People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 362 Survival Day 362: 25 hours

Chapter 362 Survival Day 362: 2.5 hours

But the female vampire was obviously very cunning, and seemed to have predicted his prediction.

And then predicted again.

At the same time that Xu Zhijian fired, his body fled in another direction like lightning and returned to the fog.

Oh~~ It's a bit interesting.

He snorted coldly and became interested. It seems that he is going to compete with me in wits and courage.

Very good.

Wait until I control you, and see how I torture you.

He looked around vigilantly for the target and analyzed it through spectral visual scanning.

At this time, the female vampire's voice suddenly sounded: "COOL-BOY~~ Why are you resisting?"

"Be good and let me drink two mouthfuls of fresh blood, I will let you experience the most pleasant feeling in the world~ How about it?"

The voice was ethereal, and it was completely unknown where it came from.

Xu Zhijian replied jokingly: "Okay, I won't resist, you come out, I will cooperate well."

As soon as the voice fell, two ghosts and two crying women suddenly attacked.

In addition, the new woman followed closely.


The opponent sprayed several spider silks in succession.

His feet were still stuck, so he couldn't dodge and could only fight back quickly.

Bang, bang, bang!

He turned the gun with his left hand and shot at the ghost and the crying woman.


He threw the spear with his right hand, first cutting the spider silk, and then directly piercing the body of the new woman.

The spear head then pierced two feet deep into the ground.

This reaction and speed are already perfect, but unfortunately there are still some shortcomings.

The female vampire also took the opportunity to attack.

She appeared behind him with a whoosh, opened her bloody mouth, and revealed more than ten centimeters long tiger teeth.

Then she decisively bit his neck.


Fortunately, there was armor protection, and the vampire's teeth were almost broken by biting hard, so he had to run away immediately.

The new woman also turned into a child again and got into the mist, waiting to grow fully again.

Having temporarily solved the crisis in front of him, he squatted down and began to deal with the situation under his feet.

He aimed the laser sight at the liquid, activated it, and burned it.


Under the powerful energy destruction, the viscous liquid quickly disappeared as quickly as water evaporated.

Finally, he could move freely.

He walked over and pulled out the spear, looked around, and looked for ghosts that could be found.

But he didn't find any shadows, but suddenly heard a low murmur.

It was very rhythmic, and the specific content was unclear. It seemed to be some spells?

"Aba Aba... Maka Baka... Hula Hula..."

As the sound appeared, he also felt that the ground was shaking slightly, and then many things broke out of the ground.

When the spell was finished, all the black shadows flying in the air attacked him at the same time!

He immediately jumped and dodged, or blocked with a spear, or directly used his body armor to resist.

The sound of ding-dong continued.

At this time, he finally understood what was going on. It turned out that all these things that broke out of the ground were the mechanisms buried before!

Roadblocks, traps, etc., all attacked like crazy as if they had life.


This was the result of the mysterious spell just now.

Fortunately, these things were not a big threat to him, and he could easily resist or smash them.

Buzz buzz buzz...!

At the same time, there was another sound similar to that of a chainsaw, and it came quickly.

Soon a strange thing rushed in front of him.

Is this a mechanical spider?

Painted in yellow, with six legs and three raised mechanical arms.

One had a fast-running circular saw blade on it, and one had a sharp drill bit on it.

The last one was something like an eyeball.

And everything was made of steel.

Xu Zhijian couldn't help but smile, thinking that this thing also existed.

This robot is called the Killing Machine, which comes from a science fiction thriller "Thunderbolt Warrior Dragon".

There are also some shots in the cabin.

He seized the opportunity to swing his spear and easily pierced the rushing Killing Machine.

Then he pulled it out and attacked it several times with stabbing and slashing.

Then the opponent turned into a pile of rotten iron.

However, within a moment, the killing machine magically reassembled itself again!

It directly ejected the broken parts, and then sucked the intact steel materials of those mechanisms for use.

Click, click.

It was restored to its original state in a blink of an eye.

It seems that like the Net Bride, it can be resurrected infinitely, unless it is suppressed by a stronger force.

But the lethality is just like that, not to be feared.

