People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 308 Survival Day 308: Achieved!

Whether it's the son of the evil god in Norse mythology or the Wendigo in urban legend.

In short, this thing is an evil thing.

It is much stronger than ordinary monsters, and there is almost no possibility of defeating it in a blank state.

As the distance gets closer.

Royce and Hanzo finally saw who it was and stopped in shock.

A look of shock and panic.

Can't figure out whether the person in front of me is a human or a ghost? ?

Xu Zhijian shouted: "Don't leave him! He is stunned and run away!"

The two recovered and continued running.


Regardless of whether the companion in front of him is real or fake, the main thing is to run away now and get rid of the monster behind him.

Five people ran together.

MODER Evil God followed behind him in a leisurely manner, without any rush or worry.

Xu Zhijian quickly thought of countermeasures while running.

The evil god is simply too powerful.

At least for ordinary people.

Even if all the bullets are used up, it will be completely unable to break through the defense, and it will be easily killed instantly.

According to the setting of the movie, there are only two ways to break the game.

1: Escape from the Black Forest.

Perhaps due to limitations in time and space, energy fields, etc., the evil god can only move in this area.

Can't go out at all.

Because there are very few people who believe in it in modern society, resulting in insufficient ability to break out of the siege.

Therefore, after the protagonist group in the movie breaks in, the first thing it wants is for humans to surrender and believe in themselves.

2: Destroy the source of faith that provides energy for it.

This is simple, it is human beings.


Through detailed research in the film, we found that this does not only refer to living people.

Also included are those specimens that have been granted so-called immortality.

And now it is unknown how many living people have been captured in the Black Forest, so we can only start from the second aspect!

But where are the specimens? ?


As they ran, the five of them stumbled over a broken tree trunk that was completely invisible.


Xu Zhijian cursed secretly, endured the pain and hurriedly got up and looked back.

As a result, MODER evil god disappeared? ?

Royce and others also quickly got up to check and found that there was no monster. They were relieved and pleasantly surprised.

But he felt it wasn't that simple.

Because neither emotion nor reason would give up so easily.

Could it be that he was lucky enough to escape from the Black Forest?

I quickly checked carefully and touched the tree next to me. There were all raised thorns, indicating that there were no thorns.

Just as he was thinking about it, a giant black shadow suddenly appeared in front of him without warning.

The giant fangs formed by waving arms attacked.

It's the evil god!


Bang bang bang!

Xu Zhijian immediately shouted and instinctively raised his pistol and fired continuously.

Of course it is useless and has no defense at all.

So he only fired a few shots and then turned around and ran away quickly, leaving behind the last half of the magazine.

If there is absolutely no way to escape, kill him instead.

Then give yourself a shot in the head!

Don’t be a puppet or a believer even if you die!

After running wildly for a while, I looked back and saw that the evil god was gone again.

Now it's certain.

This bitch is just playing around on purpose, most likely to try to tire out the enemy?

When the opponent's energy and will are exhausted, he can better control and surrender.

While running, they suddenly noticed a strange thing appearing in front of them.

Looks like a scarecrow.

But there is no head, and both arms are raised, with the palms replaced by antlers.

This is……? ?

Isabella and the others couldn't understand it, they just thought it was weird.

And Xu Zhijian took a second look, and suddenly his eyes gleamed. Aren't these the so-called specimens? !

Found it!

Even if it's not, you have to try it now whether it works or not.

"Quickly, smash this scarecrow to pieces!"

He warned, rushing over first and slashing hard with his machete.

The straw man's left arm was chopped off directly, and a large gash was opened in his abdomen.

Then, something even weirder happened.

I saw streams of blood spurting out from the wounds!

And you can also see some rags, which seem to be clothes.

Seeing this, they couldn't help but froze in horror.

Because it can be seen from the color and style that this is the blue shirt that Choate wore before.

Doesn't that mean... this scarecrow is him? !

Isabella, Kang Yumi, Royce, and Hanzo felt creeped out and looked at each other in horror.

Xu Zhijian was very calm.

It seems that it is Choate, which means that he has encountered the evil god and become a specimen of immortality.

