People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 315 Survival Day 315: Deterrence

Xu Zhijian immediately cut off the alien tail with a spear, and then pointed the wound towards the insect swarm.


Waves of sulfuric acid blood flew out in all directions, splashing on the ground, walls, etc.

Some of the scarabs crawling on it were attacked one after another, and their bodies fell down with white smoke, turning into a puddle of black water.

After fighting and retreating for a while, it seemed that we were almost safe.

Buzz buzz—!

At this moment, a scarab suddenly flew up and rushed towards his face.

Fast as lightning.

Fortunately, his reaction speed was also top-notch, and he grabbed it with his left hand.


Then squeeze hard.

Before the scarab could struggle, it was completely crushed and exploded, spewing out a burst of viscous liquid.

It tastes great, no need to say more.


"Damn it!"

He couldn't help but cursed secretly, and almost vomited it out.

I can't take this hand anymore.


After running for some distance, I felt the vibration of the ground and the sound of stones rubbing against each other.

The pyramid changes again and begins again.

He glanced up and saw that the roof behind him was falling rapidly.

The road ahead has also been disconnected, with a gap of three to four meters appearing.

If you don't jump to the other side quickly, you will be crushed to pieces.

"Quick! Jump over with all your strength!"

He rushed forward first and jumped to the opposite side easily.

Leon is second.

Isabella is third.

Jiang Youmei originally wanted to jump, but stopped because of fear.

He retreated a certain distance and put the bow and arrow behind his back, then sprinted with all his strength and jumped up with all his strength.


Unfortunately, due to his limited jumping ability and nervousness, he did not successfully fall to the ground.

Instead, he fell uncontrollably, and his hands caught on the edge of the cliff.

"Hold on!"

Xu Zhijian rushed over with quick eyes and hands, grabbed her arms with two hands, and pulled her upwards hard.

Leon also hurried over to help.

Successfully resolved the crisis.

Jiang Youmei turned pale and said, "Thank you..."


As he spoke, the passage behind him was completely blocked by the falling ceiling.

Those scarabs also became "potato chips".

This was a blessing in disguise.

After resting for a while, everyone set off again.

Not long after walking, a stone slab suddenly fell, blocking the path just now.

After a while, we came to a very wide hall.

It's very empty, with basically nothing.

As they walked and observed, they were completely unaware that there was actually a huge hole under the floor.

Three to four meters deep, covered with a thick layer of human skulls!

At a glance, there are at least two to three thousand.

And each one had a big hole on its forehead, obviously suffering from the same type of attack.

And several black shadows were following the rhythm of their walking, quietly.

As they walked, Xu Zhijian felt keenly that a fishy wind suddenly came from above the darkness!

"Get down!"

He shouted and quickly jumped away from where he was, and Leon and others also ran away.

Having followed him through life and death through so many levels, I have developed a subconscious habit of defense.

When given an order, do it immediately.


A black thing landed heavily on the ground. It hit the air without stopping, and immediately turned around and continued to attack.

Bang bang bang!

Xu Zhijian also shot decisively, and the shadow that was hit had to quickly adjust its direction to avoid it.

With a swish, he ran into the darkness and disappeared.

He searched carefully around, knowing that it must be an alien, but where was it hiding? ?

After searching for a while, I successfully found it!

But there are a few things that exceeded expectations.

Because I saw more than one, but all of them in the southeast, northwest and northwest directions!

At least five or six.

He was crawling on all fours, drooling from his mouth, and making movements like a tiger hunting at any time, ready to attack.

Xu Zhijian immediately said: "Fake! Quick, stand back to back together!"

Jiang Youmei, Isabella, and Leon came over obediently.

Four people form a square formation back to back.

In this way, you can avoid being attacked from behind as much as possible, and one person can deal with it in one direction.


The aliens roared and attacked together.

Bang bang bang!


The four of them also quickly counterattacked.

Xu Zhijian, Isabella, and Leon used their guns to dodge the charging aliens.

Jiang Yumei, on the other hand, used a bow.

The arrow flew straight towards an alien, and the opponent quickly jumped to the side to avoid it.

But as soon as he stood firm, the second arrow flew over.

The alien immediately jumped to the wall to hide.

Although arrows cannot match the speed of bullets, Jiang Youmei's professional skills are not vegetarian.

