People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 273 Survival Day 273: Any unexpected gains?


Muse screamed in pain as she looked at her arms, and then her voice became lower and lower until she could no longer scream.

Because the concentration of the poison gas had exceeded the node.

Her body softened and fell into countless syringes, being stabbed like a hedgehog.

But this pain was nothing.

She was shaking violently, spitting white foam from her mouth, and her skin was visibly blackened and burnt.

A few seconds later, she died with her eyes staring in fear and despair.

At the same time, her eyeballs were also smoked by the poison gas and turned blood red, and then they exploded with a snap!

Xu Zhijian watched this scene through the screen and couldn't help scratching his arm.

Because he felt phantom pain, the real punishment really made people numb all over.

During the period, he found that one of his targets was dead, and his head was knocked off in a car accident a week ago.

Second disciple Amanda had experienced it personally.

Because the distance was very close, he could see the other person's appearance clearly.

That afternoon, Xu Zhijian drove around casually.

And he didn't clean up the scene immediately.

In the following two days, Xu Zhijian did not act rashly.

Try to be foolproof.

He planned to stop here and buy some fast food for lunch.


Now the intelligence of the target has been almost mastered, and the official action can be taken tomorrow night!

Soon, he came to an office building in the East Street District, next to which there was a small stand selling sandwiches.

Because the effect of the poison gas will last for a while, it is purely courting death to rush in.

The design of this syringe pit actually appeared in "Saw 2".

Now that four people have been dealt with, the remaining six can be taken down in one pot and the team game can begin!

Since Muse is poisonous and likes to smoke and sell, let her die from the poison.

After all, there are more people, and if countermeasures are not considered, the probability of problems and accidents will also increase.

Instead, they have been secretly tracking, investigating, and recording the places and times where the six people often appear.

And this special chemical element is made of mustard, cyanide, etc.

It can only be said that this kid is lucky.

It will only do bad things.

Just as the car was parked, a woman walked out of the building.


She was about 45 years old, wearing an expensive khaki women's casual suit.

She had long golden brown hair, ugly facial features, and a big face that was almost square.

Her eyebrows and eyes, in particular, looked fierce, mean, and gloomy.

Xu Zhijian only took a look and was stunned, thinking, "Fuck... It's her? !

I can't remember the name of this woman.

But I have never forgotten her appearance.

Isn't this the mastermind of the fraud team in "Saw 10"? !

Simply put, this woman set up a fake medical organization under the guise of curing cancer and incurable diseases.

She has been active for 8 years and has traveled to many places, including the United States, Norway, Mexico, etc.

She has defrauded more than 34 people and earned more than 8 million US dollars.

All the victims lost their money and time and died of illness.

Their methods are superb and the layout is meticulous.

From selecting the target, gaining trust to seducing to the designated location, etc., it is a complete one-stop design.

So even old Jigsaw was fooled.

Of course, it was also because he was overwhelmed by the idea of ​​not wanting to die and did not conduct in-depth research and investigation.

After Jigsaw found out that he was deceived, he directly notified Amanda and Hoffman, and the master and apprentice started a new game together.

After a series of challenges, this woman actually survived in the end.

There is a reason 2.

1: Jigsaw's principle.

No matter what crime he committed, as long as he is willing to follow the requirements to complete the game, he can save his life.

Then he will not deliberately continue to torture to death.

2: This woman is cruel enough.

Knowing that the target of the fraud is the famous Jigsaw, the jigsaw killer.

She did not retreat, but wanted to see what the other party had.

During the game.

Another female teammate had completed the challenge. Although she was dying, she could be saved.

As a result, she directly broke her teammate's neck with her high heels and deliberately killed someone in front of Jigsaw.

Later, he also kidnapped an innocent child and made him play a water torture game with Jigsaw.

But Jigsaw is Jigsaw after all, and he is one step ahead.

He predicted her prediction.

So she and her lover were locked in a room full of poisonous gas, killing each other and fighting for the only breathing hole.

In the end, she naturally won.

But being able to breathe does not mean being able to escape from the room.

So whether she was dead or alive in the end was not shown in the movie, leaving a foreshadowing.

But according to Jigsaw's style and her own abilities, she must have survived.

I didn't expect it to be true!

Seeing the other party get into a Mercedes-Benz and drive away, Xu Zhijian immediately started the car and followed quietly.

For this unexpected "encounter", it was really unexpected.

Faced with a sudden surprise, it would definitely not be missed and wasted.

Decisively add this woman to the list!

On the one hand, it is to replace the dead target.

On the other hand, Xu Zhijian wanted to kill her when watching the movie. She is too pretentious and too annoying.

Now that God has opened his eyes and given me an opportunity, I must not waste it.

After following him silently for more than 20 minutes, the other party walked into a fairly luxurious villa.

Xu Zhijian parked on the roadside not far away, turned on the music, and waited patiently while killing time.

She was dressed very richly, drove a luxury car and lived in a luxury house, which meant that this woman was probably still continuing to cheat.

Now there was even more reason to do it.

He waited until night, and the lights in the living room of the house finally came on.

Xu Zhijian stretched his neck and guessed how many people would be in the other party's house? How to investigate?

Try to catch her tonight.

Time passed little by little, and soon it was eleven o'clock in the middle of the night.

At this time, there were no pedestrians or vehicles on the street, and the lights in the living room of the target house finally went out.

After a while, a house on the second floor lit up dimly again.

Xu Zhijian knew that the time was almost right, so he got out of the car and looked around first, and then quietly approached after confirming that there was no one.

Going around the back of the house, the window was about two meters high.

There were no stones around that could be borrowed.

He first grabbed the edge of the windowsill with both hands, then jumped up hard, and looked inside with the help of a short vacancy.

After going back and forth several times, he confirmed that there was no one else in the living room.

With his rich experience, he was 80% sure that the woman lived alone.

Very good!

But how to sneak in?

After thinking for a while, there was no good way for the time being. Either it would not work, or it would attract the attention of the other party and the people around.

It seems that I can only continue to wait.

When the other party goes out at dawn, I will find a way to follow and take him down at close range.

Thinking of this, Xu Zhijian prepared to return to the car.

However, as soon as he turned around, he found a car coming from a distance.

Then it stopped by the roadside, and a figure got out of the car and walked towards the villa.

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