And it's most likely forced.

He slashed a few more times with the machete, completely cutting the scarecrow into a pile of pieces.

"Destroy the sacrifices and gain 20 season points."

"What the hell?!"

He became even more excited after seeing the news.

This stuff also has achievements.

Great, great!

So far, including the points for killing straw men, 440 points have been obtained.

There are still 60 points left to purchase the first item/ability.

As long as we find three more, we will have the capital to fight back!

He said excitedly: "Let's go, keep running, if we kill the other scarecrows we may win!"

Isabella and others didn't know the reason.

But seeing how excited he sounded, it was obvious that he had thought of or found a solution.

He couldn't help but get excited too.

After running and searching for a while, they successfully found two more.

Points +40.

Only one left!

At the same time, they encountered two other men running from the opposite side.

"OMG! Save us quickly..."

"Run! There are monsters here!"

They ran non-stop and shouted and ran wildly, brushing shoulders.

However, not long after running, the evil god who had been hiding flashed again.


It made a roar similar to that of a monster, and grabbed a man who rushed over with its fangs.

Then it easily cut off the head!

Then threw away the body and ate the head.

The man's body fell to the ground and began to wither and fibrosis at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was like turning into a piece of dry grass.

In other words, it began to turn into a scarecrow!

The other man was frightened and was stunned. He forgot to run away and scream, and stared with wide eyes in horror.

The evil god also killed him in the same way.

Taking advantage of the brief reality, Isabella and others ran away.

Xu Zhijian sighed that God had opened his eyes and had given him a pillow when he was sleepy.

What a good opportunity!

Isn't the last point here?

He raised his gun and shot at the first scarecrow that changed, pouring out all the last bullets.

"Destroy the sacrifice and get 20 season points"

500 reached! !

Finally, it can be exchanged.

Just as he was about to open the exchange library, the evil god roared and rushed over.

Originally, after destroying three sacrifices, the ability should be weakened.

But now he has obtained the power of faith of two people, which is equal.

Not weak, not strong.


Xu Zhijian cursed secretly and jumped away quickly, hiding behind a big tree.


The evil god easily broke the tree and continued to attack.

He also fled desperately.

Isabella and others heard the sound and saw that he didn't catch up, so they had to stop.

For a moment, I didn't know whether to run or go back to help?

Run, that's too conscienceless.

He has saved me twice.

Help, but how?

Facing a giant monster, without heavy firepower, it is simply a waste of life.

After a moment of hesitation, Royce made up his mind and returned quickly.

As a soldier who has experienced many battles, he knows the importance of teammates.

He must not abandon them!

Since it is a dead end, let's die together.

Jiang Youmei and Isabella followed closely behind, and they also showed their loyalty at this time.

Hanzo thought about it and followed.

Their return attracted the attention of the evil god.


MODER turned around and roared at Royce who rushed first.

And he was not a fool who only rushed forward. He turned around and jumped to the big tree on the left to avoid it.

It was such a short distraction that bought precious time for Xu Zhijian.

Quickly open the exchange library.

Exchange for a real injury unlimited bullet pistol! !

In fact, according to the original plan, he wanted to exchange for the human body's ultimate quality ability first.

Because facing a hunter like the Predator who has a full body and high technology, a real-damage pistol is not important.

Ordinary firearms can also cause damage.

Of course, the premise is that you can hit them.

So strength, speed, reaction, etc. are the most urgent.

As long as you have the ability of the human body to the limit, plus a secret killer move, you can completely kill them.

But plans can't keep up with changes.

What we are facing now is the evil god. Although he has a physical body, he also belongs to the evil spirit series.

Ordinary pistols are useless.

The human body's extreme qualities are useless, at most they can delay the time of being killed.

Only real-damage pistols are professional.

Bang bang bang!

He raised his beloved and long-lost weapon and fired a few shots at another scarecrow first.

It immediately turned into a pile of ashes and disappeared.

Reduced ability +1.

Then he rushed towards the evil god quickly, holding the trigger without letting go.

Bang bang bang bang bang... Puff!


The evil god who was chasing Royce and others was shot, and his skin and flesh were torn apart, and he screamed.

