People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 290 Survival Day 290: Make Your Choice

Bill and Beverly suddenly realized, and felt relieved and full of security at the same time.

God bless.

Originally thought it would be a fierce battle, and even had no power to fight back, and was directly killed by Pennywise.

Fortunately, Xu thought of and really got the legendary holy weapon, successfully saved the day.


Why didn't I think of this method.

Bill was very grateful: "Thank you so much! This time thanks to your help, thank you."

Then he hugged.

After he separated, Beverly also hugged Xu Zhijian and said thank you.

"ME-TOO, I really don't know how to express our gratitude! Thank you so much..."

Xu Zhijian waved his hand: "Haha, you're welcome, helping you is helping myself."

Bill said with expectation: "Xu, can you lend me the gun to observe it, it's really amazing."

Men basically have a natural preference for weapons.

Not to mention the legendary holy gun that can exorcise demons, which I have only heard of in news movies before.

Now that I have the chance to see it, I can't help but want to play with it.

"Of course, here you go."

Xu Zhijian handed it over without hesitation.

On the one hand, he knew that the other party would not and dared not do anything out of line.

On the other hand, the real gun pistol is a special binding weapon, and others cannot start shooting even if they get it.

Bill looked around first, and no one else passed by the corridor at this time.

Then he excitedly played with the pistol, looking left and right, with envy on his face.

The legendary artifact turned out to be so plain and unpretentious, it was not noticeable at all when placed in a pile of guns.

After playing for more than ten minutes, he reluctantly returned it.

Xu Zhijian pretended to be calm and said, "What are you going to do next? Are you waiting here?"

Bill nodded, "Yes, Mike is our partner, and we must know that he is safe as soon as possible."

He hummed, "OK, then you stay here, I'll go home and rest for a while."

"I was very tired from the battle just now, I need to sleep, and call me when he wakes up."

Bill said, "Okay, you go back and rest, you don't have to stay here together."

"Well, goodbye."


After leaving the hospital, Xu Zhijian went straight back to the hotel.

He packed up briefly, then lay on the bed, playing with his phone and waiting patiently.

Leaving early on the one hand, is to complete the task and leave directly without having to think of excuses.

On the other hand, it is to wait for Pennywise's next move.

As long as there is a reaction, it can be found through skills, and then chased after!

I took a look at the dynamics of the psychic sisters, who are now strolling on the streets of the town while broadcasting live.

Obviously, no new clues can be found.

This is actually a good thing.

If they really run into Pennywise, this day next year will be their death anniversary.

Time passed by little by little.

It was night soon.

While Bill and the others were guarding the hospital and Xu Zhijian was resting in the hotel, something was happening in the town.

In a certain block.

Several gang members ran away quickly in different directions.

Just now, the two largest gangs in Delhi started a small battle.

No one died, but there were many injured.

And some money and drugs left at home by one of the gangs were all robbed.

And one of the main causes of the dispute was because of the little girl who was killed by the clown before.

At that time, her lover thought she was killed by the rival gang and ran away in a hurry.

Then he reported the matter to the boss.

When everyone heard it, they were immediately angry. This was a slap in their faces.

In addition, there was always a grudge and they were always hostile.

So they gathered people and found an opportunity to launch a sneak attack tonight, and they won.

In order to avoid being caught by the police, the participants ran away according to the plan.

East, south, west, north, all scattered.

A few minutes later, one of the gangsters ran into an apartment quickly.

When he got home, he didn't turn on the light, but put the money away in the dark, and then took out a cigarette and started smoking happily.

Today's action was really exciting, and he made a lot of money.

So happy.

I really hope that such good things can happen every day.

As he smoked, his mind began to become erratic and excited.

At the same time, he suddenly found that a figure appeared in the smoke? !

WTF...? ?

What's going on? ?

He was shocked and didn't understand why a person suddenly appeared in his house, and his consciousness immediately became much clearer.

He subconsciously pulled out the pistol from his waist, and at this time, the figure finally revealed its original appearance.

Big bald head, bare-chested, and covered with tattoos.

At first glance, he was a gang member.

A generous gift!

It turned out to be the boss? !

