People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 369 Survival Day 369: Appearance is Justice

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Xu Zhijian disappeared directly in the horror town room and appeared in a bathroom instead.

Looking around the familiar layout, he looked at the prompt with satisfaction.

"Return to the world: "Final Destination""

"Challenge progress: Cleared"

"To be completed tasks: 0"

"Remaining stay time: 4 days, 23 hours: 59 minutes"

Xu Zhijian stood up and washed his face, then opened the door and walked out.

Wendy and Julie were still sitting on the sofa in the living room, eating snacks and watching TV while waiting.

Looking at the two familiar beauties, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Unknowingly, more than two months have passed, although for them, time is still frozen in that second.

But my feelings are different. It's been a long time since I last saw them.

Since I left, I have been looking for an opportunity to come back and play for a while longer.

The reason is simple.

Because I like this atmosphere and feeling.

Of course, it is also related to appearance.

If the heroines who have cleared the world are divided according to their appearance, they will definitely be ranked like this.

1: Wendy/Kate is naturally the first.

2: Keller from "The Ring".

3: Sister Julie

4: Quinn from "The Hour".

5: Kelly from "The Blind Side".

6: Irene from "Freddy vs. Jason".

7: Gibb from "Freddy vs. Jason".

And so on.

As for Mary Shaw, Li Ruonan, Rose from "The Dangerous Smile", etc., whoever likes them can take them.

All are given to everyone.

If it weren't for the fact that after playing "The Thing", the location is in the icy Antarctic, and there is also Olaf following.

Xu Zhijian would have gone to Kate many times.

But it's okay, now it's Wendy in adolescence, which is even better.

He walked over and sat directly between the two girls.

Wendy handed over a bag of potato chips, and Julie handed over a bottle of Coke.

"Thank you."

He took it with a smile, thinking that it felt really good, and it would be even better if he could hug her left and right.

At this time, Wendy asked: "Xu, how are you going to plan your next vacation life?"

Because he is a senior high school graduate, he has about one and a half months of free time.

Xu Zhijian shook his head: "I haven't planned it yet, what about you?"

The sisters replied at the same time: "ME-TOO, I have experienced a series of terrible things and I don't know what to do."

He hummed and didn't say much, but secretly thought about what to do?

At this time, a travel program was playing on TV.

After watching it for a few times, he immediately had an idea and thought of a good way to kill time.

So he suggested: "By the way, why don't we take the opportunity to travel around the United States by car together?"

"I haven't been to other states since I was a child. Now is the best time. How about it?"

Wendy and Julie looked at each other and agreed without hesitation.

"Okay, okay, we actually have this plan a long time ago~"

In the United States, self-driving tours, cycling tours, and hiking tours are too common.

On the one hand, one of the indicators that developed countries are developed countries is that their residents have free time.

No need to work like a slave day after day, like 007 day and night, risking life for money.

There are many holidays and even paid vacations.

On the one hand, it is also because the scenery is really beautiful, especially the natural scenery.

There is almost no pollution from commercial development, and there are few people.

Various camping facilities are also well built.

Who would not want to go out for a walk in this situation? After all, the world is so big, I want to see it.

Xu Zhijian smiled and said, "GOOD, since you all have this idea, let's set off tomorrow!"

"How about packing up the things you need today and then determining the route?"


"Okay, I'll follow your arrangement."

Wendy and Julie agreed with both hands and had no objection.

So they began to study seriously.

While searching for relevant guides and recommended videos on the Internet, they marked on the map.

After studying for an hour or so, they finally determined the best route.

The classic Route 66 self-driving tour route.

Also known as the Will Rogers Highway and the Mother Road.

This highway originates from Lake Michigan and runs all the way from Chicago to Los Angeles.

Passing through Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma.

Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.

The total length is about 3939 kilometers.

It contains almost all kinds of attractions.

Endless corn fields, golden beaches, the Grand Canyon of the West, the Gobi Desert, country music.

And so on.

It is recognized as a national scenic road.

If you don't know how to travel, then choose the Route 66 trip, it's absolutely right.

