People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 35 Survival Day 035: Creepy

Time soon reached one o'clock in the morning, and nothing happened for the time being.

Xu Zhijian looked out the window from time to time, or pinched his thigh hard, clapped his hands to make some noise.

In order to avoid entering hallucinations unconsciously.

There is no sign when the ghost mirror controls the target. It is very likely that you feel nothing, but you have already been tricked.

At the same time, he continued to think about how to deal with it.

That light spot is like a mirror flower and a moon in the water. You can see it, but you just can't catch it.

I don't know if it's because I'm thinking in the wrong direction again?

I don't think so.

Now I don't worry about solving the mirror myself. I can do it casually. Any method is fine.

Tsk, the more anxious I am, the more I can't think of it.

I stretched and adjusted my posture, and then I found that something suddenly happened on the surveillance.

Xu Zhijian immediately picked up the tablet and put it in front of his eyes, observing carefully.

I saw Kelly walk out of the bedroom, slowly walked to the living room, and then stopped.

Because she was facing away, I couldn't see her expression.

After standing for about ten seconds, she turned around and walked slowly to the study.

He came to the door and continued to stand silently against the door for a few seconds, then raised his right hand and pushed the door open directly.

Then, he walked to the mirror and stood about 50 centimeters away.

He stared at his reflection without moving.

Kelly did not make any extra moves or speak, just standing there in a daze like a puppet.

This scene was quite strange.

Xu Zhijian did not rush in to help immediately, but continued to stare at the screen.

About five minutes later, the dull Kelly finally turned around and slowly walked out of the study and returned to the bedroom.

Everything returned to normal.

This situation was obviously manipulated, but Xu Zhijian did not dare to make a rash conclusion.

Because he doubted that the picture he saw was real?

The ability of the ghost mirror was too strong, and everything was possible.

He returned to the house with a notebook, ready to wake Kelly up to ask about the situation in detail.

However, as soon as he came to the entrance and closed the door, she ran out of the bedroom again with a panicked look on her face.

Seeing this, Kelly hurriedly said, "Just now... I had a terrible nightmare!"

Xu Zhijian hummed, "Don't worry, tell me slowly."

She calmed her heartbeat and narrated truthfully, "Just now I heard a loud noise coming from the living room."

"It seemed like glass was broken."

"I thought you came in, so I went to the living room to check."

"In the end, I didn't see you, but I saw that the door of the study was actually open."

"Then I slowly walked over and took a look."

"As a a result..."

Kelly stopped here and looked at him with horror.

Xu Zhijian asked patiently: "What was the result?"

She let out a long breath and continued: "The result was that I saw... you standing in front of the mirror motionless."

"I immediately realized that you were bewitched, so I tried to wake you up."

"But no matter how I called your name or threw things at you, it was useless."

"Just when I couldn't think of a solution, I suddenly found a pair of eyes under your hair on the back of your head!"

" should be said that it was not the back of your head, but your face!"

"You kept facing the mirror with your body, but your head turned 180 degrees and stared at me!"

"Then I was scared awake, and I was sure that I had just had a nightmare, so I ran out to tell you."

After listening to her, Xu Zhijian's expression suddenly changed drastically.

Shock, confusion, and creepiness.

It's not that I was scared by the content of this dream. come this is completely different from what I saw from the surveillance? ! !

I only saw her walk out of the bedroom, stand in front of the mirror for a while, and then go back.

There is no other picture!

Looking at his serious and puzzled expression, Kelly was stunned for a moment and then had a bad premonition.

She hurriedly asked: "You... have you also encountered any situation?"

Xu Zhijian nodded and said seriously: "Yes, before I say it, I hope you will be mentally prepared."

This made Kelly's heart skip a beat.

Usually, being able to say this means that the matter is very serious.

She took a few deep breaths, tried to calm down and nodded, indicating that she was ready.

Xu Zhijian opened his notebook, clicked on the stored surveillance and showed it to her.

Five minutes later.

Kelly's face was sluggish, and she was completely shocked and didn't know what to do.

What she saw was him standing in front of the mirror, twisting his head and staring at herself.

But the surveillance showed that she was standing in front of the mirror? ! is this possible!

If one of them is fake, why didn't the surveillance record her other actions?

The more Kelly thought about it, the more confused she felt, and she couldn't tell the truth from the false.

She just felt the hair on her body stand up, and cold sweat ran down her body.

Xu Zhijian couldn't tell now, unless Kelly didn't have a nightmare and was deliberately playing tricks to deceive.

But she had no need to do that, no reason to do that.

Could it be that... both the dream and the surveillance were actually fake? !

Or, both were real!

But no matter which situation it was, it was far beyond expectation.

He frowned and looked at the door of the study, and couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling.

Before, he had been checking whether he was awake in the car all the time, but he didn't expect the result to be even more terrifying.

The two looked at each other, and no one spoke again.

But they both understood each other's thoughts.

There was no wind in the house, but it felt extremely cold and piercing.

Then the two of them sat on the sofa in silence, looking at each other from time to time, wanting to say something, but not knowing what to say.

Xu Zhijian was still analyzing these two things seriously.

That's right.

Kelly would definitely not wear glasses when she slept, so if she was really hallucinating, she couldn't tell.

And I always wear them.

According to the setting of the movie, the surveillance footage I saw should be real?

I don't know if there will be any accidents, but this is the only way to judge.

After a long silence, Kelly's mentality was almost adjusted.

Finally, she spoke: "Alas, I remember that my parents had encountered a similar situation."

Xu Zhijian nodded: "Well, tell me about it."

She thought and said: "I remember seeing my father hugging a strange woman at home once."

"I thought he was cheating."

"But when I questioned him, he was confused and said where did the woman come from? How could he do such a thing."

"At that time, this mirror had just been bought a few days ago, and I didn't know it was the one who did it."

"I was confused and scared, and I just thought I was hallucinating."

Xu Zhijian nodded without comment.

This incident also appeared in the movie, and the so-called woman was actually one of the evil spirits.

What was her name?

It seems to be Marisol?

One of the victims who once owned the mirror died of strange heavy bleeding.

At this time, the alarm sounded in the study.

It was time to change the videotape.

The two looked at each other, then got up and walked in together.

The ghost mirror was still hanging quietly on the wall, and the mirror surface was covered with salt, and there was no abnormality.

Fixed some unreasonable BUGs.

Mostly corrected typos.

Chapter 26 added the ability after the first star map is opened.

Chapter 29, modified Xu Zhijian's identity when entering the world.

You can go back and take a look.

Thanks to Ru Shen Saozhi, book friend 5885 for the monthly ticket

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