People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 300: 300th day of survival: Season 2, the battle begins!

Hu——Hu——! !

Xu Zhijian opened his eyes due to the strong wind, and immediately saw that he was falling rapidly? ?

Completely out of control.

Like raindrops.

And judging from the size of the environment below, the altitude is at least two or three thousand meters!


He was shocked, and never expected that the opening would be a situation similar to parachuting.

What the hell should I do? ? !

The strong wind made his face tremble, his eyes could not be opened at all, and his hair was like a broom.

Adrenaline began to soar.

If he was already losing hair, he would be completely bald when he fell to the ground.

In addition to shock and panic, he immediately felt like he was carrying a backpack on his back?

There was an X-shaped shoulder strap wrapped around his chest, and there was a button in the middle.

This is... a parachute? !

Xu Zhijian understood instantly and reached out to press it.

But now his body was moving irregularly in the air, and it didn't open even after pressing it several times.


He cursed inwardly, and then hammered it hard.

Crack... Bang! !

This time it was successful.

A huge parachute spread out on his back, and his body was pulled up several meters against gravity.

After a while, he stabilized and continued to fall.

1200 meters.

1000 meters.

800 meters.

600 meters.

300 meters.

100 meters.

50 meters.

Crash... Bang.

His body passed through layers of towering branches and fell on the grass.


Xu Zhijian climbed up and couldn't help retching. He felt dizzy and his legs were numb.

It was as if he was stepping on the clouds.

This was his first time skydiving in his life, and he was unprepared.

It was really exciting!

And anyway, at least it reached the ground safely.

"Successful landing, get 50 points for the season"

Wow, you can get it at the beginning? !

After several minutes of relaxation, the negative buff gradually eased.

He didn't bother to think too much, and immediately hid behind a big tree to check the season information first.

"Season arrangement is completed, the challenge begins"

"Please read the rules in detail to avoid being accidentally eliminated"

"Horror Town-2024-Season 2"

"Season Theme: Hunting Grounds of All Heavens"

"You were plundered by a mysterious force to the mysterious hunting ground, full of crises"

"Four-story hunting ground, countless challenges!"

"If you are a man, go to the first floor"

"Can you successfully break through the layers of crises and face the final horror battle that will destroy the world?"

"Number of participants: 18886"

"Remaining time: 19 days-23 hours-59 minutes"

"Rule 1 of the game: Death or less than 500 points is considered a failure"

"Rule of the game 2: When the corresponding achievement or level is triggered, the corresponding points will be automatically obtained."

"Rule 3: Every 24 hours, the overall ability of the dungeon monsters will increase by 10%."

"Rule 4: The ranking list will be refreshed every hour."

"Rule 5: The player is initially in blank mode. For every 500 points accumulated, you can choose to unlock one of your own abilities/items."

"Personal information"

"Player code: 520"

"Current ranking: None"

"Current points: 0"

"You can choose to unlock 0 existing items/abilities"

"Current weapons: 0"

"Current floor: fourth floor"

Xu Zhijian grasped the key points directly after reading it.

Four levels.

Sort from top to bottom.

That is, the first floor is the final battlefield.

Whenever you get close to a certain range of stairs on the current floor, you will receive relevant prompts.

This mode is too familiar.

Isn't it similar to tower climbing + tower defense? ?

But the map is too big, it seems that one world is equivalent to one floor?

After figuring it out, he was a little excited.

Compared with the first season, the difficulty and unknowns are indeed stronger this time.

It used to be a conventional linear route, but now it is nonlinear.

Those who have played tower climbing games understand the concept. The monsters on each floor will be stronger and there will be more dangerous elements.

More importantly, we don’t know which horror movies are on each floor.

Is there only one, or N?

We can only slowly explore.

Xu Zhijian stood up and unbuttoned the parachute, looking carefully at the surrounding environment.

This is a dense, vast, unknown forest.

The trees cover the sky, blocking the sun, and are spotted.

The air is humid and hot.

This is the same as the first season, both starting with a forest map.

But why is it a landing method?

He immediately thought of two related names.

1: "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds"

The most well-known chicken game, the way to enter the battlefield is parachuting.

