People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 32 Survival Day 032: A Little Understanding

Kelly nodded and glanced at the study subconsciously. It was so clear.

The ghost mirror seemed to be unable to hear or see reality.

But it seemed to be able to see and hear everything.

Xu Zhijian thought of something and asked, "By the way, how many bags of salt are stored at home?"

She was a little confused: "It seems to be just one bag, why are you asking this?"

"Of course it's to deal with it, I'm going out to buy it now."

Xu Zhijian smiled mysteriously, and got up and left without waiting for the other party to ask again.

Watching him open the door and leave, Kelly blinked her eyes, thinking that salt can deal with evil spirits?

Where did she learn this weird method? ?

How is it possible?

She put her mind back, stood up and stretched, and then went to clean the bedroom for him.

On the street.

Xu Zhijian strolled slowly, not in a hurry to buy things, but thinking about what to do.

Although having people come to the house to have a party can delay, it won't work all the time.

After all, it's not a solution.

The ghost mirror must be destroyed as soon as possible.

But what to do? ?

So far, this is the biggest challenge I have encountered.

"Soulless Clown" can counterattack with physical weapons.

"Reverse Time" can counterattack with magic weapons.

There are ways to deal with those two, but I really don't know what to do with this mirror.

If the Holy Cross doesn't work... that would be bad.

Soon he passed by a convenience store and bought five bags of salt and two boxes of chocolate.

The latter is definitely useless unless you get the "Power of My Thoughts".

I just want to eat.

After strolling for a while, I found a small church not far away.

He suddenly thought of something, so he walked in.

I thought there would be no one at this time, but I found that there were seven or eight elderly people listening to the priest's sermon.

He walked to the last row and sat down, waiting silently.

"The Lord is good, and his love endures forever."

"Do not be sad, for the joy of the Lord is your strength."

"To let you know that man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord."

The priest's low voice echoed in the empty church, and he couldn't help but want to sleep.

Half an hour later, the sermon finally ended.

The old people left with satisfied expressions.

Xu Zhijian hurried over and stopped the priest who was also about to leave.

"Sorry, can I bother you for a few minutes?"

The priest stopped and smiled: "Oh, of course, sir, do you have any difficulties?"

He got straight to the point: "Can you teach me some exorcism methods? I have encountered something very strange recently."

The priest was stunned for a moment, and then showed a surprised expression.

It seems that there is such an operation?

The priest adjusted his glasses: "I'm sorry for what happened to you, but why did you come to me?"

Xu Zhijian was a little confused by the question: "Because you are a priest, if there are ghosts, there must be God."

"You are his believer, you must know a lot of exorcism methods, right?"

The priest was a little embarrassed by what he said, and smiled awkwardly.

Then he said sincerely: "Sorry, sir, I am just interested in religion."

"I like the content of the Bible and the history behind it, but I don't believe in God or ghosts."

"I just like this major..."

Xu Zhijian was directly confused by what he said.

Ah this...

There is such an operation? ! !

Following Ye Ge to make a living, but not believing in him, just living a lazy life.

Isn't this the same as going to a restaurant and ordering beef noodles, and then saying that I don't eat beef?

He couldn't help laughing: "Okay, then, are there any other priests who know this?"

The priest shook his head: "No, this is a very small church, and I'm the only one."

"Thank you, goodbye."

Xu Zhijian turned around and left with a little disappointment.

I thought that in a world with ghosts, there must be gods.

Even if they don't show up, believers should know a lot of exorcism methods.

Maybe I can get some useful methods for free.

As a result, I met a great god-level figure right away, which is really unique.

When he was about to walk out, the priest suddenly asked: "Sir, can I ask if you encountered any strange things?"

He stopped: "I encountered a mirror that can't be broken."

The priest adjusted his glasses again, frowned and thought, what kind of scary thing is this?

If it can't be broken, it means the method is wrong.

So he suggested: "Is that so? Then you should find a physics expert."

There is nothing wrong with what he said.

The ghost mirror is not immune to physical attacks. The difficulty is just how to break through its defense mechanism.

Xu Zhijian walked out and saw that it was still early, so he opened the map and continued to look for the second church.

This guy is a weird one, but it doesn't mean that other priests are the same.

Take the opportunity to ask a few more.

Half an hour later, they came to a magnificent Maria Church.

After entering, they didn't find the priest, but there was a confession room.

This kind of building is also called a confession booth, a confession seat, which is a small room for confession and repentance.

There is a priest sitting inside, and the confessor can tell all his thoughts and secrets.

During this period, neither party can see each other.

Xu Zhijian walked over and sat down, brewing for a while and then describing the situation.

"Hello, pastor, I encountered a very strange and distressing thing recently."

"There is a demon that has been following me. I want to get rid of it but I can't get rid of it."

"The more I don't want to care about it, the more I will care about it, and I can't calm down at all."

"But the only way to eliminate it is to not have any subjective thoughts of harming it."

"So I wanted to ask God to show me some way to exorcise the demon."

After a moment of silence, the pastor spoke: "Sir, I'm sorry for what happened to you."

"Please believe that God will protect you through this difficult time."

"I don't have the divine means to exorcise demons, but I have a personal experience for your reference."

"The reason why you can't forget the devil is because it has eroded your reason and thinking."

"Then you can't keep obsessing over figuring it out yourself."

"You can choose to give up, stop caring and stop worrying."

"Let everything take its course, even if something bad happens, maybe it will be another good thing."

"Because you are conscious of it, but other people or events in the world are unconscious of it."

"Be good at using your consciousness to guide the unconscious."

"It doesn't matter whether the devil was destroyed by your own hands. What matters is that you can solve it."

The pastor took his time and finished speaking his opinion.

Different people have different thoughts after hearing this. Some people may think this is useless chicken soup.

But Xu Zhijian was like Conan having an inspiration when he was solving a case, and suddenly a bolt of lightning flashed across.

As the lyrics say: some careless words confuse and unravel me.

I caught a light spot directly!

Although I couldn't directly think of a perfect solution, the feeling came.

Thanks to Wadaxi Frog, book friend 3194,

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