People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 349 Survival Day 349: Here they come, they come

It is usually believed that the ritual failed because they mistaken each other's true identity.

Actually, it is not the case.

Whether it was a mistake or not, it did not prevent the failure of the final ritual.

The reason is very simple.

There is no need to worry about what kind of people and personalities the protagonists are.

For the evil god, as long as the ritual is successfully completed, that is, all five people die.

The order is not important at all.

Take Marty as an example.

Even if he is actually a wise man, so what?

Anyway, dead is dead, and the blood of the sacrifice will automatically be classified as a wise man.

The reason for the failure is that Marty and Dana survived.

Two of the five sacrifices are missing.

The evil god will definitely not tolerate it.

And the organization that obviously controls the safety of the earth has so many obvious loopholes and mistakes.

It is also a satire on the vulgar routines of horror movies.

Marty couldn't help but take a puff of water pipe: "Then do you know the name of that evil god? What does he look like?"

Xu Zhijian nodded: "Well, it's the legendary Titan-Cronus."

Cronus is the second generation of gods in ancient Greek mythology. He was originally the son of the first generation of gods and queens.

The youngest and most powerful of the twelve Titans.

His mother gave birth to many children, but he ate every child.

When his mother Rhea gave birth to Zeus, she was determined to protect this little life.

So she wrapped a stone with cloth and lied that it was a newborn baby, and Cronus swallowed it in one gulp.

So Zeus escaped.

He was sent to Cronus' sister-Nymph to be raised.

Later, the goddess of the earth made Uranus the king of the gods.

Over time, Uranus's authority grew stronger and he implemented a complete dictatorship.

He became increasingly rude and perverse, and stubborn.

He even didn't respect Gaia much.

These actions finally caused Gaia's strong dissatisfaction, and she decided to get rid of the other party and establish a new king.

She used the black rock collected from the deepest part of the earth as raw materials and asked Cyclos to make a very hard sickle.

However, as a mother and wife, she couldn't bear to do it herself.

So she called the Titan sons together, hoping that someone would go to assassinate Uranus.

Everyone was silent, and no one dared to go.

Finally, the youngest son Kronos agreed to give it a try.

One night, Gaia prepared a sumptuous dinner and got Uranus drunk.

After he fell asleep, Kronos came with a sickle and cut off his father's Kun with one knife.

Uranus opened his eyes and cursed angrily: "You will pay the price, and you will soon be overthrown by your own son like me!"

After that, he returned to heaven and never returned to the ground.

From his blood, the three goddesses of revenge were born.

His Kun was born from the foam splashed from the sea, and the goddess of love Aphrodite was born.

After the successful sneak attack, Kronos naturally became the second king of gods.

It is known in history as "The Scythe Seizing the Throne".

After overthrowing his father's brutal rule, he led the golden age of Greek mythology.

But during this period, Kronos was well aware of the power of his Cyclops and Hundred-handed brothers.

He believed that their existence was a potential threat to his throne.

Therefore, he devised a vicious plan to imprison them in the hell of "Tartarus".

However, he still could not rest assured because his father's curse before his death always echoed in his ears.

So he made a cruel decision: to eat all the children born.

In order to overthrow his father, Zeus, who escaped a disaster, sought help from a female Titan with incomparable wisdom and foresight.

The other party prepared a small bottle of hypnotic and emetic potion for him and taught him how to deal with it.

And Kronos was addicted to drinking, so there was a servant who poured wine for him.

The mother used the excuse that the servant was clumsy and suggested replacing him.

After approval, Zeus was recommended to him for use.

Zeus was smart and soon won Kronos's favor and trust.

Finally one day, he mixed the medicine into the wine and served his father to drink it.

Soon Kronos fell into a coma and vomited constantly.

He also vomited out the five children who had grown up and eaten.

They were Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades and Poseidon.

Then, everyone threw Kronos out of the palace together.

Then, like other Titans, he was imprisoned in Tartarus in hell.

From this, it can be seen that the so-called Greek gods are not only extremely chaotic, but also ridiculously weak.

