People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 366: Day 366 of Survival: Xu Zhijian slaughters God's Universe

While other players were fighting desperately, Xu Zhijian was also thinking about the puzzle.

I just found inspiration, and the more I think about it, the clearer my thoughts become.

Forty minutes.

Thirty minutes.

Twenty minutes.

Seeing that the time was getting closer, he finally dared to confirm the possibility he thought of.

It was indeed the same as he had inferred. He had always known about this so-called mysterious causal power.

He just subconsciously ignored it and didn't think about it in that direction.

There is an old saying: This is the dark under the lamp.

He took his phone and looked for his phone.


He took a long breath and adjusted his mentality, and first activated a prop obtained by looting.

This really came in handy.

"Multiple choice question"

"Effect: Advanced"

"Effect: You can choose a non-active damage skill or prop from the world you have opened"

"Range Primary-Advanced"

Then open the exchange library to select.

First exclude all those with attack effects, and there are only a few that meet the conditions.

After thinking for a moment, he finally selected the prop to exchange.


He closed his eyes and stretched out his left hand to feel in the air, secretly doing telepathy in his heart.

Not long after, he saw his figure disappearing little by little out of thin air!

Lion Face saw this without any reaction, and continued to stand obediently on the spot to be alert.

The disappeared Xu Zhijian appeared in an absolutely dark place without up, down, left and right boundaries.

It seemed to be completely void.

He looked back and forth for a while, and really couldn't distinguish anything.

It felt like floating in the air.

I wonder if this is considered a success?

Just when he was unsure, a hazy light suddenly lit up in front of his eyes.

It can be seen that it is a rectangular shape.

He looked carefully for a few times, then held the weapon tightly and approached carefully.

One step.

Two steps.

Three steps.

As he got closer and closer, the glowing rectangle became larger and larger.

In addition, some noisy sounds could be vaguely heard.

When he walked to the closest distance, it can be seen that the rectangle is about 20 meters long and 15 meters wide.

Those sounds can also be heard very clearly.

"Fuck! What the hell is this... Shit!"

"Waste my time, I want to see a river of blood."

"Geneva, give me back my money!"

All of them were filled with resentful abuse, from both men and women.

But Xu Zhijian was relieved when he heard it, haha... I really found the right place, NICE!

Let's get started!

He adjusted his mentality and tried it out first, then walked out of the rectangle without any hindrance.

His vision suddenly became brighter.

I saw that I had come to an indoor movie theater, not too big or too small, but very dilapidated.

The chandelier emitted a dark green light.

It was very depressing.

And the audience was full of people.

But there was something wrong with these "people".

Their faces were either pitch black, or white without any blood, or they were missing noses and eyes.

Some of them didn't even have heads.

The cold and foul smell emanating from them made people shiver.

Some of them held cups filled with red liquid, which seemed to be blood?

Or they were gnawing on a piece of flesh that was obviously a human arm.

And there was no shadow at all.

They were still yelling and cursing just now, and they were all stunned when they saw him suddenly appear.

The room fell into a dead silence in an instant.

It was completely silent!

They were all in a state of shock, confusion, disbelief, and disbelief.

Xu Zhijian turned his head and looked behind him. The rectangular thing was actually the screen of the cinema.

At this time, it was still showing the picture of himself sitting by the lake, thinking silently.

The words "trial broadcast" were hung in the upper left corner.

He grinned with a smug smile, thinking that I am really a genius.

The truth is indeed consistent with the inference!

The movie "The Cabin in the Woods" is not only full of mockery and ridicule of the horror of routines.

It also implies a lot of connotations for the audience and readers.

For example, why are there always various welfare shots in the movie, with blood plasma and limbs flying everywhere?

Because the audience loves this.

The reason why routines are routines is that they are based on the experience gained from market feedback.

It is vulgar, stupid, and naive.

But there is a market, and you can't be dissatisfied.

There is a saying: the customer is God.

But he is also the devil.

Whether it is a movie or a novel, as long as readers like it, no matter how bad or poisonous it is, you can make money.

The same goes for it.

Once the audience doesn't like it, they will also scold and give bad reviews, making you lose money.

Just like the Titan Evil God in the movie, one of his identities is the audience.

Because he is unhappy, he will destroy the world directly.

Is it a god or a devil, is it a loss or a profit.