2: "Predator 2010"

The parachuting of the chicken may be borrowed from the beginning of this movie, which is very similar.

And the game is not a horror movie, it is definitely not in the range of choices.

So it is most likely this one!

The IP of Predator belongs to the monster horror film, and it may not be well-known in China.

The most well-known one should be "Predator 1", starring Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Another one is "Alien vs. Predator".

The 2010 version is a reboot.

The general plot is:

"A beam of light brought eight people from five continents to an unknown world.

They fell from the sky with parachutes on their backs and then fell into an endless rainforest.

Among this group of people are soldiers, national defense forces, special forces members, wanted criminals, gangsters, etc.

They don't know each other, and don't know why they were brought to this strange jungle.

At the same time, ferocious and evil beasts attacked them one after another.

They finally realized that they were just prey selected by a group of alien creatures.

And this rainforest is the hunting ground of aliens!

These helpless humans have to face the huge, bloodthirsty Iron Warriors..."

Look at this introduction, it is almost exactly the same as the current opening.

It must be this series.


It should be said that this is only one of them, at least including the Iron Warrior.

That's bad now.

Although "Wrong Turn" and "Dark Invasion" at the beginning of the first season are deformed monsters.

But their strength is limited, and ordinary people can also fight against them.

But the Predator is different.

This hunter not only has strong overall quality, at least at the limit of human level.

There are also various high-tech equipments at the level of super-earth.

Let alone the bare board state, even if it is fully armed now, it may not be able to do it.

It's really starting in hell mode.


Xu Zhijian cursed secretly, and subconsciously looked around vigilantly.

Trying to sense the slightest movement.

At the same time, study what to do next and where to go?

After thinking for a moment, move forward carefully along the left direction, and walk first.

While walking, recall the plot of "Predator 2010".

If this movie is included, there should be other people who were plundered and parachuted down.

But now the trees are too dense, blocking the view, and the sky is not clear.

Have to find a high position.

In addition, parachuting is not an activity that can be safe if you want to land safely. It is very dangerous.

I am lucky.

So how is Zhao Enchen?

Could he fall to death at the beginning?

I hope it won't be so miserable.

After walking for a while, I suddenly heard a sound of branches breaking in the sky.

Bang! !

Before I could look up and see what was going on, something suddenly fell ten meters ahead.

Splashing mud and shock.

I looked quickly and saw that it was a man who was also carrying a parachute.

But it didn't open successfully.

It broke into pieces!

It was horrible to see, and half of the arm flew over quickly and hit Xu Zhijian's chest directly.

He wiped the blood on his clothes, waited for a moment and nothing happened, and then carefully approached to observe.

Because it was already a broken limb, it was impossible to see what the other person looked like.

Wearing a camouflage uniform, it looked like he was from the old American army?

From this point of view, he should be a soldier.

In addition, he did not carry any other equipment.

Sure enough!

There were other people who were looted.

It is more certain that it must contain the content of the Iron Blood Warrior.

He moved closer again, frowned and looked at the bloody corpse for a few times, and then reached out to grope.

Soon he found a dagger of more than 30 centimeters.

It was very sharp and looked like a real military grade.

Very good!

Now he had no weapons on him, and a dagger could greatly increase his combat power.

This was also a bonus in a sense.

After searching for a while and not finding anything new, he took off the other party's parachute and took it away.

This thing might not be useful at the moment, but it would definitely come in handy later.

He walked for seven or eight minutes.

Xu Zhijian encountered a new situation again and heard a series of faint voices.

After listening carefully for a moment, it came from the north.

It was a man's shouting and cursing.

Finally there was a living person!

He immediately approached with caution and soon saw a person hanging on a big tree in front of him.

Because of his posture and the obstruction of the branches, the other party could not use his strength, so he could not break free.

"FUCK!! What the hell is going on?!"

"Is there anyone... Who will save me?!"

The man shouted while tossing and turning.

Xu Zhijian first made sure that there was no problem, then walked over: "Hey, man, I'll help you."

The other party turned his head immediately after hearing this.

He was an Asian, and he didn't know him yet.

But it didn't matter.

He couldn't wait to say: "Hurry up and save me, man, hurry...!"

Xu Zhijian walked under the tree and analyzed it. The height of the hanging was about five or six meters from the ground.