They were brought down by such ordinary means.

It is estimated that like the XX immortals in their daily lives, they can become gods as long as they have some skills.

In the words of Hulk: weak garbage.

The Titan in "The Cabin in the Woods" not only refers to mythology, but also comes from another movie.

The fire Titan in "Wrath of the Titans".

And his power has been enhanced, enough to destroy the earth in a snap.

As a top student, Kurt also knows Greek mythology, so he explained it to the others.

Marty and others suddenly realized it.

Xu Zhijian added: "There is another unique form of the Titan evil god."

"To put it simply, it actually refers to readers of novels and audiences of movies."

This metaphor made them feel very novel and confused.

Horton asked: "What does this mean?"

He smiled and said, "It's just what it says. If you can figure it out, think about it. If you can't figure it out, don't go into it."

They didn't ask any more questions, but their eyes showed that they were still thinking about this question.


At the same time.

A mysterious organization hidden in an absolutely secret basement.

It was the so-called sacrificial ritual organization.

At this time, the whole building was full of horrible bloody scenes!

All members.

Whether they were R\u0026D personnel, secretaries, special police security, managers, men, women, young and old.

All were killed in various ways!

Some were disemboweled, some were torn into pieces, and some looked like dried corpses that had been dried for thousands of years.

Some of the flesh and bones disappeared, leaving only a set of clothes on the ground.

And so on.

Anyway, the way they died was more cruel, horrible, bloody, and bizarre than the other.

On the walls, on the roof, on the ground, there was blood and brains everywhere.

The strong stench and rust smell could make people fall over.

It was like a purgatory on earth!

In the monitoring room.

The three-meter-long screens had been smashed to pieces and could not be used, with various stripes jumping.

There were also limbs and blood on the ground.

A man lying on his stomach with a relatively intact body suddenly twitched violently.

Then he slowly raised his head.

He was not dead yet.

He was a deputy director of the organization. A few hours ago, he was arranging various sacrifice plans.

But no one expected that the sealed monsters would suddenly break through the seal and come out!

This is absolutely impossible.

Because those sealed boxes are made of special materials that can suppress the abilities of all monsters.

And like "Heart Panic Fang", they are making irregular random changes all the time.

But now, they all ran out!

There was no warning.

There was no damage.

They came out so easily.

In an instant, the shelter turned into a slaughterhouse.

All members became pools of rotten meat.

It should be said that his luck was very good. He fainted immediately after the attack.

But he was not dead yet.

The deputy director dragged his broken body and moved painfully and hard to the operating table.

"Huhu... cough cough..."

He gasped weakly, then gritted his teeth and tried his best to straighten his upper body.

What he had to do now was to report the situation to his superiors and seek help.

After a while, he finally got the microphone with difficulty.

Buzz buzz buzz--! !

But just as he was about to press the speed dial button, a sharp electric saw sound suddenly rang behind him.

The deputy director was so scared that his soul flew away, and his body softened and fell to the ground again.

He turned his head a little bit with trembling, trying to see what was going on.


It's a pity that there was no chance.

I saw a black shadow quickly walked up and swung the electric saw to chop off his head.


The hot blood spurted two or three meters high.

The black shadow picked up his head and took a look, then lifted it up and drank a few mouthfuls of blood.

Then he staggered away.

Time passed unnoticed.

There were still fifteen minutes left before the first wave of attacks.

Xu Zhijian stood by the window and looked outside. He looked calm on the surface, but he was actually very excited.

The battle was about to begin. What would come?

Could the current equipment withstand it?

The five people also paced back and forth in the living room, obviously more nervous.

Marty walked up to him and said, "Hey, man, do you want to take a couple of puffs of hookah? It will calm you down."

Xu Zhijian shook his head: "No, I have no interest or affection for tobacco."

"But it's interesting to say that you actually got a different positive BUFF because of the leaves."

Marty was a little puzzled: "What do you mean?"

He explained: "There are mechanisms everywhere in this wooden house, including those that release hypnotic gas."

