People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 360 Survival Day 360: The Crying Hatchet

Kurt said worriedly: "Can you really handle it alone?"

Xu Zhijian nodded: "Well, don't worry about me, just take care of yourself."

"Okay, when you need help, just tell us and we will definitely help you at the risk of our lives!"

"Yes, you must be careful!"

The five-member team knew what to do and didn't waste any more time, and quickly hid obediently.

In fact, this method is basically useless.

There are many ways for monsters to find people.

But he didn't have any props that could be used now, so he could only try this.

Ten seconds.

Five seconds.

One second!

The third wave of time is up.

Xu Zhijian looked out carefully, but the fog was too thick and he couldn't see anything.

So he ordered Lion Face to open the shared visual screen of the helmet, and he could see the situation outside immediately.

But he couldn't see anything, and it felt a little weird to be quiet.


After watching for a while, he suddenly realized that Lion Face was attacked from behind by something!

This is quite outrageous.

It is now in stealth mode, and with the fog, it is perfectly hidden.

Even if you have a strong sense of smell, you may not be able to smell it.

But the mysterious monster can easily find it, and it sneaks up from behind.

It can be seen how powerful it is.

And Lion Face has equipment to protect his body, so he didn't suffer any damage and immediately started fighting with the opponent.

At this time, he was face to face with the enemy, but he couldn't see the human figure through thermal imaging? !

It seemed to be fighting against the air.

He immediately ordered Lion Face to switch his vision to a dynamic mode using heartbeat.

But there was still no response!

This situation was too weird.

The body has no heat, no heartbeat, and no breathing. What does it mean? It means that it is not a human at all.

But these were also within his expectations.

Sure enough, he guessed right, the third wave of monsters will be in the form of evil spirits!


At this time, something suddenly appeared outside the window and hit it hard.

Looking closely, it was a skull that seemed to be made of smoke, erratic, and extremely hideous.

It swung outside the window twice, and then drifted away.

Then it suddenly appeared again, hitting the glass hard, repeating the routine.

Xu Zhijian looked at it coldly, and confirmed his idea.

The characteristics of this thing are too obvious, it is the ghost/evil spirit in the usual concept.

There are obvious shots in the hut.

This kind of evil spirit is the most basic existence, and it is manifested in the cultures of all countries in the world.

In our country, the dead must be buried in peace before entering the next reincarnation.

Therefore, those who do not pass away smoothly will become wandering ghosts.

This view of life and death originated from Taoism.

It not only affected the Chinese nation, but also Xiaori, Goryeo, and Southeast Asian countries.

If you are calm and fearless in your heart, ghosts will not come to disturb you.

"Don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door" is this truth.

In Xiaori, people dare not say bad things about the deceased casually.

In addition to simply holding a reverent mentality.

This idea probably comes from the inherent "fear of resentful spirits" tradition.

There are many temples in Xiaori, which are specially built for people who died unjustly and hated.

In their concept, if the resentful spirits who hate the dead are not comforted, they will give all kinds of revenge to the living.

In the West, people have believed in the existence of ghosts since ancient times.

The immortality of the soul is also an important concept in religion.

It forms the basis of heaven and hell, and the dualism of good and evil.

It also endorses the central ideas of Christianity such as original sin, redemption, and eternal life through faith.

In ancient Rome, people believed that ghosts lived underground.

So houses for ghosts were built underground, and the entrances were blocked with ghost stones.

They were only removed on the day of worship to let the ghosts out.

It’s just that the evil spirits shown in the West are different from the common resentful spirits in the East.

In "The Cabin in the Woods", this kind of evil spirit can directly absorb the souls of humans to kill them.

But the level is obviously too bad, and it can't even break through the glass.

It can be seen from this that the one who attacked Lion Face was definitely not a ghost.


Just thinking about it, I saw that ghost suddenly floated in from the window!

Good guy.

It’s really that good things don’t work, and bad things are as accurate as you think? ?

Xu Zhijian raised his gun and prepared to shoot without panic, but he heard the sound of glass breaking first.

