People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 219 Survival Day 219: Killing two birds with one stone, so happy

Xu Zhijian nodded affirmatively: "That's right! So you have to tell me all the inside stories you know."

"This way I can better plan for you to escape from this hellish prison."

The little girl looked forward to it but didn't believe it: "Is it really like this?"

He hummed: "Really, I swear to God, you can completely believe in my ability."

"I met a girl similar to you before, but her resentment was deeper and turned into a video murder."

"But in the end, I still helped it fulfill its wish and got relief."

The little girl's big eyes were filled with surprise and curiosity.

Especially when the sentence turned into a video of murder, it’s incredible, right? ?

But she finally believed what Xu Zhijian said and believed everything was true.

This can be regarded as an ability of the ghost state, which can reveal the true thinking of human beings.

Chefs were slaughtered and food was poisoned.

It's basically the same plot as in the movie, but with a lot more follow-up situations.

At the moment of touching it, bursts of 3D projection images appeared in my mind.

The dead turned into evil spirits one by one, and were continued to be controlled by the mysterious person.

Wave after wave of crew members were deceived by it and became new sacrifices.

Dancers on the deck were cut into pieces by a wire.

She walked over slowly and stretched out her right hand to touch Xu Zhijian's shoulder.

Those who survived were driven to the pool and shot to death.

He said seriously: "I understand, don't worry, I will definitely avenge you!"

Fortunately, the little girl is still in the lawful good camp just like in the movie.

There is blackening.

It would be a pity otherwise.

The scenes are so clear, so shocking and angry.

The little girl was caught in this room by the murderers and then subjected to heinous abuse.

A mysterious man is rescued on board.

Then he was hanged by them.

For example, many dead souls have become manipulated evil spirits, used by the mysterious person.

"By the way, you haven't been able to leave the ship. Are you trapped here?"

I remember that there seems to be such a setting in the movie, but I can’t remember the specific plot clearly.

Xu Zhijian looked gloomy.

Etc., etc.

The little girl nodded: "Yes, many souls can reunite with their dead family members, but I can't."

"Not everyone who was killed on board."

"We are trapped here and can never escape, marked or unmarked."

Xu Zhijian interrupted: "What does the mark refer to?"

The little girl said: "The soul without any crime cannot be marked and will not be used by it."

"Those who commit crimes will become its subordinates and help him massacre all humans who come up later."

"But in either case, it's just one type of data it's used to collect."

"After completing the specified indicators, we will be sent to..."

At this point, she showed an expression of horror and fear, and was unable to continue.

His eyes kept looking up and down, left and right, obviously afraid of something.

Xu Zhijian also took a look.

Although I couldn't see anything, I understood that since I was worried, I shouldn't ask about it now and talk about it later.

So he said tactfully: "OK, no need to say anything, I understand what you mean."

"Now work with me. Can you take me to inspect the entire ship first?"

"Especially finding that thing left behind by the Mysterious One."

The little girl said decisively that it was okay.

So one person and one ghost left the room together.

Only then did I realize that the way it moved was not walking, but floating as described in the legend.

About 30 centimeters above the ground.

As he walked, he asked: "By the way, what is your name?"

The little girl replied: "Katie, my name is Katie."

"OK, you can call me Xu."


The two chatted while walking.

The lost ghost ship, with one person and one ghost, has a strange harmony in this picture.

Soon we came to the same hall as before.

When he reached the middle position, a figure suddenly appeared in the limited flashlight light.

Xu Zhijian immediately stopped and reached out to stop Katie.

But the little girl didn't need his reminder, she had felt the presence of "the same kind" early on.

He was taking aim and preparing to shoot when the surrounding environment suddenly became brighter.

Like night suddenly turning into midday.

I saw a middle-aged woman wearing a red dress, black curly hair, and heavy makeup standing in front.

After looking carefully, I immediately remembered who this was.

It was the female ghost singer who seduced Nico into falling into the elevator and killing him, and she was also the main subordinate of the mysterious man.

The final end is also a bad death.

He was hanged directly by a large hanging head similar to a fishhook, and a mark was engraved on his hand.

In other words, even if he died, he would still be working for the mysterious person.

When Xu Zhijian walked over before, the cigarette that appeared was the one he smoked.

As for why he suddenly showed up now, maybe he waited for the opportunity he wanted, right?

When Xu Zhijian saw this, he didn't know what he was thinking. He put away the gun and looked at the other person.

The girl showed a confident smile and waved to him.

Then, he reached behind him and unzipped the dress, letting the dress slowly fall to the ground.

Then, completely naked.

Xu Zhijian also smiled, as if he was controlled, and walked over slowly.

Katie on the side hurriedly said: "NO...NO! Don't go over there, don't get close to that person."

He turned a deaf ear to her.

Katie was about to cry anxiously, and wanted to stop him but didn't have the ability: "Don't go... Come back soon..."

Soon he came to the girl.

He looked up and down at the other's body, showing a silly smile that was obviously dull and controlled.

The girl turned around with a satisfied smile, and hooked her hand while walking to tease.


At this time, Xu Zhijian's face suddenly changed, and he raised his gun and fired two shots without saying a word.

The girl's chest and head were hit, and she immediately screamed and fell to the ground.

Then her body instantly changed from normal plump to dry, like a skeleton.

Then it dissipated like powder.


Xu Zhijian blew on the muzzle of the gun like a cowboy, turned his head and raised his eyebrows to Katie.

The little girl understood immediately.

It turned out that he was just pretending. I thought he was really bewitched.

He waved his hand to signal to continue moving forward.

He did not attack immediately just now, which was indeed intentional.

The reason is very simple.

If you have a free naked body, you must see it enough, right? Not only see it, but also observe it closely.

This is much more exciting than watching movies.

See enough and then attack, kill two birds with one stone, happy.

Katie is still young, so naturally she can't guess that his real thoughts are so speechless.

Mainly, she didn't expect that someone would dare to do this to a ghost, it's really outrageous.

So she floated over and continued to move forward.

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