People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 262 Survival Day 262: First that, then this!

As long as the God of Death completes the KPI, he will naturally let go of the target.

As for how the target can survive and provide an effective amount without dying.

That's other people's business, it doesn't care.

So following its work is the easiest solution.

Of course, the target will also move very uneasily.

The pretentious coroner keeps saying that Death doesn't like to be deceived, and that the new life breaks death.

It does hint at a solution, that's what it is.

I just always misunderstood.

Thinking that letting one of them give birth to a child can offset the deprivation of lifespan.

Totally wrong.

It occurred to me that this thing can fast forward, rewind, accelerate, decelerate, etc. for 3 seconds.

He opened the equipment column, looked at the props and abilities he had, and thought of reasonable countermeasures.

A flash of inspiration.

Other people's KPIs for giving birth are similar to the "god of life", which has nothing to do with the god of death.

And the Ashley sisters and others were already on the roller coaster, so they had no choice but to give up.

They + two friends can avoid death.

I saw the editor for the first time.

Of these two methods, the first one will definitely not work, so just skip it.

As long as Wendy survives.

Thinking about it, he was about to start the editor and start taking action.

I didn't know where this girl was at that time, and it would be a waste of time to search for her.

Even if 3 seconds can be slowed down ten times, it is not enough to complete these things in one go.

We can only study the second one.

What's more, it can only be slowed down by 2 times, and the maximum extension is 6 seconds.


So...just go back to the stage where Kevin flips the coin, and find a way to get Wendy to catch him and escape?

And Julie.

Others will give it up if they can.

Why should people let you go because of this?

Not to mention Wendy and Julie, even Xu Zhijian doesn't have the ability to resist all harm at the moment.

Should we just give up on her?

After weighing it for a while, I can only do this. No matter how beautiful it is, I can't help it.

However, the moment he was about to press the button, his sixth sense sharply stopped him.

Because he thought of a very serious problem again.

The plot of the coin toss is in the DVD version, but now we are in the world of the movie version.

So is there still this plot? ?

If not, it would be the end of the world.

The editor can only be used once at a time, and once it is started, the times are consumed.

You can't preview it before using it at all.

Therefore, if you use it rashly without knowing the specific situation, you will not even have the chance to regret it.


This is how to do? !

If it were another copy, he would be willing to take a gamble.

But I really don’t dare to act rashly now. This is the only hope to survive.

Xu Zhijian quickly analyzed the pros and cons.

At the same time, we also consider whether there are other breakthrough points or alternative plots.

Look at the editor and other props, especially the most important life-saving treasure.

A new idea arises.

Since we can't be sure whether the coin-tossing plot exists, we can't take any chances. this possible?

Although the process is dangerous, the effect that can be achieved is the same, maybe even better?

After thinking about it for a long time, I decided to do it!

He finally said: "Wendy Julie, you don't need to be here to guard me anymore, right?"

The sisters have been waiting silently for him to make any move.

Wendy hurriedly replied: "The doctor said it's not necessary. Xu, did you think of something...?!"

He nodded affirmatively: "YES! It's a good thing to make you happy. I thought of a way to break the situation!"

"Really?! good, so good." Wendy and Julie said in unison excitedly.

I have been in despair and pain for so long, and finally things have turned.

Wendy couldn't wait to ask: "Xu, what method have you come up with? Can it really be successful?"

He hummed: "I can't explain it directly now, just follow what I say."

"Trust me, let's go! Go to McKinley High School now."

The sisters looked at each other, even though they were curious about what to do and why they wanted to go to school.

But he was obedient and didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he immediately left.

The hospital is not too far from the school, about a fifteen-minute walk.

It was already midnight, and under normal circumstances there would be almost no pedestrians or vehicles on the street.

But just after the crash, police cars and media vehicles were frequently seen whizzing by.

There was a sense of tension.

Got to McKinley High School without a hitch.

The three of them climbed over the railing from behind and sneaked in, all the way to the wide football field.

Because there will be a graduation dance later.

Therefore, many related props have been placed on the venue, such as fireworks, lanterns, circuit wires, etc.

A banner titled "McKinley High School Prom 2005" was also hung on the football goal.

There are several racks similar to basketball stands on the sidelines.

But it was heavier and thicker, had no basket, and was very tall, more than twenty meters tall.

In the movie, McKinley was shot to pieces by this thing, which shows how powerful it is.

Wendy asked again at this time: "Xu, can you tell me what you have thought of now?"

Xu Zhijian nodded: "Well, actually the method is very simple, that is, as long as we die, we can live!"

The two of them were stunned for a moment, not understanding what it meant.

Can you live if you die?

If you're dead, you're dead. How could you still be alive?

Julie directly asked her doubts: "How can you live if you are dead? What does this mean?"

He patiently explained: "It sounds strange, but this is the only way at the moment."

"What does Death represent? Death, right?"

"Everything it does is to complete its mission, because there is life and death in the world."

"We are the ones who should die, but if we keep resisting, then it will naturally not let go."

"Only if we die and let it complete its mission, we can get rid of all this completely."

After listening to his explanation, Sister Wendy agreed with this truth.

But again, if you're dead, you're dead, how can you live? ?

No one wants to die.

Xu Zhijian grinned: "If there is death, there will be God. The way we can be resurrected is here!"

The two of them subconsciously looked around the dark football field, confused and shocked.

Is there such a thing hidden in this place? ?


Xu Zhijian reminded: "As I said, believe me! Let's go there and search."

They both had no choice but to follow him to the high shelf.

While walking, Wendy asked: "Your theory makes sense, but is there really God and that thing?"

"How did you know you were hiding in the school?"

He smiled confidently: "Of course, if there is no God, how can you explain the existence of the God of Death?"

“As for how I know, it’s actually God who specifically gave me the inspiration.”

"While you were busy signing, I fell asleep uncontrollably in the corridor and had a dream..."

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