Not only depends on the right time and place, but also depends on the thoughts of people.

This is definitely a "causality" level ability.

Except for the Titan Evil God.

Only this metaphor fits the most.

So Xu Zhijian exchanged the fourth wall ability in "Midnight Ring" with the multiple-choice question and took a gamble.

Facts have proved that it really worked.

I have to say it's really fucking... I never thought of it.

The only difference from the speculation is that these audiences are not normal people, but ghosts.

According to the word "preview", they are like the media trial play and trial roles in normal society.

Because I was very dissatisfied with the performance of Xu Zhijian's successful survival, I asked for a reshoot!

It must be "filmed" to show all the tragic deaths. The bloodier the scene, the more enjoyable it will be.

In this way, even if the law of causality is activated, he will eventually have to die.

At this time, the stunned audience came to their senses and realized that this was the protagonist coming out of the movie!

So weird.

But that's not the point.

I was originally dissatisfied with the plot of the movie, but now I dare to take the initiative to show up. Isn't this inappropriate and seeking death?

"It turns out to be this damn bastard. I've seen him unhappy for a long time!"


"Quick! Kill him!!"

The ghost spectators let out bursts of roars, and then pounced on them ferociously.


Xu Zhijian also launched the shoulder cannon to counterattack without mercy.

Since you want to see me die, you must not show mercy.

Not to mention they are all evil spirits.

Kill kill kill!

No one wants to live in vain!

More than a dozen ghost spectators rushed over and were blown to pieces, but they recovered immediately.

Only then did Xu Zhijian realize that these were evil spirits and ordinary weapons would not work.

Bang bang bang!

So he raised his pistol and fired.

A headless ghost who rushed at the front was shot several times, screamed and turned into a pile of ashes and died.

You’ve lost your brain and you’re still watching a movie. It’s a shame, so get out of here.

The other two came surrounding one from the left and the other from the right.

He calmly dodged the attack and also killed him with a gun, taking away the one behind him by the way.

After fighting like this for several minutes, 80% of the ghost audience was easily killed instantly.

The remaining 20% ​​didn't dare to fight anymore when they saw this, and they were so frightened that they just wanted to run away.

He jumped to block the way and fired his bow left and right.

He held the gun in his left hand and continued shooting. He took out the remaining two talismans with his right hand and threw them out one after another.



The talisman automatically landed on the foreheads of the two nearest ghost spectators, igniting flames.

The other party screamed hysterically and turned into black smoke, dissipating completely.

It can be seen from this that these ghosts are really not very capable.

At best, it's at an intermediate level.

Within five minutes, all the ghost viewers were killed.

"Huh... cool!"

Xu Zhijian shouted with satisfaction, and the resentment in his heart had basically been vented.

A bunch of losers still want to see me die, hahaha!

Fight with me, Xu Zhijian, do you have the strength?

At the same time, I can't help but think of a comic I once read, "Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe"

It roughly tells the story of Deadpool getting rid of his other two personalities under the control of the spiritual conqueror.

But at the same time, he also awakened his hidden personality.

With the help of the other party, he discovered the fact that he turned out to be a comic character.

So in order to get rid of this bondage, he decided to kill all the heroes of the same company to complete the comic.

This scene at this time is somewhat similar.

Xu Zhijian actually didn't expect that the last wave would be like this. It was a surprise and incredible.

If you haven't seen the movie "The Cabin in the Woods", you wouldn't have thought of this.

But it's really interesting.

We have experienced the fun of breaking the fourth wall.

Another question comes to mind: ghosts become dead people, so what will ghosts become after they die? ?

Do you think what the ancients said?

For example, "Netherworld Record" records:

People die as ghosts.

The death of a ghost is a disease (JIAN four tones).

There is no hope of death.

I wish I could die.

Death is a trivial matter.

There are five results.

The so-called Xiyi can be explained based on the Tao Te Ching.

Those who turn a blind eye are called barbarians.

Hearing that he is not famous is called Xi.

It can't be called micro.

Wei refers to the meaning of nothingness.

That is to say, at the last level, ghosts become completely non-material existences.

According to this explanation, those ghosts who were killed will turn into the second form.


I don’t know what the so-called 軻 looks like, where it is, or how to find it.

Otherwise, you have to whip the corpse severely to enjoy it.