Not only can you shoot continuously, but you can also play volleys of arrows, or even shoot three arrows at once.

Take your time.

It is quite similar to the marksmen in novels, such as Xiao Li Guang Huarong, Yang Youji, Hou Yi and others.

Under intensive firepower, the first alien was finally killed.

But it was the second and third one.

However, Leon and the others did not have many bullets and arrows, so they had to reduce the number of shots.

You can only rely on Xu Zhijian's infinite pistol to continue output.


As he was beating like this, the rocks under his feet were suddenly pushed away by a huge force.

Then the big black sharp hand grabbed Isabella's left leg and immediately pulled her backwards and fell to the ground.

"damn it!"

She screamed and tried to knock off the arm, but she couldn't aim effectively in the darkness and severe pain.

Seeing that he was almost dragged down.


Xu Zhijian next to him had quick eyes and quick hands, and he cut off the arm with a machete.

At the same time, he pulled Isabella to quickly dodge backwards.

Sulfuric acid blood spurted out and fell to the ground, almost hitting them.

Immediately afterwards, several more aliens emerged from the ground.

Xu Zhijian cursed secretly: "Let's go! Fight and retreat to the back. Escape from here first!"

The four of them continued their back-to-back movements and quickly retreated.


Jiang Youmei shot an arrow at an alien that rushed towards him, and the arrow penetrated half of it.

But the power of cold weapons is not as powerful as bullets, not to mention the damage that is not completely penetrating.

It's okay for killing people, but it's a bit powerless against monsters.

The alien paused for a moment and continued to attack, and the arrowhead that entered the body began to dissolve rapidly.

Da da da!

Leon fired a few shots and killed him: "Fuck, I'm almost out of bullets, I still have 15 rounds!"

Isabella said: "Me too, I still have half a magazine."

Jiang Youmei echoed: "I still have six arrows left!"

Xu Zhijian fought back and said, "Don't be impatient! Keep running. I'll be behind you when you enter the passage."

After sprinting for a while, I finally arrived at the long and narrow passage.

Now you don't have to be surrounded by enemies, you just need to guard the entrance.

He took the initiative to stand at the front, blocking the three people behind him, and attacked with a gun in one hand and a spear in the other.

However, after resisting for a while, they suddenly felt that their feet were empty, and everyone began to fall instantly.

The incident happened suddenly and quickly, and no one realized what was going on.

It seems that the pyramid layout has changed again.


Xu Zhijian cursed secretly and firmly grasped the weapon to avoid throwing it out.

After landing about three or four meters, they fell heavily to the ground.


"Are you guys OK?!"

Everyone stood up in a hurry despite the pain, and looked at each other to see if the other was injured.


The height was not too high, and unfortunately, there was no direct impact on the neck or other places, and no fatal injuries were suffered.

Xu Zhijian adjusted the flashlight stuck on his shoulder and immediately checked the surrounding environment.

I saw that I had fallen into a wide space.

It is similar to a rectangle, about twenty meters long and fifteen meters wide.

At the end of the front, there are two statues of Predators holding spears on both sides, and in the middle is a downward staircase.

A circular aperture lights up at the entrance.

"Reminder: We have reached the entrance to the third floor."

Xu Zhijian's eyes suddenly lit up.

Damn it!

No wonder you can see the light shining, it turns out that is the entrance to the lower level!

Great, I finally found it! !

Victory is at hand.

Although he was pleasantly surprised, he was not careless or carried away.

Because we know that where important treasures are stored, there are usually the greatest dangers.

as expected.

At this time, a huge black shadow + several small black shadows suddenly rushed out from the entrance.

The ground shook slightly.

Jiang Youmei and others immediately aimed their weapons, wondering what the hell happened again? !

Xu Zhijian cursed secretly with a sullen face, it seemed that it was really that thing!

The shadows quickly came to a stop about ten meters away.

I saw that those little black shadows were naturally aliens.

And the biggest one, too.

But she is the legendary Alien Queen!

It is about 5 meters tall and its overall structure is basically the same as an ordinary one.

However, there is a huge fan-like helmet on the back of its head, and long sharp thorns protrude from its back.

There are two other claws on the chest, which are twice smaller than the normal arms.