"Why Jules and the others behave differently than before is because they inhaled unconsciously."

"But you keep the leaves in your hands every day, and your body has produced something like antibodies, or the threshold is high."

"So you can stay awake and find something wrong, understand?"

Marty heard an "oh" and suddenly realized it.

Good guy, there is such an unexpected operation.

He looked at the hookah in his hand, then took a deep breath with satisfaction, his face full of enjoyment.

Kurt joked, "Does this count as instilling the wrong idea in people? It's good to smoke these things?"

Xu Zhijian hummed, "Maybe. I still advise you not to touch them."

As he spoke, there were only five minutes left.

Everyone was very conscious and stopped chatting. Instead, they stood in front of the window with weapons in their hands.

Kurt held an XM7 rifle.

Marty held a hookah in one hand and a fire axe in the other.

Holden held a fire axe.

Jules held a three-pronged pitchfork.

Danna held a machete.

While looking outside the dark house, he wondered what terrible thing would happen next?

Four minutes.

Three minutes.

Two minutes.

One minute.

Thirty seconds.

Ten seconds.

When the last second of time passed, Xu Zhijian keenly noticed that something was finally happening outside.

Here they come...they come.

We are their slaves.

The first wave of attacks officially begins!



Under the dim moonlight, things happened on all sides of the cabin at the same time.

Several hands suddenly stretched out from the land behind, and then black shadows suddenly climbed up from below.

In the woods on the left, a group of black shadows rushed forward and backward quickly.

In front of them, some black shadows even walked out of the water to the shore.

Looking around, at least hundreds of shadows surrounded them!

The first thing Xu Zhijian and the five-member team saw from the window was a dozen people wearing black suits and pure white masks.

There were men and women, of different heights.

But they all held weapons in their hands.

Some were short-handled axes, some were boning knives, some were machetes, and so on.

They walked slowly, looking elegant and exuding a strange atmosphere.


"They... Where did they come from?!"

"Is this really true?!"

Kurt and the others couldn't help but exclaimed, and now they completely believed what Xu Zhijian said before.

And he recognized the identities of these people: "Strangers"

These are the characters in a blood-slashing movie.

The general plot is:

"A young couple who had just attended a friend's wedding, James + Chris left the dinner drunk.

The two, who were already exhausted, encountered an accident on the way home.

The two had to stop the car in an unfamiliar environment and seek rescue in the surrounding area.

The two accidentally entered an abandoned holiday villa and simply rested for a night.

The night deepened and darkness came.

James and Kristen's misfortune began from then on.

At night, three invaders wearing white masks suddenly appeared and launched a series of attacks on them.

Faced with the threat of death, the couple began a desperate struggle under the strong will to survive.

The two trapped in the house immediately fell into this bloody and violent life-and-death battle"

The overall quality of the film is okay, with a current rating of 5.0.

"The Cabin in the Woods" has made some changes in its image because it does not have copyright.

The original mask is colored and looks like a puppet.

The cabin has been changed to pure white, and the structure is more like a mask.

However, there are only a few characters in both films, only 3-5.

But now, there are more than a dozen!

Doesn't that mean that the number of all monsters has doubled? ?

Xu Zhijian couldn't help but secretly say "Fuck!" It was already difficult to deal with, and this is even worse.


At this time, the strangers were only a dozen meters away, and several of them stepped on the traps that were ambushed in advance.

The leg bones were immediately broken.

However, they did not scream at all. After standing firm, they began to deal with it calmly.

They didn't act like human butchers at all, but like emotionless puppets!

It also shows that all monsters have been strengthened.

Another bad news.

Xu Zhijian immediately ordered: "Quick! Go and guard other positions, don't let them in!"

The five people hurriedly did it.

Kurt went to the left window alone with a gun, and Dana and Holden went to the right.

Marty and Jules went to the back.

Bang bang bang!

After the other party walked a few meters closer, Xu Zhijian decisively opened a corner of the window and opened fire to officially start the battle.

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