Xu Zhijian looked around the dilapidated cinema and felt that it was done now, right?

So he got back into the screen and returned the way he came.

Return to the lake.

He looked expectantly at the lion face next to him, and then at the group of five lying not far away.

Everything is fine. this done?

He waited expectantly and nervously for the news, thinking that he must make the right bet, otherwise it would be miserable.

After pacing back and forth by the lake for a minute, the much-anticipated reminder finally arrived! !

"Successfully cracked the fourth wave of attacks and obtained 3,000 season points."

"All challenges in Thriller Town 2024-Second Season have been completed, and the game is officially over."

"You can choose to return immediately or automatically return after 1 day and 12 hours."

"YES!!! Hahaha~~!"

Xu Zhijian clenched his fists and laughed heartily, feeling like he was reborn from the ashes.


it's over!

The bet was right!

Finally done! !

The long and cruel second season has been successfully completed!

Unexpectedly, there was only one day left before I knew it, so I managed to catch the last train.

Xu Zhijian suppressed her happiness and walked to the group of five to study how to deal with them.

Now that the game is over, you can enter and leave the forest at will.

So just ignore it.

There is no danger anyway, and he will naturally escape back to the city as soon as he wakes up.

Otherwise, I really don’t know how to explain the fourth wave of attacks to them, or what reasons to leave alone.

Come quietly, go quietly.


So I took out a pen and paper and wrote a note:

"Everything has been resolved. You are safe and the earth is safe."

"I have other tasks to deal with, so there is no need to look for me again. Nice to meet you. Goodbye."

He stuffed it into Kurt's pocket and took another look at his surroundings.

Flash people!

Thriller Town.

Xu Zhijian looked at his cabin and felt very emotional.


Successfully came back alive again!

Although I have only been away for 14 days, I have experienced so many things that it feels like I have been away for 140 days.

Even a little unfamiliar.

After sighing for a while, he immediately went to take a shower and change clothes, then lay on the bed and opened the ranking list to check.

"1st place: Player ID-520 (13020) points"

"2nd place: Player ID-111 (9500) points"

"3rd place: Player code-7521 (9400) points"

"4th place: Player ID -161 (9400) points"

"5th place: Player code-554 (9300) points"

"6th place: Player code-1145 (9300) points"

"7th place: Player code-1859 (8800) points"

"7th place: Player code-1124 (8800) points"

"Participating players: 213"

"personal information"

"Player ID: 520"

"Current ranking: 1"

"Current points: 13020"

"Remaining time in the season: 1 day 11:52:44 seconds"

He calculated in his mind.

The total score at the end of the second level is 9320.

A total of 4,500 level points will be obtained in the third wave + the fourth wave.

During this period, I have lost count of how many ghosts I killed and how many things I exchanged.

But the total does add up.

Looking at his over 10,000 points, he saw that there were only over 200 remaining players.

He couldn't help but sigh deeply.

In the first season, the highest score was only 3,000+, but this time it has increased five times.

There were more than a thousand surviving players at that time.

Now it has dropped sharply from 18,000 to more than 200, and it will definitely be even less when it ends.

This shows that the difficulty and cruelty of the second season have increased more than five times, which is simply terrifying.

Now that I think about it carefully, I wonder if the main god is just trying to destroy the group? ?

It's scary to think about it.

After sighing for a moment, he picked up his tablet and logged into the forum to take a look.

The second season has not ended yet, so the rankings, betting rankings, etc. have not been officially updated.

But new players who were lucky enough to miss the season are discussing this matter enthusiastically.

They are all analyzing how many people will come back alive after one day, who will be ranked first, or whether there is a dark horse, etc.

Xu Zhijian specifically looked at the number of people online.

Good guy.

There are actually more than 10,000 residents.

It seems that the main god's rule is to kill a batch at a time and then replenish a similar number of new ones.

This cycle continues forever.

Yin enough, ruthless enough, and poisonous enough.

But there is nothing we can do.

Who says someone is the rule maker and is absolutely invincible?

Xu Zhijian couldn't help but think that after clearing 99 movies, he would try to challenge it and take away all its abilities.

Yali is quite big!

This is such a fucking impossible thing.

How about giving up this option and just taking the 11% harvest bonus? seems like I need to think about it carefully.

As he thought, he opened his personal information to see how many worlds he had opened so far.

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