Then the sisters packed the things they needed to bring at home, and Xu Zhijian went out to the car rental company.

Signed the RV rental.

At 7:30 in the evening, everything was done.

In order to celebrate the trip that will start tomorrow, they went to a high-end restaurant for dinner to celebrate.

After eating and drinking happily and returning home, they found that there was no electricity?

Wendy suddenly became nervous: "Xu, what's wrong? Could it be...??!"

Although the god of death has gone, she has experienced too many terrible things before, and she is still scared.

Whenever there is any sign of trouble, one can't help but think about that.

Xu Zhijian shook his head and said, "No, don't worry, it should be the power outage."

Julie took out her mobile phone and searched for it.

Then she nodded and said, "Yes, there was a car accident in the neighborhood just now, knocking down several electric poles. They are repairing them."

Wendy was relieved and smiled a little embarrassedly.

Back home.

They tried to find candles, but they couldn't find them after searching through boxes and cabinets for a long time. They must be out of stock.

Wendy asked, "Did the news say what time it can be repaired?"

Julie replied, "It said about eleven o'clock."

Xu Zhijian said, "Forget it, I'll go to a nearby store to buy it."

Wendy said, "No, we have to leave tomorrow morning, so let's go to bed later."

He hummed and said it was okay.

So the three of them used their mobile phones as flashlights, washed up briefly, and then sat in the living room to chat.

It was only half past eight, and I couldn't fall asleep even if I wanted to.

Let's talk about it later.

Julie said happily: "We can go on a self-driving tour tomorrow~ I will achieve another goal in my life."

Wendy deliberately teased: "It's obviously our graduation trip, but you have to be so shameless to follow us."

Julie smiled and said: "Because we are best sisters, and Xu is willing for me to follow, right?"

Xu Zhijian nodded: "Haha, yes, it's lively with more people, it's good."

The death incident broke the knots and obstacles between the sisters who were originally incompatible.

They became very close.

This is a good thing.

Chatted for a while.

Julie changed the topic and said: "It's so boring, Xu, do you have any interesting things, tell us."

Xu Zhijian thought that it would be great.

You can write a novel by just picking a horror movie world experience.

Especially "The Cabin in the Woods", where countless monsters and demons are mobilized.

No matter the scene, the number, or the excitement, it can be filmed into a trilogy.

It's a pity that no matter how interesting it is, it can't be told.

He shook his head: "No, my life is too dull and boring. After all, I am a Chinese, you know."

Julie and Wendy nodded at the same time without comment.


Most Chinese people have the image of nerds, don't know how to dress themselves, and don't like to play randomly, such as smoking leaves.

If it weren't for the death incident, they would basically not have any contact with him.

However, there have been changes in recent years.

Especially the second generation of rich and powerful families, they play more tricks than the locals.

Julie said again: "Okay, oh, by the way, then you tell us a bedtime story, and we can go to sleep after that."

Xu Zhijian smiled directly: "Want to hear a story? Okay, this is my specialty."

"Let me think about what to tell you... I got it!"

He immediately thought of a ghost idea. Since it is a bedtime story, let's do some ghosts... hehehe.

Julie and Wendy listened carefully immediately.

He recalled the horror stories he had read before and told them slowly.

"Everything started with that phone call from my buddy.

It is said that graduating from college means the beginning of unemployment.

I have a deep understanding of this.

It has been almost a year since I graduated, and I have not even found a decent job.

It is either that I am too picky or that people simply do not think highly of me.

Fortunately, losers have their own blessings.

Just when I was at a loss and was so poor that I could hardly pay the rent, I received a call from a college buddy I had not contacted for a long time.

He said that he had a good job for me.

This was simply a dream for me. Someone gave me a pillow when I slept.

So I didn't ask any more questions. After confirming that he didn't lie to me, I prepared to ask him out for a meal.

I talked in detail and promoted our relationship.

As a result, he decisively rejected my kindness.

He directly told me the address and contact information, and told me that he introduced me, and then hung up the phone in a hurry.

