and melting.

An unpleasant smell of plastic wafted up.

The young man quickly opened the window, stepped back to the door, and stared at it while fanning his mouth and nose.

A few minutes later, the tape was burned into a heap.

He turned off the gas stove and waited for a while, and when it was almost cooled, he picked it up and looked at it.

Now it was completely unrecognizable, just a pile of melted plastic.

So... is this considered a solution?

He didn't know the details, but his mind suggested that it was probably solved.

After all, the whole process was very smooth, and there were no other accidents.


He threw the burnt tape into the garbage bag, then walked out of the room and threw it far away.

The master tape was ready, and only three copies were waiting to be sent out.


At the same time.

Xu Zhijian and Keller also printed the flyers and hired ten people to distribute them in different places.

The printed content was very simple, with a total of three sentences.

"Looking for the legendary cursed videotape, no cover, pure black packaging, with a number similar to 1 on the side"

"Only three days, don't take it after the expiration date, reward of one thousand dollars"

"You can call the following number: 206-XXXX"

The reason for setting a deadline is to create a sense of urgency.

It can be better and faster for the person who picked it up to deliver it.

Keller held a stack of lists: "I'll go to the north side of the block, you go to the south."

Xu Zhijian nodded: "OK, meet at the door of your company at 7 o'clock in the evening."

"Got it, bye."


The two turned around and went their separate ways.

In addition to posting flyers on poles or walls, Xu Zhijian also handed them out to passers-by.

Some people would look at them curiously, wondering what the cursed videotape is and why they are looking for it?

But the reward is really high.

And some people either don't take it or throw it away without even looking at it.

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