The length of a tail is larger than that of a Drone Alien.

It’s very oppressive!


Jiang Youmei, Isabella, and Leon were stunned.

Isn't this too outrageous? !

It was already difficult to deal with the small one, but now such a huge one appears, how can we still deal with it? ?

Xu Zhijian also felt a headache.

The Alien Queen is indeed powerful, but it is not that difficult to deal with.

Still no defense against thermal weapons.

As long as the firepower is enough, it can be killed.

Now there are two Predator plasma mines on hand, which can kill them all.

The question is how to implement it without harming yourself?

How can I safely run to the entrance and escape?


At this time, the Alien Queen roared and directed the rest of her brothers to attack.

They immediately fought back.

After a while, four or five were killed.

Jiang Youmei ran out of arrows first and quickly backed away.

Then there's Isabella.

They hid behind Xu Zhijian and Leon, anxious and helpless.

Soon Leon also used up his last bullets.

Xu Zhijian handed him the spear and could only use this method to force him.

The telescopic spear is more than 5 centimeters in normal state, and more than 2 meters in the first form.

The second complete form can reach three meters.

If used properly, it can still block the aliens from a distance and prevent them from getting close.


At this time, an alien jumped up.


Leon adjusted the angle and stabbed it directly, easily piercing its body.

The alien struggled painfully, and its huge weight and strength shocked Leon to release the spear uncontrollably.


He immediately bent down to pick it up in panic, and Jiang Youmei and Isabella followed to help.

The strength of the three people was barely enough to compete.

He pulled out the spear, and then stabbed it twice, finally killing the alien.

But the overall situation is not optimistic now.

There are still more than a dozen aliens trying to attack, and Xu Zhijian has been a little distracted.

And the alien queen finally took action.

It rushed like a truck sprinting at full speed, with great power and strength.

Bang! !

Xu Zhijian did not dare to neglect it, and quickly flew to the left to avoid it.

The tail of the alien queen hit the stone wall, and immediately made a big hole.

It can be seen how terrifying the power is.

Xu Zhijian took the opportunity to fire two shots at it, and the bullets hit its legs.

It caused damage, but it was only equivalent to the level of HP-10.

The Alien Queen, who wanted to attack Jiang Youmei and others again, was furious and turned around to charge.

At the same time, a messenger alien also attacked from the opposite side.

Xu Zhijian first rolled backwards to distance himself, and kicked the small one away with a strong kick.

Then he shot at the queen's toes.

The only thin parts of its body are its calves, feet, and arms.

The damage caused by the bullet will be magnified.

Especially if the toes can be broken, it is likely that the ability to move can also be weakened.

Bang bang bang... click!

Soon, one of the queen's little toes was broken and flew out.

But it was not enough to stop its mobility.

The Alien Queen surrounded them with several other brothers, and Xu Zhijian cursed and retreated.

Soon he retreated to the corner and was blocked by the wall, with no way out.

He quickly turned around and ran while shooting, thinking quickly about how to get out of the siege.

What ability can be used? ! !

At this time, the situation of Leon and the other two was not optimistic. They could not effectively fight back with just a spear.

They were also forced into a corner, and their lives were at stake.

They looked ashen, knowing that they could not escape this time and would die here.

Desperate and unwilling!

They only hoped to drag a few more aliens to take the blame before they died.


Xu Zhijian evaded the attack of the Alien Queen again, and his tail smashed the wall into pieces.

He also accidentally injured his teammates and hit the tail of one of the younger brothers.

He took out a plasma pulse mine and went all out at this time.

Damn it!

Since there is no way to escape, let's die together!

The Alien Queen, who was charging, suddenly stopped and dared not move forward.

The younger brothers also roared around him.

Xu Zhijian was happy and a little surprised. Wow, it seems that this thing is also afraid of death.


As expected of a prey raised and hunted by the Iron Blood Warriors, it can recognize who made this weapon at the first time.

It has a natural fear in its bones.

It can be used as a deterrent.

But that's all.

The aliens will never give up the pursuit. Although they are afraid, they will try to break the situation.

And Xu Zhijian will not start it casually if there is a possibility of survival.

So it can barely hold out for a while.

I don't know how long it can last. If no solution can be found during this period, it will still be a dead end.

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