People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 246 Survival Day 246: HIGHDIE

Chapter 246 Survival Day 246: HIGH-DIE

After a casual registration, the two of them took the female employee Winnie into the commonly used beauty salon.

They chatted and laughed while setting the temperature, listening to songs, etc.

Then they stripped naked and got into the coffin-like sunbathing machine.

Winnie sat aside and picked up a magazine and read it boredly.

There was a striking number written on the cover: 180 issues.

"Roller Coaster, Car of Love"

"Roller Coaster, OOH~OOH~OOH"

"Oh~ baby, you know I'm right"

"Roller Coaster, yes, Car of Love"

Sister Ashley listened to "Roller Coaster of Love" while singing along with the rhythm, shaking her head and feet.

She subconsciously looked up, then tightened her clothes, wondering how such a strong wind blew in.

Because the movement was too slight, coupled with the interference of the music, the employees didn't notice it at all.

At this time, a strong cold wind blew in from the exhaust vent.

I couldn't help but think of the disappointing words Xu and Kevin said, and wondered if I had really taken a terrible photo.

I saw the camera on the table at a glance.

But I was just curious for a moment and still didn't care.

I was very relaxed.

It slowly slid to the table, and then dripped down along the corner of the table under gravity.

After more than ten minutes, the employee got up and went out to pour a glass of water and put it on the table next to him.

Wendy took a shower and changed her clothes when she returned home, and returned to the bedroom with her hair wiped.

And how to explain the horrible illusion she saw?

Otherwise, why did they say that.

Under here, there is a transformer that controls the power.

The first water drop fell on it and entered the interior from the heat dissipation vent.

Because it was ice water, and the temperature in the room was relatively high.

Now someone is guarding outside, there is no fear of any accidents.

Some water drops soon appeared on the paper cup.


At the same time.


I was stunned for a moment, unable to resist my curiosity.

So she walked over to turn on the computer and plugged in the data cable to check.


Just as she opened the first photo, a cold wind suddenly blew in the room, blowing the clothes on the bed a few times.

She subconsciously looked around. The window was clearly closed, so why was there still wind coming in? ?

A feeling of discomfort arose.

She retracted her gaze and looked at the photos again.

The first photo was taken of her friends riding a high-altitude bungee jumping machine.

The red sign "HIGH-DIVE" that was originally lit, the V was off.

It became HIGH-DIE.

Death at high altitude.

She noticed this situation when she took the photo before, and it was at this time that she felt a wave of uneasiness.

She always felt that something would happen.

Continue to look at the second photo.

The photo shows a man standing in front of a huge demon statue with two horns and two wings, imitating its movements.

It looks normal, nothing wrong.

Wendy remembered the voice that the statue kept repeating: You can't run away, this is a road of no return.

Now it seems that this is actually a prophecy? ?

She silently looked at the photo and tried to find something strange. After a while, she finally found something wrong.

Behind the demon statue was a roller coaster, and when the camera was frozen, there was a roller coaster running.

And the angle was facing the man's head!


Wendy looked closer at the screen and became more and more frightened.

This picture, plus the roller coaster tragedy that happened in reality, is clearly a hint!

OMG... It's true? ?

She couldn't believe it and widened her eyes. She was shocked. Reason told her that it was unlikely to be true.

But her sixth sense was ringing the alarm bell frantically.

She swallowed and continued to look at the next photo. This photo was taken of the Ashley sisters.

The two of them were holding an inflatable toy tree they got from playing games and smiled happily at the camera.

However, there was some red and yellow soft light at the bottom of the photo, which looked like fire? ?

I don't know if it was because of the light, or? ?

Wendy quickly recalled the scene at the time. She didn't check the effect immediately when she took the photo.

But I can be sure that there was no obstruction and no similar light.


At this moment, the small table lamp next to her suddenly flashed twice.

She stared blankly for a few seconds, not knowing what she thought of, and quickly took out the paper from her pants and opened it.

Fortunately, the handwriting was not blurred.

She immediately dialed the number.

Beauty salon.

Winnie, an employee reading a magazine, heard the ringing of his cell phone and turned his head to look at the bags of the Ashley sisters hanging on the hanger.

So he walked to the sunbathing machine and said, "Foyd, someone is calling you."

Foyd, who was wearing headphones, did not hear the sound and was still following the rhythm happily.

Winnie reached his hand through the gap and poked her left arm.

She turned her head and took off the headphones and asked, "What's wrong?"

Winnie repeated, "Someone called you."

"Really, who is it?"

"I don't know, I didn't see it."

"Then please help me get it, thank you."

Winnie took out the phone from his bag and handed it to him.

Foyd took a look at the caller and it turned out to be Wendy. Did she think it through and want to come for beauty treatments?

She answered, "Hey Wendy, do you want to come over? I'll give you the address."

Wendy's voice came: "NO, I just... just feel a little uneasy, I want to remind you."

"I don't know what's going on, anyway, you two should be careful."

Foyd: "Is that so? OK, I know, thank you for your reminder, bye."

She hung up the phone and didn't take it seriously. Just as she was about to put on her headphones again, she suddenly remembered the roller coaster incident.

It was Wendy who saw the illusion at that time, and then it really happened.

Now she reminds herself to be careful again, could it be...? !

That's right!

Just now Xu also said that he would die.


Foyd couldn't help but exclaimed, and hurriedly pushed open the sunbathing machine and sat up and came out.

Winnie asked curiously: "What's wrong? There's no time to wait."

She ignored it and directly opened the lid of her sister's machine, and then pulled off the headphones.

Halprin opened his eyes and looked at it, wondering: "What are you doing?"

She said nervously: "Wendy called me just now and reminded us to be careful!"

Halprin: "Huh? Be careful of what?"

Foyd: "I don't know, she didn't say it directly, but she predicted the roller coaster."

"Also! Xu also said before that we would die here..."

Halprin was stunned when he heard it, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

The two looked at each other and decisively chose to give up the beauty and leave quickly!

Others are easy to say.

But Wendy has spoken, so he has to believe it.

Watching the two of them hurriedly put on their clothes and rushed out the door, Winnie felt very confused, but didn't ask much.

Turn off the machine, pick up the glass of water and leave.

The transformer that had already taken in a few drops of water stopped in time, and it seemed that there was no damage.

And the Ashley sisters did not stay in the store any longer, and drove all the way back home before they breathed a sigh of relief.

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