People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 239: Day 239 of Survival: Fingers connected to the heart, so cool

"Matthison, what are you doing?"

"Come out, hurry up, don't waste any more time."

"Where are the people?!!"

They shouted in a low and anxious voice, looking around.


Xu Zhijian quietly walked behind the nearest person and shot him in the head.

Some sticky liquid splashed on his face.

The sudden gunshot frightened the other people, and they hurriedly looked over in fear.

"WTF?? What's going on?!!"

"Is this a gunshot...?"


Bang bang!

After a few gunshots, three more people's heads were blown up.

Only the last one was left.

The man screamed in fear and turned around to run away.

However, Xu Zhijian took the lead and grabbed his hair with his left hand, and then pulled it back hard.


The other party fell backwards and fell to the ground.

"PLEASE...NO...Don't kill me..."

The man wailed and begged for mercy.

Xu Zhijian put the muzzle of the gun against his forehead: "Answer the questions honestly, and I can let you go, understand?"

"Tell me the names and addresses of all the members!"

The man was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect the other party to want these things.

What's going on? ?

Is it the police? ?

He suddenly plucked up the courage and said: "Humph! I will never tell you."

"Haha, is that so?"

Xu Zhijian smiled indifferently, stepped on his head with his foot, and then twisted his left index finger hard.

Ka Ba!

A crisp bone fracture sounded.

"Ah ah...!!"

The man screamed in pain.

"Are you willing to tell it now?"

"No...I won't tell you..."

"Okay, okay, you have backbone, I like it very much."

Xu Zhijian had guessed that it would not be so easy to get it, after all, it was a cult member.

This kind of people have stronger tolerance, firm beliefs, and paranoia than ordinary people.

Sometimes they would rather die than give in.

He grabbed the man's hand, and then with a little force, he tore off the entire nail!

Hysterical screams rang out.

Continuous, heart-wrenching, the eardrums of the listeners were about to explode.

The man screamed and twisted wildly, his brain was blank, and only one feeling remained.

It hurts!

As the saying goes: the fingers are connected to the heart.

When the toes or fingers hit the bedside cabinet, the whole person will collapse in pain.

Not to mention pulling out the entire nail.

It's worse than death.

Xu Zhijian remembered very clearly that when he was in junior high school, a girl in his class accidentally broke her nail when she was playing with others.

It was so painful.

All the witnesses felt the phantom pain and couldn't help but get goose bumps.

And the person involved fainted from the pain.

Then the principal, who was frightened by the news, ran from home to the hospital to check, thinking that someone had died.

And that's not all, he took out a small bag of chili powder from his pocket.

He said with a smile: "There are still 9...19 for me to play with. You keep going. Don't worry about me."

"I'll play mine, you fight your own, come on!"

As he said that, he opened the bag and poured some chili powder on the wound.

Like burning.

Like cutting with a knife.

There were another burst of heart-wrenching screams, and the man's body twitched as if he was electrocuted.

But I have to say that this guy's physical and mental fitness is really strong.

He didn't faint from the pain.

Xu Zhijian said with a smile: "GOOD, you must hold on well, and don't give up before I have enough fun."

This time he was going to pull out the nail of his thumb.

Just after a little force, the man begged for mercy in pain and despair: "NO...NO...I said..."

You see.

The cult members were determined, but they could not resist the pain of the physical limit.

Even if they wanted to endure it, the brain in the control center would not agree.

Xu Zhijian said with some regret: "What a pity, I can't play anymore. I wouldn't have suffered if I had done this earlier."

"You have to suffer so much before you give in halfway through. Don't you feel bad?"

"Speak quickly!"

The man explained weakly: "We... there are 17 of us in total... the founder is Allen..."

"The second founder's name is Joan... phone number 0235XXX..."

"The third person's name is Mathison, phone number 014XXX..."

The man stumbled and recalled while talking, and Xu Zhijian wrote it down in the mobile phone memo at the same time.

It took more than ten minutes to finally say it all with difficulty.

He temporarily left the other party aside and did not kill him, but called Mathison with his own mobile phone.

The call went through smoothly.

It means that the man did not lie and did not make up the number randomly.

So he pulled the numbers of all the remaining people together and sent a text message to the group.

"The second one is done, it will be officially launched at 12 o'clock tonight, come and gather quickly!"

The content is very brief.

If there is a fake number, ordinary people can't tell what it means, and basically think it is a spam message.

But the members could understand the meaning.

The man said weakly: "I... I've said it... Can you... Can you let me go and save me...?"

"Of course."

Xu Zhijian showed a cute and friendly smile, took out the hemostatic medicine and gauze, and bandaged him a few times.

This is certainly not out of kindness, wanting to be a saint bitch.

But keeping the other party for the time being is still useful, and the result must be determined after the other members arrive.

Another thing is to give the other party some hope first, thinking that they can finally survive.

Then, at the end, shatter this expectation.

This effect is so good.

After bandaging, he also helped the man to lie on the sofa and opened a bottle of drink.

"Come and drink something. I was wrong just now. Please forgive me."

"Thank you... No... It's okay."

The man took it with his other hand and drank two gulps. Under the stimulation of sugar, the secretion of dopamine was accelerated.

The pain was slightly relieved.

With the possibility of survival, the mentality and emotions also recovered a lot.

The bloodless lips gradually turned red, the body stopped shaking, and the teeth stopped chattering.

Thank God... No.

Thank the great Baimon!

He secretly protected himself and escaped from the abyss.

But who is this person and what does he want to do? !

The man secretly glanced at him. Although he couldn't see his face in the dark, he could imagine it.

He must be a burly, bearded, and muscular red neck, right?

I couldn't help but want to ask, but when I thought of the pain I just suffered, I shut up and didn't dare to ask.

Xu Zhijian asked with interest: "Ask a question, why did you join this kind of sect?"

"For money, power and sex? Do you really believe in the existence of demons?"

The man nodded affirmatively: "YES... The great Baimeng really exists... It's not fake."

"I sincerely hope you can join us and accept... Ahem, accept Baimeng's gift."

He asked back: "Haha, since there are demons, there must be God, right?"

"Aren't you afraid that God will get angry and kill you all?"

This sentence directly confused the man. He had never thought about this question before.

I really don't know how to answer it.

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