People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 216 Survival Day 216: A Super Cruel Scene

He opened the equipment room and took out the spare flashlight and lit it up.

He could finally see the surroundings clearly.

This was a small room with no extra things, only waist-deep seawater.

He shone it downwards, but the light was refracted and he couldn't see anything clearly.

Strange, where on the ship would there be so much water?

Oh, right.

The movie said that the hull had begun to take in seawater, and it would sink again soon.

Time was tight again.

He had taken a boat for the first time in "The Ring", and now he was directly in a marine horror movie.

He carefully observed and moved forward, and soon came to the end, where a completely rusted iron door appeared.

He tried to find out that it was a staircase.

He walked up step by step, stopped, and pushed the door cautiously, and it opened easily.

There was still a corridor behind, and there was a corner at the end.

Some water drops dripped from the pipe above his head from time to time.

He walked towards the door carefully, and his left foot touched a bulge after he came over.

Fortunately, I have a thousand-pound strength, otherwise I really can't open it, and I will be trapped in this corridor.

Because of the long time + seawater corrosion, all the iron structures are rusted and can't see the original appearance.

Are you sure it's safe to move forward.

There is a round handle similar to a steering wheel on it.

Crackle... Crackle...

With the help of the peripheral light, it feels like there should be a hall below.


The handle finally moved slowly, causing a lot of rust to fall down.

After a while, it was successfully opened.

The wood and plastic products were also rotten and moldy, and the paint was cracked.

I could only bite the flashlight with my mouth, and then use both hands to turn it with all my strength.

Let's take a look at the situation outside first. Everything is safe and there is no seawater on the ground.

Thank you, Lord God.

He stretched out his hand and tried to turn it, but it didn't move at all. It seems that it has been embroidered.

Soon he found a head-sized crack on the ground in front of him, and he approached and shone the flashlight downwards.

He walked out with a gun in one hand and a flashlight in the other. It was a long and narrow corridor, also dark.

That meant he was at least on the second floor, or higher.

He strode across the crack and walked for a while, and finally there were rooms on both sides of the corridor.

He came to the half-open door of the room, pushed it open, and took a look.

The space was quite large, probably more than ten square meters, but it was very messy.

Clothes, tools, books, photo frames, etc. were all scattered on the floor, or tilted here and there.

They were also moldy or rotten.

It should be where rich people live.

He walked in to observe closely and soon found a diary on the table.

He flipped it open and checked it.

The paper was already very fragile, but the handwriting was still clear.

"1962-May 17"

"Today I successfully boarded the luxurious Antonia Grasa cruise ship and headed for Italy for vacation"

"This will be a pleasant and relaxing ocean trip"

"1962-May 18"

"Nothing special happened today. Oh, by the way, the food on the ship is very good, worthy of being made by a chef"

"1962-May 19"

"I didn't expect to encounter a shipwreck named Lorellen halfway, but there was only one survivor"

"That guy is really blessed by God"

"1962-May 20"

"Why is this happening?! No! Why is this happening............"

The diary stopped halfway through, obviously interrupted by an unexpected incident.

I just saved someone yesterday, and encountered a strange danger the next day.

There must be a connection between the two.

Xu Zhijian thought carefully about the content of the movie and deduced the truth.

In short, the mysterious lucky guy is actually the boss who brought disaster!

The wreck of the Lorellen was not a coincidence but a tragedy.

It was it that did it.

Being rescued was also a trap designed for them to continue to complete the mission.

Because of its bewitching, some employees on the ship suddenly started killing people as if they were brainwashed.

First, they killed all the chefs and poisoned the food.

Then, while people were having a dance on the deck, they activated the mechanism and beheaded everyone with a wire.

And those who did not participate did not escape death either, they were chased and shot to death by them.

Some women were first raped and then killed.

Until the end, all those who obeyed it were also killed by it, and it completely became a bloody empty ship.

Countless evil spirits were floating around.

And the mysterious man did not stop there.

He continued to use the same method to lure groups of people to come to the ship, and then slaughtered them.

It has been going on forty... no, more than sixty years now!

I don’t know what happened to the protagonists in the movie. If I can meet it, I will definitely kill it as soon as possible!

After looking for a while, Xu Zhijian walked out and continued to move forward.

The other rooms were also dirty and messy, and no valuable information or items were found.

Soon, a staircase leading down finally appeared in front of the corridor.

After walking all the way to the end and looking around, he finally came to the living room he had seen from the gap just now.

There was a number 2 on the wall.

It seemed that he was on the third floor just now.


While looking around, a sharp and piercing sound suddenly rang in his ears.


Xu Zhijian was so scared that he cursed and hurriedly shone the flashlight over.

On the wall, there was an old-fashioned clock, which had turned yellow and black, but could still tell time.

The pendulum rang a few times and returned to normal.

"Damn, I got scared!"

He breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help cursing. Now he could be very calm when facing evil spirits.

And this unexpected accident, which was not expected, did not cause much damage, but was unexpected, frightened people suddenly.

He retracted his gaze and continued to look around.

This hall is a rectangular structure, and it is quite large, it feels like two or three hundred square meters.

It should have been a restaurant or a social place before?

A pile of tables, chairs and sofas were tilted here and there, and there was a mess on the ground.

Many cans, bottles, food, etc. were scattered, and the packaging was so rotten that it was unbearable to look at.

He observed and moved forward, and deliberately walked to the window on the hull to look out.

It was midnight, it was pitch black, and nothing could be seen.

He could only hear waves of waves.

Then he walked to the elevator shaft opposite and looked a few times. It had already broken down, and the elevator had completely fallen to the bottom.

Soon he passed by a bathroom, the door had fallen down.

Looking at the filthy toilet, another childhood shadow popped up in his mind.

But it was not "Ghost Ship"

It was another famous marine horror film: "Deep Cold"

There was a scene where a monster appeared, and a woman hid in the bathroom and sat on the toilet in fear.

Then she was directly grabbed by the monster.

Under the huge force, the woman's body was torn into pieces and fell completely from the fist-sized toilet mouth.

This scene was too cruel.

He didn't dare to go to the toilet for the next few days.

Xu Zhijian continued to look around while thinking, and didn't notice that something behind him suddenly moved.

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