Finally broke through the defense.

He turned around quickly and rushed towards Xu Zhijian angrily.

Seeing this, he did not run or hide, but calmly raised his gun and fired wildly.



The evil god was hit in the head one after another, and the sprinting action was instantly stopped, and he fell to the ground with a bang.

Painful howling and struggling.

There were not many living people in the Black Forest, and they had not been believed in for the time being.

And the few sacrifices were also destroyed.

The strength has been greatly reduced.

Facing ordinary firearms, it can still be uninjured, but it is no longer possible in the face of real injuries.

Directly turned into a weak chicken.

Xu Zhijian approached cautiously and continued to shoot at the head.

Until it was beaten into a puddle of mud and completely stopped.

"Kill the incomplete evil god MODER and get 300 season points"

He breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little surprised at the same time.

Knowing that this thing is not a complete or real body, but I didn't expect that it would only give so little?

I thought it was at least 500 or even 1000 points.

Forget it.

Don't be too greedy, as long as there is something, it's a good thing.

Seeing the huge evil god lying motionless and suspected to be dead, Royce and others dared to approach carefully.

After seeing the specific shape of this thing, everyone frowned and was surprised.

WTF? !

The head is actually an upside-down person... What kind of monster is this? ?

Do all aliens look so abstract?

After a while.

Royce walked to Xu Zhijian and apologized: "Sorry, man, I almost left you alone just now."

He smiled: "It's okay, I know you won't do that."

"And even if you do, I can understand, I won't blame you."

Royce hugged him deeply with gratitude.

Jiang Youmei and the others also hugged one by one, expressing their apologies and gratitude.

He saved them again!

Then everyone continued to move forward, looking for the direction to leave this black forest.

As for the question of why Xu Zhijian's pistol had so many bullets, they tacitly did not ask more.

Because they thought he must have picked up supplies again.

Maybe because the Lord Evil God was killed, the environment began to become brighter and brighter.

Soon the scene was restored to daytime.

But where is the way out?

As they walked along, they soon found a high place on the left.


Standing high means seeing far, and now they can find the direction to leave.

They immediately climbed up quickly, and soon they were standing at a height of about 50 meters.

Then, they stared with wide eyes and saw an amazing scene.

As far as the eye could see, there was a flat land with huge and sharp mountains.

Just like the western United States.

There were Monument Valley terrain, rivers, and plains, etc.

What was even more exaggerated was that there was an endless planet hanging on the horizon! !

It was Jupiter with rings.

And several small planets.

The small one was about the size of the sun seen from the earth.

And this Jupiter was like standing at the foot of the Himalayas and looking up at the towering mountain top.

It was ridiculously large.

Such a scene only appeared in science fiction movies or dreams.


"Thank you for the generous gift!!"

Royce and others couldn't help but exclaimed, shocked and incredible.

Because this scene is too sci-fi.

The visual effect is really shocking.

It is indeed an alien planet, and it is just as imagined.

Xu Zhijian looked around the sky, not at the planet, but looking for another thing.

Although he can't see it, he knows it must exist.

And he has been monitoring his every move!

After being amazed for a while, everyone regained their mentality and began to look for a way out of the Black Forest.

They quickly determined the direction.

Then they walked down the high ground and walked quickly.

Ten minutes later, they finally left the thrilling and terrifying Black Forest.

"Escape from the Black Forest, reward 10 season points"

Everyone was happy, and then ran directly to a stream not far away.


Drink water!

Jiang Youmei picked it up and was about to drink it, but was stopped by Isabella.

"Don't worry! There may be poison or parasites in it, filter it first."

Xu Zhijian nodded: "Yes, for safety, boil it before drinking."

So they endured their impatience and dealt with it carefully before drinking.


For a while, the sound of drinking water was heard all around.

Everyone drank like a hungry dog ​​until they all burped.

Finally, they drank to their heart's content!

After resting for a while and handling some more water, everyone continued to move forward.

At the same time.

The air in the sky fluctuated for a while, and then returned to normal.

The invisible mechanical eagle turned around and flew straight forward.

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