People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 231 Survival Day 231: Oh, you coward

Thinking about it carefully, I really can't think of a way to detect and test it.

Otherwise, the protagonist group would not realize it later, and in the end they would not understand what was going on until they died.

There was one extremely strange thing, and no one found any problem.

That is, the son born to two white people is actually of Indian origin. It is extremely scary to think about it.

Back to business.

Xu Zhijian looked around at himself and subconsciously told himself that there was nothing wrong.

And it has a rebound stance to protect you.

If he is really tricked by Old B, he should be able to detect it quickly and be bounced out.

Xu Zhijian threw the photo album and books into the equipment warehouse, got up and walked out of the room to the hall.

Anne was still packing her things at this time.

He walked to the window and looked toward the yard to the northwest, where there was a simple little tree house in the trees.

This place is very important.

Using online game content as an analogy, it is the palace where the final BOSS exists.

The movie also starts with this as the first shot, hiding too much foreshadowing.

But there is nothing going on inside now.

Only the youngest daughter Charlie likes to live in it.

After watching for a while, he looked away and looked at the time. It was already past four in the afternoon.

After a few more hours of darkness, it’s time to do the first big thing!

At this time, Annie suddenly said: "Xu, can you lift the table for me?"


Xu Zhijian turned around and took a look. She was trying to lift the table and take out a tool underneath.

So he walked over to help and easily lifted one corner with a little effort.

Annie bent down and took out the things: "Thank you, I couldn't find it no matter how hard I looked for it. I didn't expect it to fall inside."

He asked casually: "It doesn't matter. Is the work almost finished?"

"It's almost there, there's still a week left."

"Well, come on."

"Just stay, I'll go back and get busy."

Annie left with the tools. She is a plasticist by profession, specializing in making small pocket toys.

What I am doing now is a scene of my mother being hospitalized, which can be regarded as a kind of commemoration.

Xu Zhijian felt bored after staying for a while, so he went outside and wandered along the only road.

While looking at it, I sighed with emotion at such a good location, quiet and quiet, and beautiful scenery.

As a result, the people living there were miserable, and the things they experienced were horrifying.

What a cruel contrast.

As he walked, he suddenly felt a strange feeling, as if there were eyes staring at him from behind.

So he turned around and looked around.

However, there was no second figure on the road or in the woods on both sides, and nothing could be seen.

But the feeling was strong and obvious.

It can't be an illusion.

Xu Zhijian took a few glances and then moved on, not worried at all, and could guess the reason.

It must be one or more of those goals.

Follow well.

Just try to seduce him, if he dares to reveal any clues, he will be killed directly!

However, I could wander around for a long time, and when the sky darkened, nothing dared to show up.

Damn it, cowardly.

When it was almost seven o'clock, Xu Zhijian finally set off to start working.

Return home first.

At this time, Anne had already prepared dinner, and Steven, Charlie, and Peter were also seated waiting for the meal to begin.

Seeing him coming back, Steven asked: "Xu, what are you doing? Let's eat."

He replied: "I was in a bad mood and wandered around for a while. You can just eat and don't worry about me."

"I remembered that I still had something to do at school, so I had to hurry over. Goodbye."

After that, he picked up the key from the cabinet, strode away, and drove another car out of the way.

Annie and others looked at each other curiously.

Steven asked: "Peter, what important tasks does your school have?"

Peter shook his head in confusion: "I don't know, I haven't heard of it."

"That's it... let's eat."

They were not too entangled in this, because Xu Zhijian was a temporary relative and had a private life.

Don't ask too much.

Just go and do whatever you want, it's okay if you have nothing to do anyway.

Charlie, on the other hand, stared blankly at the car driving away outside the window, with a hint of thoughtfulness in his eyes.

Xu Zhijian returned to the city all the way, first bought a fast food, and then went directly to the cemetery.

Because cars were not allowed, we had to walk with food to the place where Allen was buried.

But instead of standing in front of the grave, he hid behind a big tree not far away.

While eating, he kept an eye on the situation in that position.

half an hour.

One hour.

Two hours.

We waited until nine o'clock in the evening, and nothing unexpected happened during this period.

But Xu Zhijian was not in a hurry. It was still early and it was not the right time to do that kind of thing.

It would have to wait until midnight at least.

So I lay comfortably on the grass, put on my headphones and listened to the horror novel while continuing to wait.

The cemetery is very quiet at night, except for the constant calls of crickets and crickets.

The waning moon hangs in the sky, and the shadows of the trees dance.

A small gust of wind blew by, making a salsa sound, and together with the numerous tombstones, there was a strange atmosphere.

If there were some more will-o'-the-wisps, everything would be fine.

But compared to the feng shui treasure cemetery in "Dead Silence", it is still a lot worse.

Ten o'clock.

Eleven o'clock.

Twelve o'clock.

One o'clock at midnight.

Just like this, I waited patiently and waited, and finally something happened that lived up to my expectations.

Under the moonlight, three shadows were seen running quickly from the opposite side to the grave of Old B Deng.

They looked around for a while to make sure no one was following them, and then took shovels and other tools to dig!

Sha... Sha... Sha.

The sound of digging was very clear in the quiet environment, but they didn't care about that.

The three shadows dug for a while and rested for a while.

It took almost an hour, and the shovel finally touched the coffin.

After a while, they took out other tools and successfully opened the coffin lid.

Then, they worked together to lift up Old Deng's body.

Alan still looked like he was asleep, but under the moonlight, he was eerie.

They put the body aside, closed the lid, and covered the grave again to restore it to its original state.

After another period of busy work, it was 3:30 in the morning.

The grave was successfully buried.

They finally lifted up Old Deng's body and fled quickly.

However, not long after they walked, a shadow suddenly jumped out from behind the tree in front.

The three of them were startled and instinctively stopped.

One of the men whispered, "Who is it?!"

Xu Zhijian replied, "It's me, the Asian man who greeted you at the funeral today."

The other party was stunned for a moment, and then remembered.

But why did he suddenly appear here at this time? ?

So he asked tentatively, "It's you? You are Allen's family, right? What do you want to do?"

Xu Zhijian laughed, "I should ask you this question, what do you want to do by digging out my grandmother?"

The other party was speechless and quietly raised the intention to kill!

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