People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 26 Survival Day 026: Holy Light Cross

Quinn suggested: "Xu, you go wash first, or..."

Before he finished, Jordan, who was sleeping soundly on the sofa, suddenly hummed lightly and turned over.

She flashed a trace of embarrassment, and said: "Go, there are no men's clothes at home, you can use the bath towel as pants first."


Xu Zhijian did not refuse, men take a bath faster, so he was first.

Quinn was not idle while waiting, and simply used a mop to deal with the water in the living room.

Ten minutes later.

He washed clean and came out wrapped in a bath towel.

Quinn looked at him with a smile, not knowing why, the more he looked at him, the more he felt that this man was too handsome!

The only thing missing was the holy light behind him.

Seeing this, Xu Zhijian asked: "Ha, did I not wash it clean? Why are you looking at me like this?"

"No, it's very clean, I'll go wash it."

Quinn smiled and walked into the bathroom with the prepared clothes.

Before closing the door, she stuck her head out again and said, "Xu, I'll buy you clothes after I finish washing, don't worry."

"OK, take your time, don't worry."

Xu Zhijian replied, then sat on the sofa to check the video on his phone.

Compared to the full recording of "The Clown", this time it was only a few minutes, and the demon was not recorded.

There's nothing we can do about it, it's a pity.

About twenty minutes later.

Quinn came out wearing a large T-shirt that reached her knees, barefoot, and smelling of shower gel.

Her facial features were beautiful, and now she looked even sexier.

While wiping her hair, she asked, "Xu, what style of clothes do you want to wear?"

Xu Zhijian smiled and said, "A simple T-shirt and jeans will do, but don't rush to buy them, take a rest first."

"You must be very tired after tossing all night."

Quinn shook his head, "No, I can't sleep at all now, I just want to repay your kindness."

"Haha, really? By the way, how do you want to repay me?"

Xu Zhijian asked this out of pure curiosity, nothing else.

However, Quinn did not say anything, but walked in front of him and stared at him silently.

His eyes were still so firm and hot.

Then, he suddenly raised his head and kissed him.

Xu Zhijian was very surprised, ah this... I was so awesome, is it so powerful?

But it's normal to think about it.

After experiencing a real life-and-death battle, it is very common for a woman to fall in love with a man who is willing to sacrifice her life to help.

Plus he is a handsome guy.

And big horses are usually cheerful and outgoing, and don't mind expressing love actively.

In this case, I won't pretend to be a gentleman.jpg.

Otherwise, is it still a normal person?

Xu Zhijian gently hugged her and responded to the emotion.

This kiss lasted for about a minute, and the atmosphere was right, and he carried Princess Quinn into the bedroom.

(Now it's so harmonious, I know you don't like to see the detailed process, so I'll skip it and enter the youth mode)

Twenty minutes later.

Quinn fell asleep with satisfaction and happiness.

Xu Zhijian glanced at the time, happy times are always short, it's time to go.

He quietly wrote a note and left it, then pressed the return button.

Back to Horror Town.

He checked his personal information while putting on his clothes.

"Homeowner: Xu Zhijian"

"Block: No. 666"

"Rank: Black Iron (1200/3000)"

"Rank: 9932"

"Exchange Points: 1384"

"Rating: A"

"Repeat entry: Activated"

"Absorbed Fear This Time: 1020 Points"

"The first star map is activated, and abilities are acquired"

"Mental resistance +10%"

"The items that can be exchanged in the world of "Countdown" are as follows"

"1: Countdown APP-1000 exchange points are drawn"

"2: Primary Holy Light Cross, blessed by God, can cause medium damage to primary evil spirits-666 points"

After reading it, his eyes lit up.

There are two surprises this time.

1: I didn't expect to activate a star map, and there are extra rewards.

Mental resistance?

It should be able to better deal with hallucinations and other means, and maintain sanity.

The first step on the road to invincibility has been officially taken.

2: This cross is a good thing.

At present, I don’t have any life-saving props, just in time for a pillow.

He decisively spent 666 to exchange.

The familiar cross appeared in his hand, and there was also relevant information.

"Holy Light Cross"

"Level: Primary"

"Effect: Causes moderate damage to primary evil spirits and evil things, and protects the holder"

In Horror Town, props or superpowers are divided into 4 levels in total.

From low to high:





Although this cross is the lowest level, it is enough to deal with many horror movies.

Xu Zhijian happily hung it around his neck.

He thought that this thing is really worth it. Even if he doesn’t use it in the future, he can sell it for 700 or 800 exchange points.

Many people are rushing to buy it, and there is no worry about sales.

Then, he set his sights on the "repeated entry" function.

This means that every time a dungeon is completed, the player can choose to enter this world again.

To complete the side quests that were not completed the first time, etc.

Of course, you can't just enter casually.

The AI ​​assistant will calculate a price based on multiple data such as the different difficulty of the copy, the clearance score, etc.

For example, it costs 380 exchange points to go to "Soulless Clown" now.

So Xu Zhijian was a little entangled, should he go?

The side quest to kill the clown Art has 1,000 exchange points, as long as he can complete it, he will not lose money.

But the question is, will this cross have any effect on it?

I don't know what level of evil spirit it is, is it stronger or weaker than the devil?

After hesitating for a while, his subconscious told him that it would be safer to wait and see.

So he gave up decisively.

Okay, now everything is based on caution, and I will go again when I have too many exchange points and have no place to spend them.

And if I have nothing to do, I will go to Quinn to "reminisce".

After closing his personal information, Xu Zhijian lay on the bed and fell asleep quickly.


It was eight o'clock in the evening.

He had already gotten up and was eating dinner while opening the tablet to log in to the forum.

I haven't been here for three days, let's see what other players are bragging about.

As a result, I saw that I actually had more than 20 private messages. Oh my god, what happened?

He hurriedly opened it and saw:

"Big brother, you are so awesome, can we make friends? Please hug your thighs!"

"Hello, I came to bother you because of your reputation. Can I form a team with you?"

"Little brother, please take me~~~"

"Brother, I also love watching horror movies. Let's meet and exchange dungeon experiences, okay?"

"Hello, big brother, can you send me a guide for "The Clown"? I will definitely repay you tenfold in the future!"


After reading all the private messages, Xu Zhijian understood what was going on.

It started with that fight, which was a post about horror movie knowledge.

After he won, he did not participate in the discussion anymore, and directly exited the forum to start the dungeon.

However, other players remembered his performance.

I thought, such a strong reserve of horror movie knowledge clearly shows that he is a high-level player in this industry.

If I don't hug your thighs now, when will I?

So they left messages or private messages, just to establish a relationship and increase their survival rate.

It can be said that he is now a little famous in the Horror Town Forum.

Thanks to LINJIASEN and Cheng Jiean for their monthly tickets.

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