I didn't care about it, thinking that it would be better not to eat, and I could save money.

I didn't waste time and took the bus to the address he provided that day.

It turned out to be a security company.

I asked all the way to the manager's office, The person in charge of recruiting people was a middle-aged man in his forties.

He looked very cunning and was indifferent to me at first.

But when I said that my buddy introduced him, his expression immediately changed, and he became very warm and polite.

Looking at his almost flattering smile, I wondered what he meant? Could it be that my buddy was a rich second-generation who was hiding his wealth?

Did he open this company?

Without much nonsense, I started discussing work issues with him.

This job is actually very simple, just being a security guard.

But the salary is much better than that of ordinary security guards, even better than most security guards. Any job is good, so good that it is unbelievable.

The basic monthly salary is 4,500 yuan, plus a bonus of 1,000 yuan, and food and accommodation are provided.

The five insurances and one housing fund are paid immediately after taking the job.

To be honest, I didn't believe such a heaven-defying treatment at all, after all, I still know my own weight.

If it is really as he said, do they still need to recruit people? Will it be my turn?

The applicants have already lined up three times around the earth.

So I became cautious and wondered if he was fooling people.

For example, he tricked me into joining a pyramid scheme, or a honey trap?

Or deliberately defrauded various fees.

The manager obviously saw that I didn't believe him, so he immediately called the accountant and asked them to send over 5,500 yuan.

Then he asked the human resources department to prepare five insurances and one housing fund for me.

"Don't worry, you don't have to pay any fees, and we will prepay you one month's salary. You can start working immediately after signing the contract. How about that?"

The manager pushed the money in front of me and said.

Looking at the bright red banknotes in front of me, I didn't have time to think about anything else, and I was immediately tempted.

After all, I have been unemployed for too long, and I see other classmates are doing well, while I am so poor that I can't even pay the rent.

I really don't want to suffer the feeling of being looked down upon by others without money.

Even if it is really a trap, what's the big deal? I am penniless and have nothing to fear.

So I didn't hesitate any more, picked up the banknotes, glanced at the contract casually, and signed it if I felt there was no problem.

After signing, the manager quickly put the contract in the drawer, as if he was afraid that I would regret it.

The job was decided so simply and magically.

Then he told me the address of the work, and asked me to come to get the work card and uniform tomorrow, and then go directly there, where someone would meet me.

After chatting for a while, I got up and left with the prepaid salary.

But when I opened the door and was about to walk out, he stopped me again.

I said, "Manager, do you have any other instructions?"

He stared at me blankly for a long time, and finally seemed to be hesitant to speak.

He told me to work hard, the company would never treat me unfairly, and the five insurances and one housing fund would be processed within two days at the latest.

And let me remember it.

When I went to the workplace, I had to listen to my colleague in everything, no matter what.

I didn't know what his intention was, but since I had to be obedient when working for someone, I quickly agreed honestly.

He was satisfied and let me leave.

Walking out of the security company's door, I felt so happy, and quickly took out my mobile phone and called my buddy.

However, after the call was connected, the receiver said: Sorry, the number you dialed is not available...

I was stunned and wondered what was going on. I quickly checked the number and it was correct.

So I called again, but it was still not available.

Now I was puzzled.

How come I was still calling in the morning, but now it is not available?

As I was thinking, I suddenly felt a tremor in my heart. I always felt that everything that happened today was ominous.

Of course, I was reluctant to give up this high-welfare job, so I had to take the bus home with doubts.

After I got home.

I checked the security company online.

It turned out that it was not only formal but also well-known in the industry, with almost no negative news.

I felt much more at ease.

As for why my buddy's phone number suddenly became unavailable, I couldn't figure it out. I could only think that he changed his number temporarily.

The next morning.

I rushed to the security company on time to get my work card and uniform.

Before leaving, the middle-aged manager repeatedly reminded me that I must listen to my colleague and treat him as a leader when I get there.

I was a little impatient, but I still agreed. After leaving, I took a car to go to work.

My workplace is quite special. It is actually a wax museum.

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