People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 229 Survival Day 229: Inherited Fate

A week flies by.

After hard practice, Xu Zhijian can already swim at full speed.

Although it is not yet proficient, it can be handled when encountering some shallow lakes.

At least he won't drown.

Zhao Enchen also received movie resources as a gift from him and will watch them carefully and repeatedly whenever he has free time.

Even frame-by-frame analysis.

Not many, just over thirty.

But the probability is enough.

If you are lucky enough to encounter the same copy, you will be able to survive the early stage.

If you have the ability to survive for more than a month, the two parties can better exchange ideas and skills with each other.

At noon that day, the two of them separated after training. One went back to watch a movie, and the other waited for the copy.

Ten minutes later, Xu Zhijian received the new competition information as promised.

"Householder: Xu Zhijian"

"Block: No. 666"

"Rank: Jade (23600/30000)"

"Ranking: 1"

"This asymmetrical battle royale world: "Hereditary""

"Pass rate: 38%"

"Mortality rate: 62%"

"Average rating: C+"

"Main mission: avoid death, reward 100 redemption points"

"Side mission 1: Prevent the completion of the ritual and reward 1,000 redemption points."

"Side mission 2: Kill all hidden cultists and reward 1,000 redemption points."

"Side mission 3: For each protagonist group character prevented from dying, 200 redemption points will be awarded."

"Side mission 4: Random plot, automatically unlocked after triggering"

"Side Mission 5: Achieve a rating of A or above and obtain 5 star map points"

Xu Zhijian opened her eyes and found herself sitting in a quiet church attending a funeral.

There were thirty to fifty people sitting around, men, women, old and young, all wearing black clothes.

Everyone's expression was dull and silent.

The atmosphere was somewhat depressing.

While observing the situation, he was a little surprised. This time it would be this film!

"Hereditary" was released in 2018, and its reputation has been overwhelming.

Currently, 160,000 people have rated it, and it can still have a high score of 7.3.

The plot is roughly as follows:

"The heroine Anne lives with her husband and their eldest son, Peter.

Their youngest daughter, Charlie, was raised by Anne's mother, Ellen.

In fact, the relationship between Anne and her mother was very distant and inexplicably strange.

After Alan's death, Charlie returned to his parents.

Ever since Charlie returned home, strange events began to happen one after another at home.

Mysterious totem.

Unfamiliar name.

And the elusive uninvited guests.

This family was enveloped in a depressing atmosphere.

Due to Peter's negligence, a car accident claimed Charlie's life.

Her death hastened the schism among family members.

In Anne's most desperate days, a woman named Joan appeared by her side.

Claims to have special powers that can summon souls.

But as the truth is gradually unearthed, their understanding of their own life experience increasingly disintegrates.

Anne tried to escape the family's sinister fate with her children.

But the exorcism has begun.

What they don’t know is that someone must inherit the misfortune that is destined to be passed down from generation to generation.”

The narrative of this movie is very slow, advancing layer by layer, and there are relatively few horror scenes.

But just looking at it makes people stand on end with horror.

To be more precise, this movie is "evil".

There is an inexplicable sense of depression from the beginning, and as the plot progresses, all the mysteries are slowly solved.

It's like entering an icehouse on a dog day, feeling cold from head to toe.

It will make your scalp numb with fear, and it will also feel very enjoyable.

It is highly recommended for people who live alone to watch it in the middle of the night.

Xu Zhijian's identity here is that of a relative of the heroine Anne.

For some reason, I stayed at her house temporarily.

Yesterday morning, her mother died suddenly for unknown reasons, so the funeral was held today.

And this time period happened to be not long after the movie started.

At this time, Anne was wearing black clothes and standing on the stage to give a speech.

She said with a serious expression: "It feels very warm to see so many strangers attending my mother's funeral."

"If she could see this scene, she would be extremely moved."

"My mother was a very private person, with private friends, private ceremonies and so on."

"Now that I'm standing here mentioning this, it feels like I'm betraying her."

"As a daughter, I can't know and understand her thoughts..."

Xu Zhijian stared at her neck while listening, because she was wearing a golden pendant.

The shape is rather peculiar.

This symbol is very important and can be said to be the foreshadowing throughout the entire movie.

He didn't notice it when he saw it for the first time, but he didn't notice it until the second time.

As he looked at it, he suddenly thought of something again, and then turned to look at the back row.

A middle-aged white man in his forties with short blond hair and light blond eyebrows smiled when he saw this.

Xu Zhijian also smiled and then turned back, his face immediately becoming a little gloomy.

Great, this is all right!

It's time to study the battle plan.

At this point, Anne's speech ended, and it was time to pay homage to her remains.

He stood up and lined up in order, at about fifteen or sixteen.

It took about ten seconds for each person, and soon it was his turn.

In the coffin lay an old woman with a neat appearance, short blond hair and a khaki coat.

If you didn't know, you would think she was just sleeping.

And the old man also had a golden pendant on his neck.

It was exactly the same as the one Annie wore.

Xu Zhijian's eyes flashed with a trace of disgust and murderous intent. He never thought that this old Deng was so vicious and evil.

More terrifying than a ghost!

He strode away after taking a look, and the people behind him continued to pay their respects.

Soon it was the turn of the short-haired middle-aged man. This person looked at it for a moment with sadness and reluctance in his eyes and left.

Then came a middle-aged woman with long hair.

This person took out a small bottle from his pocket and opened it, dripping the contents onto the index finger of his right hand.

Then gently smeared it on the lips of Lao Deng.

No one tried to stop her behavior, and no one knew what it was.

But it didn't matter.

Anyway, the person was dead, so it didn't matter even if he was poisoned.

"Very good, another one"

Xu Zhijian silently marked the other party directly.

After the viewing, it was time for the last step of the burial ceremony.

When he arrived at the cemetery, he deliberately stood in front of the crowd, turning his head from time to time to glance at the people behind him.

At this time, the middle-aged man and the middle-aged woman changed their previous sad expressions.

They became a little excited.

Although they tried their best to control it, the excitement in their eyes and the twitching corners of their mouths had already exposed their true feelings.

It was like a hungry wolf seeing delicious mutton.

In addition to the two of them, there were several others with similar expressions, which was very strange.

Xu Zhijian understood in his heart, but he was just curious why they didn't wear the same pendant?

Maybe they hid it on purpose.

Not long after, the coffin was sealed with earth, and the funeral was completely over.

Everyone dispersed and went back to their homes to find their mothers.

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