The man was even more shocked, and stood up in a hurry, looking at the boss in front of him in fear and confusion.

This is not right.

How did he get in? Why didn't I hear any movement?

And why did he come here suddenly? ?

The man came back to his senses and said nervously: "BOSS... BOSS, why are you here?"

The bald boss sneered: "Haha, can't I come?"

The man waved his hand hurriedly: "NONO... Of course you can come, I welcome you anytime."

The boss sat on the sofa: "GOOD, I am very satisfied with your performance today."

The man said respectfully: "Thank you, thank you very much for the compliment!"

The boss nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, you are worthy of being someone I value. Come here, I will reward you well."

The man was delighted and hurried over to wait for the so-called reward.

The nagging sneered and stood up, and then his head suddenly changed into a skull!

Two eyes glowed green, and at the same time he opened his bloody mouth, and a sharp tentacle stretched out from his mouth!


It pierced the man's throat directly.

He looked at this weird and terrifying scene in astonishment and pain, whimpering for a long time and then fell to the ground and died.

He didn't react until he died. What happened? ?

Why did the boss suddenly become a monster? ?


The boss sneered and turned into Pennywise.

It squatted down and opened its mouth directly, eager to eat the man's body.

It finished eating quickly.

Only a pool of blood and a skeleton were left.

Pennywise smiled with satisfaction and closed his eyes to feel the fresh energy of fear.

But while laughing, he suddenly froze.

Because he felt something was wrong.

Hmm? ?

What's going on? ?

He looked at his body in confusion, nothing was wrong.

But why did he feel something was wrong?

He thought for a moment with a gloomy face, thinking that it should be an illusion or a delay?

So he disappeared instantly and continued to slaughter other targets.

One kilometer away.

A black guy was walking fast in the dark. He was also a participant in the event tonight.

Unlike others, he didn't think about returning to his residence directly, but went to a forest in the suburbs.

Because there was a secret hole dug there to hide valuable and important items.

As he walked, he suddenly found a plastic bag on the road ahead.

It seemed to contain money? ? !

Xiao Hei walked over and picked it up to take a look. It was originally out of curiosity, but it turned out to be a real US dollar inside.

"WTF?? Hahaha!"

He grinned happily. He didn't expect that he was so lucky to pick up money.

Before he could let go of his joy, he suddenly found a bag at the drain a few meters away.

It was also filled with money, and even more.

"Oh my God, what's going on?"

Xiao Hei's eyes were shining with joy. He never thought he would be so lucky today.

God bless you!

He rushed over to pick it up, but the bag suddenly fell into the drain.


He cursed inwardly, but he didn't intend to give up. That was a lot of dollars.

How could he not want it?

He hurriedly bent down to look inside the drain, but he couldn't get down at all. He had to think of another way.

He stood up and looked around. There was a sewer next to him.

And for some reason, the manhole cover had been opened.


Xiao Hei ignited hope, and without hesitation, he went down the ladder carefully.

Money can make the devil work, let alone such a large amount of cash.

When he came to the sewer, he first smelled a sour smell, which was quite pungent.

It was disgusting and made me vomit.

Since I didn't bring a flashlight, I could only turn on the flashlight on my phone to illuminate.

"Damn it, where did it fall...?"

He carefully thought about the direction, and then carefully walked along the passage in front.

The light was limited and I walked very slowly. Fortunately, there was a road, otherwise I might fall into the manure pit while walking.


After walking for a while, I suddenly felt something falling on my head.

I quickly reached out to take it down and took a photo with my phone. It turned out to be a cockroach.

"FUCK! Damn it!"

Xiao Hei hurriedly threw it under his feet and stepped on it to death. It was disgusting.

After walking for another five minutes, he finally saw the drain, and the dim moonlight shone through the gap.

But there was no bag of money below.

He secretly said that it was not good, thinking that he would not rush into the manure pit? ?

That would be the end of him.

Just when I didn't know what was going on, I suddenly found that a person appeared silently on the opposite side.

"Thank you for the generous gift! Who is it...?!"

Xiao Hei's heart skipped a beat and he couldn't help shouting.