Not to mention that his body was in a blank state now, even if he had the human body's limit level, he couldn't jump that high.

Climbing the tree is possible.

But he was also unable to save him.

After thinking for a while, he came up with a solution, took out the parachute and threw one end up hard.

"Hold on!"

The man hurriedly obeyed and grabbed the rope with both hands.

Xu Zhijian then walked to the side of the tree and tied the rope on the other side tightly.

This made a "slide".

Because there was a fulcrum, the man was finally able to exert force and quickly got rid of the restraint of the branches.

Then he slowly climbed down along the rope and landed safely.

After taking two breaths, the man suddenly rushed over without any warning and started punching.

Xu Zhijian easily stepped back two steps to avoid the attack.

At the same time, driven by experience and instinct, he took another step forward and threw two hooks on the left and right.


The man couldn't dodge in time and almost fell down after being beaten with a scream.

He didn't stop and immediately kicked the opponent in the abdomen.

"Ahhh——! STOP! Stop it, stop it."

The man fell to the ground and begged for mercy.

However, what he faced was a dagger with a cold light.

Xu Zhijian pressed the opponent's hands and neck with his knees, making it impossible for him to resist.

Put the knife 2 centimeters close to his eyeball.

The man was so scared that he begged for mercy: "SORRY... I was wrong, I was wrong, don't kill me... Don't kill me."

Xu Zhijian didn't mean to kill him.

Now it's just the beginning, everything is unknown.

Even if this kid takes the initiative to provoke trouble, he has to be kept for the time being, and can be used as bait and meat shield later.

So he asked coldly: "What's your name and who you are?!"

The man answered honestly: "I... My name is Stan, and I'm a member of the C gang."

"Why did you attack me?"

"Because I thought you were from a rival gang, I have no ill intentions."

"Heh, how did you get to this place?"

Stan was stunned and shook his head, also confused and astonished.

According to his description.

A few hours ago, he and his gang were fighting a rival gang on the street.

Because the other side had a large number of people and strong firepower.

They were beaten and retreated repeatedly, and finally fled in all directions.

Originally, they hid in the forest in the suburbs, but before they could catch their breath, a strong light suddenly lit up in the sky.

Then they were sucked up.

Then they completely lost consciousness.

When they were awakened by the strong wind, they found that they were actually falling. They were scared to death and hurriedly opened their parachutes.

Luckily, they landed successfully, but they were hung upside down on the branches.

Stan thought he was an enemy, so he pretended not to know how to ask for help.

After they came down, they launched a sneak attack.

Xu Zhijian loosened his knees and put away the knife.

Stan hurriedly stood up and distanced himself, holding his swollen cheek and taking a few deep breaths.

Then he asked tentatively: "Dude, who are you and why are you here too?"

Xu Zhijian replied: "You don't need to know. Were you in a gunfight just now? Do you have any weapons?"

"I had a pistol, but I can't find it now."


Xu Zhijian didn't say much and turned away.

Stan hurriedly followed: "Dude, where are you going? Let's go together. Don't leave me behind."

He didn't refuse, because that was the effect he wanted.

At the same time, he pretended not to care, but was actually alert at all times to avoid another sneak attack from this kid.

As they walked, Stan asked, "What exactly is this place? Why are we here?"

Xu Zhijian asked back, "Do you remember how you got here?"

"I remember, I was hit by a beam of light and then I lost consciousness."

"What do you think that light is? Can humans do that?"

"You mean... this is an alien planet, and we were abducted by aliens?!"

This kid's thinking is pretty fast.

Xu Zhijian nodded without comment.

The scene on the fourth floor will definitely not be the same as the "Predator 2010" guessed.

But it is definitely an alien planet.

"OMG...Thank you for the generous gift!"

Stan was stunned for a moment and came back to his senses, looking around with wide eyes in shock.

How could he have thought that this would be an alien planet?

I couldn't believe it, and I couldn't have expected that I would be abducted by aliens!


I wish you all to keep your childishness forever.

I successfully persisted for another month with terrible results, thanks to the big guys who have always supported me.

Thank you for your perseverance.

In the new January, I am asking for rewards, subscriptions, monthly tickets, and motivation as usual.

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