People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 222 Survival Day 222: YOUJUMPIJUMP

Chapter 222 Survival Day 222: YOU-JUMPI-JUMP

Time passed slowly in the strong wind and discomfort.

It finally stopped around five in the morning.

When the sky began to brighten at around six o'clock and the sun rose, it was finally over this long night.

Xu Zhijian walked to the deck and looked into the distance, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

He saw the endless blue sea, blue sky and white clouds, and a gentle breeze.

This scene was simply beautiful, like a painting.

He took a deep breath of fresh air, opened his arms and shouted: "YOU-JUMP, I-JUMP!"

Uh... No.

It was wrong.

It should be: "I am the man who wants to become the Pirate King!"

It was Katie.

"Do you have breakfast... Oh, by the way, you definitely don't need it."

Even if you sell it as scrap metal, it won't make much money.

While watching, a figure appeared out of thin air in the corner of the shadow.

"Did you feel the strong wind last night? It made me feel sick."

Xu Zhijian smiled: "Good morning, did you sleep well last night... Do you need to sleep?"

At the same time, in a bar in a small town.


"Hahaha, of course not."

And Katie hadn't talked to anyone she could get in touch with for a long time, and she was even more talkative.

One person and one little ghost, sitting under the blue sky and white clouds to enjoy the time.

Xu Zhijian walked to her and sat down, enjoying the beautiful scenery and talking freely.

After appreciating it, he began to look at the entire ghost ship.

Then, an extremely huge body floated to the surface of the water for a few seconds, and then sank to the bottom of the sea.

I can't remember the specific name of this cruise ship, but it was embroidered inside and outside.

She took the initiative to say hello: "Hi, good morning."

Then she took out her mobile phone to take pictures of such a beautiful scenery. At the same time, ripples suddenly appeared on the sea surface.

"Well, I can see that you are tired."

Puff--! !

Then a column of water sprayed up, drawing a shallow rainbow.

It's a blue whale!

He quickly aimed the camera to record this scene. It was so shocking. It was the first time he saw a whale in his life.

Cheerful rhythm, dancing crowd.

Six people, five men and one woman, of different ages, sat at a table in the corner.

They were drinking beer and smoking cigarettes while discussing things.

The oldest middle-aged white man was named Murphy, the captain of the team.

He looked around and asked, "What do you mean?"

The bald Nigo with a cigar and glasses on the left said, "This trip will take at least a week, right?"

"We have just been drifting on the sea for six months. It would be too tiring to move without much rest."

The long brown-haired woman on the right looked a bit Indian.

She suggested, "That's not a problem. The main thing is whether the ship is worth the money. We can't pay for it in vain."

"Yes, that's right."

The other three men agreed.

Captain Murphy said: "I can't guarantee that. Most of the abandoned ships floating on the sea are garbage."

"But the sea often gives opportunities. If you miss it, you really miss it."

"Maybe it's worth tens of millions of dollars, or maybe it's only a few hundred dollars. It depends on whether you dare to gamble."

A long-haired bearded man sitting opposite said: "If there is a treasure, how do we divide it?"

Murphy said: "Simple, the six of us will share it equally, and the commission given to that guy will also be shared equally."

The bearded man thought for a while and nodded: "OK, I agree to go."


"Add me."

"It's up to you, Captain, to go or not."

The other three men and one woman made their decisions one after another, and only Nico with glasses was still hesitating.

Everyone didn't rush them and waited patiently.

He looked at everyone and thought for a few minutes, then nodded: "OKOK, how can I leave you behind?"

All members agreed.

The matter was settled.

A moment later, a man with short brown hair, a long face, and gloomy features came over.

Then he whispered, "How about it, have you considered it?"

Murphy nodded, "It's agreed, I wish us a happy cooperation, you get 20% commission."

The man smiled, "Very good, then let's go now, we can arrive before dark."

Murphy glanced at everyone, "Now go pack up your guys, and gather to go out to sea in half an hour."

"It's the captain~~"

The seven people talked and laughed excitedly and left the bar.

After getting ready, set sail!

The "Arctic Warrior" tugboat left the dock and headed for the destination this time.

On the way.

Except for the crew controlling the ship in the control room, the other six people were drinking tea and chatting in the cabin.

Murphy teased, "How about Jack, isn't it wonderful to ride a boat?"

The short-haired man, Jack Freeman, shook his head with a weak and painful look on his face, wanting to vomit but unable to.

The bearded man laughed, "Hahaha, bear with it, man, you'll get used to it."

The long-haired woman Epps asked, "Aren't you a pilot? How could you get seasick?"

Jack took a sip of coffee, "I don't know..."

She smiled, "Okay, I suggest you lie down and lean your head against the sofa and don't move, it will be better."


Jack quickly lay down and did as he was told.

After a short rest, I felt much better, so I closed my eyes and entered a silent state.

Murphy and the others continued to chat.

Time passed by little by little, and it was 6:30 in the evening before I knew it.

The clear sky turned into a dark cloud, the vision became dim, and it began to rain.

At this time, we had advanced more than 70 nautical miles, which is nearly 130 kilometers.

There were less than 20 nautical miles to the target, almost there!

The sailor listened to the exciting music while observing the radar screen.

Half an hour later.

The radar finally responded and scanned a huge ship information.

The sailor immediately became energetic, observed for a moment and picked up the intercom: "Hey Captain, come and see!"

Murphy and others in the room heard it and hurried over immediately, and Jack, who was resting with his eyes closed, stood up and followed.

Came to the control room.

Everyone saw the information on the radar and smiled with surprise and expectation.

Found it.

Finally found it!

Looking at the size, it is definitely an ocean liner.

This time it will probably be rich.

As the distance got closer, everyone also prepared to board the ship as soon as possible.

Murphy turned on the searchlight, and three lights larger than car tires lit up and shone into the distance.

Ten minutes later.

A huge black and yellow object appeared.

The sailor had already slowed down and slowly approached the other party, and stopped the boat when it was about ten meters away.

At this time, everyone was standing on the bow and looking up at this mysterious behemoth.

It was like a mountain, majestic and magnificent.

It was parked on the sea and hit by rain.


"Hahahaha! We are going to make a fortune this time!"

"Jack, why didn't you say it was a cruise ship earlier? It's so cool!"

Esper and others were excited and exclaimed.

Captain Murphy spelled out the names engraved on the hull one by one, and then showed a more surprised look.

Jack beside him couldn't help asking: "What's wrong, Murphy? Do you know this ship?"

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