He quickly used his mobile phone to take a picture of the person, wondering if he was seeing things.

It turned out that he was right, there was indeed a person standing opposite him.

He was dressed like a clown, holding a bag in each hand.

His left hand was golden, and his right hand was silver.

Xiao Hei was stunned.

Who the hell is this person? ? !

Why is he in the sewer? Is he a homeless person?

But that's not right.

Whose beggar would dress up like a clown? And his clothes look clean.

Based on his experience and instinct in society, he guessed that he might be from a rival gang?

So he quietly put his hand in his pocket, ready to pull out his gun and fire at any time.

At this time, the clown spoke first: "Hey, hey, are you looking for a bag?"

"So, are you looking for this golden one or the silver one?"

"Huh? How come there are two?"

Xiao Hei muttered in his heart and asked: "Who the hell are you? What do you want?!"

The clown replied: "I want to give you a surprise~ Why, isn't this your thing?"

Xiao Hei said: "Of course, but what's in your bag?"

The clown grinned: "The gold one contains a sum of money, and the silver one also contains a sum of money."

"But the value is different~"

"Okay, which one do you choose?"

Xiao Hei was puzzled again. Both of them had money?

But if you don’t understand it, don’t do it. Get the money first.

So he said sternly: "Those two bags belong to me, throw them over quickly!"

The clown chuckled and said, "Really? Are you sure?"

Xiao Hei nodded: "Of course, give it to me quickly and I will pay you."

The clown said: "NONONO, you can only choose one."

"Stop him! Nonsense, give it to me!"

Xiao Hei cursed impatiently, took out a pistol from his pocket and pointed it.

The clown deliberately looked surprised and a little scared when he saw this.

It said calmly: "Please don't be impulsive. Are you sure you want them all? Then I will give them all to you."

Xiao Hei urged: "Don't talk nonsense, throw it over!"

The clown said nothing more and threw the two bags over with a wicked smile.


Impartially thrown right at your feet.

He hurriedly picked it up and opened the golden one to check, only to see that there was no money inside.

Instead, there was a black whip with spikes.

Xiao Hei couldn't help but be stunned when he saw this, FUCK! How could it be this thing? ?

At the same time, I remembered my childhood memories.

When he was a teenager, he couldn't survive because of theft, so he worked in a black factory in the slums.

At that time, the supervisor carried a whip with him and would beat his subordinates whenever he was unhappy.

It can range from the flesh being torn to pieces, to the severe condition being beaten to death!

At that time, Xiao Hei had no ability to resist and was beaten many times.

There were several times when I almost couldn't slow down.

Later, the illegal factory was closed down by the municipal government, and he changed his business, and he was finally out of trouble.

He turned to join a gang and started a life of smashing, looting and killing.

But once I was bitten by a snake, I was afraid of well ropes for ten years, and I always had the shadow of being beaten by a whip in my heart.

"FUCK, what the fuck..."

Xiao Hei raised his head in anger, ready to shoot the weird clown in front of him.

However, at this moment, the black whip seemed to be alive and suddenly wrapped around his neck.

The spikes all pierced into the blood vessels.

"Ah! Wuwuwu..."

He screamed in pain and tried hard to pull the whip with his hands, but his fingers were pricked with blood and flesh.

Not long after, he fell to the ground in pain, spurting blood.

Pennywise flashed over and pulled the whip down hard.


Puddles of blood spurted out, and Xiao Hei roared in pain.

Snapped! Snapped!


Then, the clown laughed wildly while lashing him hard.


Xiao Hei screamed in hysterical pain, begging for mercy, and his back was instantly torn apart.

Blood splattered everywhere, and wounds deep into the bone marrow appeared.

At the same time, wisps of vague white gas floated out from his body.

Then the clown sucked it into his nose.

This is the terrifying energy of legend.

The more fearful humans are of it, the stronger it is.

Not long after, Xiao Hei, covered in wounds and blood, died completely.


Pennywise burped comfortably, feeling comfortable, the energy this time was too strong.

Half full after eating.

However, after digestion was completed, its expression suddenly became more gloomy and confused.

WYF? ! !

This...why is it the same as the feeling just now? ?

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