People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 24 Survival Day 024: I will lead the charge


The chicken blood splashed onto the demon, emitting a burst of black smoke.

But there were no sparks.

It meant it was useful, but not much.

If it could make expressions like humans, it would definitely laugh mockingly.

At the same time, it also found a way to break the second line of defense, which was to continue the water attack.

Raise your hands and grab hard in the air.

Puff... splash...

Xu Zhijian and Quinn immediately heard the sound of water spraying in the bathroom.

It was obvious that it wanted to flood the villa.

Either it would drown Quinn directly, or it would wash away the hexagram on the ground.

It was a sure win no matter how you calculated it.

Xu Zhijian quickly thought of a countermeasure with the chicken blood, and soon came up with an idea.

Salt is useful.

Chicken blood is useful.

The cross is useful.

Although the plastic wrap does not have the property of exorcism, its waterproof function is just right for it.


That's it!

He immediately whispered, "Quinn, I've come up with a new idea."

"Smear the chicken blood on your face right now, then apply glue on your clothes, and then pour salt on them."

Quinn subconsciously wanted to ask why.

But he held back. No matter what the reason, he just did it.

She held the chicken blood with both hands, then took a deep breath and began to apply it on her face.

The sticky and bloody smell was disgusting.


She spit out the blood that flowed into her mouth, and rubbed the blood in her palm on her clothes again.

Xu Zhijian reminded while wiping: "Quick, put the glue on your body."

Quinn continued to do it obediently.

If there was light now, the two would definitely be scared by each other's appearance.

The black and red blood on his face made it difficult to see his facial features, but only made the whites of his eyes more obvious.

Speaking human words was like a ghost.

The two bottles of glue were also used up quickly, and the tops and pants of the two were smeared all over.

If any flies or mosquitoes dare to stand on it to rest, they will not be able to come down.

"Keep applying salt!"

There are three bags of salt left. Xu Zhijian gave her two bags and she only needs one for herself.

Quinn tore open the package and lifted it up, pouring it down directly from the top of his head.

The salt grains were firmly stuck by the glue.

Their clothes turned white and black, just like walking on the road without an umbrella on a snowy day.

Only the last step is left.

Xu Zhijian handed over the plastic wrap: "Use this to wrap your whole body, wrap as much as you can."

"As long as it doesn't hinder your movement."

Quinn did it, and seemed to understand the meaning of this new method.


The two of them had chicken blood on their faces, salt grains stuck to their bodies with glue, and a layer of plastic wrap on the outside.

This look is as weird as it can be, and as speechless as it can be.

Five hundred years ahead of human aesthetics.

Quinn asked, "Xu, are we going to run away next?"

Xu Zhijian smiled and said, "NO! On the contrary, it's time for us to take the initiative to fight back."

After a series of confrontations just now, the strength of the demon is roughly clear.

It is very strong.

It can confuse human minds, control objects, shuttle between yin and yang, etc.

It is also very weak, and is restrained by many holy objects.

In addition, there is a negative BUFF that only performs curses, which is equivalent to cutting off one arm.

Taking all factors into consideration, there is no need to defend unilaterally.

And it can't be defended.

The water pipes in the bathroom and kitchen are damaged, and now the water has begun to flow into the living room.

It will flood the ankle position in less than half an hour.

The hexagram will be 100% ineffective.

So Xu Zhijian thought that since this is the case, he should turn himself into a weapon.

Hang all the effective holy objects on his body, and then take the initiative to charge at the demon, playing a "human ZD"

It is not clear whether it can be killed, but it is certain that it can be forced back.

Another reason is that the number of holy objects on hand is too small, such as plastic wrap.

Since it is waterproof, the best way is to lay it on the hexagram.

Unfortunately, I only bought two rolls, and the length is limited.

It can't even cover half of it.

I can only wrap myself up as a second choice.

It is even more impossible to attack from a distance like a slingshot and archery. Not only is it a waste, but you have to pick them up one by one.

But the devil will not watch you pick them up.


Quinn was stunned for a moment, and then immediately reacted and understood.

She asked: "Then how should we attack?"

Xu Zhijian replied: "Give me your cross, you just stay by Jordan's side and protect her."

"The holy objects on you are enough to keep the devil away."

She said gratefully: "I'll go and fight it. You can't see it, and it will be troublesome to find it."

"Just tell me the direction, I'm afraid you will be bewitched by it."

"This... okay."

Quinn handed the cross over obediently, then sat on the sofa and hugged his sleeping sister.

The devil watched them busy from beginning to end without stopping.

The main thing is that there is no way.

There was a hexagram blocking the way, so he didn't have the ability to get in.

He could only grab the void again to speed up the water flow and quickly flood the living room.

Xu Zhijian asked, "Where is it now?"

Quinn pointed to the left corner: "There!"

He took a deep breath and rushed directly in that direction.

Just do it!

The demon didn't feel happy when he saw that he had finally left the hexagram range.

Because this person was not the target.

And he was carrying a lot of holy objects, so he couldn't hide in time.

So the figure disappeared in a flash, and then appeared in the back.

Quinn immediately reported: "Xu, it is now at about six o'clock."

Xu Zhijian immediately turned around, felt the direction and charged again.

Then, the demon changed its direction again.

"This time it is at 11 o'clock!"

"8 o'clock in the evening!"

"It seems to be 5 o'clock in the morning!"


An extremely weird and funny scene appeared in the living room.

Quinn kept reporting the direction, Xu Zhijian kept adjusting the direction, and the invisible demon kept changing the direction.

If someone saw it, they would definitely have a face full of question marks.

Good guy, I shouted good guy, what kind of weird game is this? ?

After a few minutes, Xu Zhijian's breathing was a little rapid, but the effect was also obvious.

Because he had to avoid being attacked by him, the demon had to be distracted.

As a result, he could no longer control the water source.

Very good, that's what I want.

As long as you delay it, you will win!

Unfortunately, the devil is not a fool, and it is obvious that it will not be defeated so easily.

After dodging once again, it directly waved its hand and grabbed Xu Zhijian out of thin air.

Then it threw it hard.


He hit the wall heavily, gasped in pain, and almost died.

The devil will not kill irrelevant targets, but it does not mean that it will let them go.

I don't kill ≠ I don't fight.

If someone blocks and makes trouble, it will naturally make them not die, but they will no longer be able to move.

It turned around and reached out to Quinn again, trying to pull him up.

However, there was no effect.

Because the hexagram is like a barrier, all evil forces will be resisted and invalidated.

Just like the circle that Monkey King drew for Tang Seng is a concept.

So its "telekinesis" ability has never been able to be used, and it can only control props.

Thanks to YOUNOW, book friend 34606 for the monthly ticket.

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