People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 214: Day 214 of Survival: A Short Separation Is Better Than a New Reunion

Activate, start!

Just like entering a competition copy.

After a moment of darkness, Xu Zhijian came to the world of choice.

He looked around quickly.

He was now lying naked in a bedroom, and the layout was very familiar.

He looked around quickly, and saw a naked woman sleeping on his arm.

Long golden brown hair, beautiful facial features, and a delicate body that had just taken a bath and exuded the fragrance of shower gel.

I haven't seen it for a long time, and it's really hard to hold back.

Xu Zhijian retracted his gaze first and quickly checked the information he wanted to know most.


"Return to the World: "Reverse Taboo Time"

This setting is quite good, saving a lot of trouble.

The memory is also suspended at the last moment.

If it happens now, it is likely that only a few real damage bullets will kill it instantly.

Everything is so familiar, as if it was yesterday.

The protagonist who worked together will not know that he has left and returned again.

This comparison shows that the strength has increased objectively.

He finally realized it, not bad, not bad, not bad.

"Challenge progress: Cleared"

Exorcism pattern drawn with salt and glue.

Xu Zhijian gently pulled back his arm, got out of bed and went to the living room to take a look, and memories immediately flooded his mind.

The water on the floor has not dried yet.

Jordan is still sleeping on the sofa.

"To be completed: 0"

He couldn't help but sigh. He was a novice at the beginning, and it took a lot of trouble to solve the yellow-eyed demon.

Staying for five days is not long, but not short. It's just enough to kill time.

"Remaining stay time: 4 days 23:59"

"So that's it."

Otherwise, if you suddenly appear again after leaving for a month or two, you will have to explain for a long time.

And when you come back again, the node is also the moment you left at the beginning, which is equivalent to the movie being paused.

It's not a monster-killing upgrade, but a stream of water, not hurried or slow.

After watching for a while, he returned to the room, lay on the bed and turned on his mobile phone to kill time.

The other hand was still not honest, pinching and pinching.


Just like that, at noon, Quinn, who was sleeping soundly, finally woke up in a daze.

She leaned over and greeted softly: "Hi~~"

Xu Zhijian stroked her hair: "Hi, long time no see, I really miss you."

After not seeing each other for so long, she looked much prettier and very attractive.

Quinn didn't hear the hidden meaning in her words, nor could he guess the real meaning.

He just thought it was a rustic love talk.

She smiled slightly: "Really~ It seems you can't leave me."

"Haha, you're right!"

Xu Zhijian smiled mischievously and pressed her down decisively.

"Hi, let me drink some water first, don't be so anxious."

"Okay, you drink yours, I'll do mine."

"Ah~ Hahaha, stop it~"

He quickly entered the fighting state. For him, it was really a kind of atmosphere of a short separation.

It was so pleasant until the afternoon.

After the two of them finished packing, they began to study the business, calculating how much it would cost to repair the house, etc.

Finally, they calculated a rough number.

It's not much, but it's a bit difficult for Quinn's current income, after all, he is still an intern nurse.

But it's not a big problem, you can ask your father to borrow some money first.

And Xu Zhijian naturally lent a hand and supported some money to show his kindness.

Quinn said gratefully: "Thank you for your help, I will definitely pay you back as soon as possible, including interest."

He nodded: "Okay, don't worry, let's talk about it when we are completely relaxed."

Quinn is a very independent and reasonable person.

He doesn't think that he should let the other party spend money, as it should be.

Instead, he treats one thing as another.

In this way, we can get along better and respect each other.

So he didn't say that he didn't have to pay it back, that he would be alienated, and that he looked down on me, etc.

That would only put pressure on others.

At this time, Quinn's sister Jordan also woke up with a yawn.

The little girl rubbed her eyes and looked at the situation in the room, and was stunned.

What's going on? ?

Just sleeping, how can it become as dirty and messy as after a disaster?

She couldn't help asking, "Sister, what did you do last night?"

Quinn laughed, "Nothing, just the faucet in the bathroom was broken and I spent the whole night fixing it."

"Dad is supposed to be back today, I'll take you back later and then fix the house."

Jordan said, "Oh," and didn't ask any more questions.

After packing up and throwing away, they were ready to go find their dad.

Quinn said, "Xu, I'll take her back first, and I'll probably be back in the evening."

Xu Zhijian nodded, "OK, go get busy, see you later."

"Yeah, see you in the evening."

After watching them drive away, he turned around and walked around to kill time.

After walking around for a while, he passed a church unknowingly.

He turned his head and took a look casually, and recognized that this was the church where the Holy Light Cross was first obtained.

He retracted his gaze and continued to leave.

But after walking a few steps, he suddenly thought of something, so he turned around and walked in.

There were still not many people at this time, only a dozen elderly people.

He walked straight to the front and took out two free crosses from the holy water basin.

Then he looked around and saw the priest he had seen last time.

He took the initiative to greet him with a smile: "Hi, Father, hello, we meet again."

According to the rules of returning to the world, the time and memory of this priest also stayed at the node where he left.

That is, it was only one day after they met again.

In addition, he was Asian and recognizable, so the other party remembered him very clearly.

The priest smiled and nodded: "Hello young man, it seems that God has provided you with help."

He nodded affirmatively: "Yes, this is really effective, thank God for your protection."

"That's great, then do you want to hear more about the Lord's miracles?"

"Uh... Sorry, I have to go to work, I just happened to pass by, wait for next time."

"No problem, I wish you a happy life."

"Thank you, goodbye."

Leaving the church, Xu Zhijian put the cross into his bag with satisfaction.

Just now he thought of an idea.

Since this thing is really effective and it is a mid-level weapon, can it be taken out this time?

If it works, then you can make some exchange points by reselling it.

It can be used as a factory for purchasing goods, and there is no need to worry about how to get funds.

He strolled until 7 o'clock in the evening, and came to the restaurant where he and Quinn had agreed to meet.

The food was served, and they talked while eating.

Quinn said happily: "My father lent me the money, and I can start work tomorrow."

Xu Zhijian said: "GOOD, the workload is not large, it should be completed in three days."

"Almost, by the way, I have to ask for leave again."

Quinn realized this later, and quickly called the hospital and asked for two more days.

Just enough.

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