Just as Xu Zhijian was killing a lot, he found that Lion Face suddenly came quickly from a distance.

He was happy in his heart, thinking that he had dealt with the short-handled axe Victor?

But why didn't he receive a prompt.

Maybe he didn't kill it completely, but he couldn't do anything to suppress it and let the other party revive.

When Lion Face came to his side and was about to ask what was going on, he suddenly found something wrong.

Wait... this is not Lion Face!

Bang, bang, bang!

So he raised his gun and shot continuously without saying a word.

Then he saw that Lion Face's body suddenly turned into a huge bat, and flew away and hid like lightning.

Hum, it's true.

It's a female vampire in disguise!

In addition to the well-known blood-sucking ability, some powerful BOSS-level monsters have other superpowers.

Transformation is one of them.

Unfortunately, the other party could not have expected that the Lion Face was not a creature in the conventional sense.

Xu Zhijian did not need to check or ask, he could know whether it was true or false by controlling it.


At this time, a muffled sound came from behind him, and he quickly turned his head to check and found a huge figure falling to the ground.

It was actually the Lion Face.

This time it was real!


He said inwardly that it was not good and hurried over to check. Fortunately, although the Lion Face was injured, it was not in danger of life.

However, there were some cracks in the armor, and it was obviously subjected to an irresistible powerful force.

But what could it be?

A short-handled axe alone could not cause danger to it, and ghosts and crying women should not be able to do so either.

He analyzed and operated at the same time, and pulled up the Lion Face after confirming that it was not fatally injured.

The two of them took a back-to-back fighting posture and looked around vigilantly.

Xu Zhijian felt a little pressured. Now he was at a disadvantage after seeing only a few evil spirits.

How many powerful ones will appear in the future?

And how to deal with it?

Whoosh-bang! ! !

Just as he was thinking, he saw a huge black shadow suddenly appear in the mist.

It smashed down from above with a sound of breaking through the air.

It smashed the wooden house not far away into pieces and turned it into a ruin!


Seeing this, Xu Zhijian was shocked and took a breath of cold air, thinking that the five people were dead!

It's over now...

Through the information formed by the spectrum scan, he was shocked to see what attacked the wooden house.

It was a huge octopus tentacle!

It was exaggeratedly large.

It was at least three or four meters wide and the length was unknown!

It was dark gray and covered with sticky liquid. After smashing, it slowly lifted up and retracted into the mist.

Then it was found that the five people were not smashed into meat paste.

I have to say that they were really lucky.

The cabinet had been placed in the corner of the back wall before, and the tentacles smashed the middle front position.

It was just less than one meter away.

Xu Zhijian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and at the same time thought what kind of monster was this? !

Most people would think this is Cthulhu.

But in fact, octopus tentacles ≠ Cthulhu, the two cannot be combined by force.

There are also many horror movies and themes with deep-sea monster images.

So he immediately thought of a possibility, which is probably the monster in "Deep Freeze"!

What the hell can he do? ? ?

The hut is destroyed, and the tentacles will continue to fall at any time, and the situation cannot be seen.

He may die at any time.

There is no way, it seems that he has to use the props obtained from the loot.

Let's stabilize for a while and figure out the situation.

"Defense barrier"

"Level: Advanced"

"Effect: You can create an exclusive defense barrier within 200 square meters around you"

"Resist the attacks of all butchers, monsters, and evil spirits below the god level for 2.5 hours"

Redeem, start!

I saw a huge square transparent cover similar to a bubble appear out of thin air, covering the 200 square meters around him.

At the same time, the surrounding fog also disappeared.

But there is still outside the barrier.

The effect now is like wearing filtered glasses, and you can see the situation outside clearly.

You don’t know until you see it, and you will be shocked when you see it.

In the vast fog, there are all kinds of monsters lurking.

Some are approaching, and some are coming!

Some of the shapes are very familiar.

For example, more than 20 meters to the left, there are two little girls holding hands and wearing blue dresses.

They look at him calmly with a half-smile on their faces.

This image is exactly the twins in "The Shining".

This horror movie is very famous and even hailed as the greatest horror movie.