At the same time, the ghost wailed and turned into ashes.

"Kill the ghost and get 1 season point"

He couldn't help laughing, thinking that the other party was also a talent, who could launch an attack in the first time.

Unfortunately, he was directly killed by the rebound.

How does the saying go, you fell down before I even tried?

He put his attention back to the lion face, the battle was still going on, and he still couldn't see the opponent.

When you don't know the specific situation, you must not go out rashly.

But how can you find out?

About a minute later, Xu Zhijian suddenly pricked up his ears and listened carefully to the movement outside.

Because, there was obviously a cry coming!

Intermittent, sometimes far and sometimes near.

It was a woman.

The cry sounded very sad and ethereal, not like being heard by the ears, but more like in the mind.

His first reaction was that it must be a female ghost.

But where is it, does this cry have other functions?

As I was thinking, I noticed movement behind me.

So he turned around quickly to check.

Then he saw the five people who had just hidden in the closet, actually walked out without making a sound!

Everyone's expression was dull and their eyes were confused.

They walked towards the door woodenly like puppets.


Xu Zhijian cursed inwardly, thinking that the crying sound was not that simple, it turned out to have a hypnotic effect.

And the power was stronger than he thought.

Not only could it bewitch five people at once, even Marty, who had antibodies, was not immune.

"Wake up, can you hear me?!"

He rushed over to block the way and shook Dana, who was walking in front.

But the five people did not react and continued to walk forward.

Even when he pushed them, they did not stop, and they stood still, as if there was a bug in the game.

Then there was no way.

He could only persuade them physically.


He controlled the strength and knocked Dana unconscious on the ground first.

Then he knocked out Marty, Kurt, Jules, and Horton one by one.

Finally, he dragged it back into the closet and closed it.

Just as he turned around and prepared to go back to the window to continue observing, he suddenly saw a black shadow rushing towards him.


Xu Zhijian cursed inwardly and subconsciously jumped away immediately, and fired two shots decisively at the same time.

The black shadow fell down in response.

But it stood up again in just a second, and rushed over again with a piercing cry.

In the blink of an eye, it rushed to the front, and I could clearly feel the stench and cold breath emanating from its body.

At this time, I could see clearly what this thing was.

Floating in the air, wearing an old white dress that was almost dirty and black.

On her head was something similar to a wedding veil.

The whole face was as shiny and white as a wax figure, with a big black mouth and black liquid flowing down from both eyes.

The eyes were light yellow.

It looked hideous and weird.

This was obviously a female ghost.


Xu Zhijian jumped back first and calmly fired two more shots.

The ghost girl screamed and cried shrilly, and her body twisted and quickly turned into a pile of ashes.

"Kill the crying woman and get 1 season point"

Looking at the prompt, he thought about it and immediately remembered what this kind of ghost girl was.

The name is: the crying woman.

Derived from the Spanish word La-Llorona

This is a horror legend widely circulated in Mexico and the western United States.

Sometimes it is also considered to be La-Malinche, the Nahua woman.

It can be traced back to a German folk tale in 1486.

The earliest published content quoted a sonnet written by a Mexican poet.

Legend has it that in a village, there lived a young woman named Maria.

She came from a poor family, but was famous for her beauty in the village.

One day a very wealthy noble passed by and stopped immediately when he saw her.

He was deeply fascinated by her beauty.

So when the noble proposed to her, Maria immediately accepted.

The family was very happy that she could marry a powerful man, but the noble's father was very disappointed and disgusted.

Because they were not a good match.

So the two built a house in the village, away from the unwilling father.

Eventually, she gave birth to a son and a daughter.

But the noble was always traveling and began to stop spending time with his family.

And when he returned home, he only paid attention to the children.

As time went on, Maria could see that her husband no longer loved her because she was getting old.

One day, the noble returned to the village with a young woman.

And said goodbye to the children.

Maria was angry and upset, so she took the children to the river.

In her blind rage, she did a cruel thing.

When she came to her senses and realized what she had done, she was filled with remorse and cried bitterly.