The general plot is:

"Jack is a writer. In order to get rid of his frustration at work, he decided to work in a luxurious mountain hotel.

It was a remote house with a gloomy atmosphere everywhere.

It is said that the previous manager had inexplicably lost his mind, brutally killed his family and then committed suicide.

Jack did not take it seriously, but just wanted to find a quiet place to concentrate on writing.

So he ignored his son's advice and moved to this luxurious hotel with his wife.

However, even though the plan was good, Jack could not concentrate on writing after moving into the new home.

He began to go in and out of the hotel's bar and other places, and the weirdness gradually emerged from the calm surface.

Various fantasies kept appearing in his brain, bloody and real.

And his son also saw a pair of weird twin sisters.

In the end, Jack went completely crazy and started chasing his wife in the hotel with an axe.

After a life-and-death escape, his wife and son successfully escaped.

And Jack eventually froze to death outdoors"


Xu Zhijian tried to watch it several times before, but he couldn't stick to the end every time.

Because the pace is too slow, it's a bit outrageous.

As for the horror level and connotation, I think it's just so-so, not worthy of the hype.

But this is a very subjective feeling, just like aesthetics.

Some people think it's a masterpiece, some think it's just average, which is normal.

The image of the twin sisters is also a classic in the horror world, and it naturally appears in "The Cabin in the Woods".

And not far from them, there was a beautiful woman wearing sexy clothes.

Obviously, this is the 9th sexy witch in the movie.

Specially separated from ordinary witches, you can see the details.

But don't be fooled by the sexy and beautiful appearance, it's actually a pink skeleton, and the real appearance is quite scary.

The whispering spell I heard just now should be recited by her.


On the other side.

There was a person wearing a black ragged dress and a top hat.

The body was very long and narrow, and it was estimated to be at least two meters tall.

The two arms were like wooden strips, black and dry, and the claws were sharp and one foot long.

Comparable to a scimitar.

In addition, there was no flesh inside the clothes.

There was only the bare sternum, cervical vertebrae and other bone tissues.

And the head, like a dried skull.

This thing is obviously a scarecrow, which is also a common monster in horror movies.

But the one in front of me is most likely BUBAK from Czech folklore.

No one knows where this monster came from, but it first appeared in the first half of the 17th century.

In Czech villages, children were warned that it would come to them at night if they misbehaved.

The creature was often depicted as a terrifying scarecrow made of bones.

Wearing a heavy black coat, it was used to hide stolen children.

According to legend, BUBAK would cry like an innocent and unprotected baby to lure victims.

In this legend, it also travels between the dead and the living in a cart pulled by a black cat.

There are many different stories about the origin of bubak.

In a more recent story, it was born out of the resentment of a farmer who was betrayed by his wife.

In another, older story, its origin is more complicated.

This story dates back to the Black Death.

At that time, pagan Slavic priests believed that BUBAK first came to the human world.

It was sent by Chernobog.

As a messenger, conveying Chernobog's will to them.

But as time went by, Bubak's spirit began to develop towards sadism.

And he used the power and wisdom given to him by Chernobog to satisfy his desires.

Later, Chernobog punished Bubak and deprived him of his god-like abilities.

At the same time, he cursed it to wander the human world forever.

On weekdays, it stood motionless in the wheat field, looking like a harmless scarecrow.

Looking at the sky and the earth.

It also selected the right target!

Anyone killed by it will be made into a new scarecrow.

Soul exchange.

The new replaces the old, day after day, without stopping, until a new cycle begins.

Next to BUBAK is the hatchet Victor.

In the distance on the right, a group of large and small figures are coming quickly.

When you get close, you can see that they are the monsters in "Left 4 Dead"!

Some of them are extremely tall and fat, more than two meters tall, but at least six or seven hundred kilograms.

Some are skinny, with long hair covering their faces and fingers as sharp as scissors.

And so on.

They are called tanks, vomiters, witches, smokers, etc.

It is not surprising that these things can appear.

Because "The Cabin in the Woods" and "Left 4 Dead" had a joint plan.

It was just that the publisher went bankrupt in the end and had to terminate it.

But the game manufacturer is very generous and still allows these monster images to appear in the movie.


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