She wanted to find the remains, but the river had taken them away.

A few days later, people found her dead on the river bank.

The villagers speculated that she might have committed suicide out of regret, committing two major crimes at the same time: murder and suicide.

After arriving in heaven, she was not allowed to enter the afterlife.

Until she could find the children.

So she was trapped between the living and the dead, and spent a long time looking for her lost children.

From then on, people could always hear her crying.

Therefore, she was named la-llorona.

It is said that if you hear her crying, you should immediately run in the opposite direction.

Because this cry will bring misfortune and death.

And it will rob other people's children at night.

Some witnesses claim that the crying woman will appear by the river or lake at night or late at night.

Wearing a white or black robe with a veil, wandering back and forth.

And there is another saying about its cry.

When the sound sounds very close, it is actually very far away.

When the cry sounds very far away, it is actually very close and will jump out at any time to take your life.

In 2019, James Wan made a movie "The Curse of the Weeping Woman" based on this legend.

It belongs to the same series as the "Conjuring" universe.

However, whether it is a legend or a movie, its strength is probably at an intermediate level.

Not very powerful.

But this is the problem now.

It was a ghost just now, and now it is a slightly stronger small BOSS level.

They can get into the wooden house at will, which means that the defense line has failed completely.

This is not a good sign.

Having a base allows you to adjust tactics and rest at any time.

Now it is basically in a decoration state. Not only can you not retreat, but the danger has increased N times.



At this time, the wall on the left was suddenly broken by a huge force, and a burly figure flew in and fell heavily to the ground.

Xu Zhijian immediately fired a shot at it, not even looking at what it was.


The black shadow screamed, twitched a few times and then stopped moving.

Only then did he have the mind to look at the other party.

This was a nearly two-meter-tall, extremely burly... deformed person? ?

Wearing dark blue dirty overalls, barefoot, and a head of greasy and dirty black hair.

The whole face was very hideous.

The left half was still normal, but the right half was without flesh and blood, revealing the blackened bones.

It was like a combination of half a face + half a skull.

I don't know why, a name immediately came to his mind: Two-Faced Man.

Of course, this monster is not a villain in DC Comics, but Victor.

That is the undead deformed butcher in "Hatchet"!

This series has a total of four films, standard slashing and bloody films.

It was also well-known in the CULT film industry at that time.

The general plot is:

"All the tragedies happened on a Halloween night.

The children of the neighbor threw firecrackers into the house to fool and scare the deformed Victor.

However, his house was built of flammable wood, and the result can be imagined.

The sparks ignited the house.

When Victor's father came back, the house was surrounded by fire.

Victor was still trapped inside.

The father rushed into the barn, picked up a hatchet, and chopped at the door desperately.

But what he didn't know was that Victor was hiding behind, and heard the sound and opened the door to try to escape.

As a result, the axe chopped right on the door. on his face.

Victor died on the spot.

From then on, the old man who had experienced the pain of losing his son refused to leave the house.

He did not talk to others and gradually lost contact with everyone.

Almost 10 years later, he died of depression.

One day, some men and women decided to do something thrilling to adjust their mood.

They chose a swamp in New Orleans that was famous for being haunted.

However, they never dreamed that the deformed man Victor was lurking here.

Holding a short-handled axe, slaughtering all intruders"

The plots of the four parts are basically the same, with no connotation.

All of them are about the protagonists who have to enter the swamp for various reasons and then meet Victor.

What you see is the process of slaughter.

There are also some welfare shots.

It is an enhanced version of "The Clown".

In addition to being immortal, Victor is also extremely powerful and can tear off a person's head with his bare hands.

But that's it, no other superpowers.

Now it suddenly flew into the house in this state, which means that it must be it that attacked Lionface just now!

But it was beaten back by the experienced Lionface.

No wonder I couldn't see the thermal image and heartbeat before, because it was just an immortal object.

At this time, Lion-face strode in, turned his shoulder gun to point at Victor lying on the ground, and waited for Xu Zhijian's order.

He deliberately walked away a little, then nodded to indicate that he could start.

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