People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 37 Survival Day 037: Something is wrong

The layer of salt covering the mirror disappeared!

This…? ! !

Xu Zhijian thought he was seeing an illusion, so he quickly took out his glasses and put them on to look again.

Still the same.

This is a big problem.

From 8 o'clock in the evening till now, no one else has come to the study except himself.

So it can be ruled out that it was handled by someone else.

What I see now is not an illusion, so what's going on?

He looked down at the ground again and found that many green plants had withered.

This means that the ghost mirror continues to absorb life energy and has reached a point.

Perhaps, this is the reason?

That's right!

In the movie, there is more than one ghost in its internal space.

They must have worked together to wipe out the salt.

This guess may not be correct, but this is all I can think of at the moment.

If this happened before, he would definitely study it out.

But he doesn't have the mind to do that now.

He took off his glasses, walked to the front of the mirror, and slowly put his hand on the mirror.

A cold touch.

After touching it twice, he suddenly whispered: "I know you can hear it, so I want to join you!"

The ghost mirror didn't respond.

Xu Zhijian continued: "What I said is true, please give me the assessment task."

"I will definitely complete it perfectly and let you see my sincerity."

After saying this, the light on the roof suddenly flickered twice.

Seems to be a response?

He smiled: "GOOD, so tell me what to do quickly."

Waiting patiently for a moment, a strange situation occurred.

I saw a black shadow suddenly flash in the mirror, and soon, it was completely unclear what it looked like.

Then it returned to normal, and nothing happened again.

"Do you agree or not?"

Xu Zhijian felt a little speechless. There was a response, but no specific reply.

How can I guess this?

At this moment, the door of the study was suddenly pushed open and someone came in.

Turning around, it was Kelly.

His heart couldn't help but skip a beat, thinking that he wouldn't hear what he just said, right?

It would be bad if he heard it.

Fortunately, Kelly didn't see what happened just now.

She also waited until her friends fell asleep, thinking of asking Xu Zhijian to come over and check the situation.

However, when she saw that the salt was gone from the mirror, she was stunned.

Then she asked: "Xu, what's going on? Where's the salt?"

Xu Zhijian adjusted his mentality and asked back: "What do you think?"

Kelly thought for a while: "Did you deal with it? Why?"

"Isn't this a way to suppress evil spirits? Why do you want to deal with it again?"

He wanted to listen to different speculations, but he didn't expect people to think that he did it directly.

This is normal.

Anyone who sees it will think so, but he didn't expect that the salt disappeared out of thin air.

And he didn't refute it, but thought it was good to think so.

It hit the mark!

He laughed: "That's right, but this method didn't work, so I dealt with it."

"And I thought of a better idea."

Kelly asked expectantly: "Great, what is the new method?"

Xu Zhijian shook his head: "I can't say it now, okay, let's go to bed."

She was very sensible and didn't ask any more questions. She nodded, turned around and opened the door to leave.

However, just as he took a step, he heard a curse of disgust behind him.

"Hmph, damn bitch!"

Kelly turned around subconsciously, staring at him with a puzzled frown.

What's going on? Why did he suddenly curse her?

Thinking about it, she said a little unhappy: "Xu, why did you curse me?"

Xu Zhijian looked puzzled: "What? When did I curse you?"

"Just now, I called me a damn bitch."

"Ah? Are you sure?"

"Yes! I heard it clearly."

"But... I really didn't, and there's no need."

Looking at his serious look, Kelly also felt that it was indeed impossible.

We are good friends and comrades-in-arms, there is no reason.

But I heard it clearly!

Thinking about it, the two looked at each other and looked at the ghost mirror at the same time.

It must be it!

Kelly's blood pressure rose a little: "I remembered that this kind of thing happened before."

Xu Zhijian asked: "What is the specific manifestation?"

She told the truth: "When the supernatural things happened in the family, my mother heard my father scold her many times."

"It was also similar remarks such as stinky bitch, cheap goods, etc."

"The two quarreled several times because of this. Every time, my father said that he had never scolded and would not scold."

"At first I didn't know the truth, I thought there was a conflict in their marriage."

"It was not until that night that I realized that it was actually caused by the ghost mirror!"

Xu Zhijian nodded with a look of "I see."

Kelly said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I misunderstood you just now."

He waved his hand: "It's okay, I understand, let's go to bed."

The two left the study together.

Looking at her figure returning to the bedroom, Xu Zhijian smiled maliciously.


At noon the next day.

The seven friends who attended the party had lunch and said goodbye one after another.

From beginning to end, I didn't know that there was a ghost mirror in the study, nor did I see it.

Kelly wanted to continue calling people and open the restaurant tonight.

However, Xu Zhijian stopped her.

The reason is simple. Just have one party now and save the chance for later.

Because the ghost mirror is still weak now, it is safer.

When it becomes stronger, invite people to have a party to avoid death without clear reason.

If it continues for several days, people will be tired and it will not be possible to invite so many people.

Kelly thought about it and it made sense, so she did not refute it.

Then she went back to the company to deal with an urgent matter.

After watching her drive away from the window, Xu Zhijian immediately returned to the study.

Then, he used tools to remove the screws that fixed the mirror on the wall.

He took it off quickly.

This thing is quite heavy, at least dozens of kilograms.

He carefully moved it to the French window in the living room and erected it with a shelf.

The sunlight shining on the ghost mirror did not appear as the legend said that the evil things would be burned.

Of course, he did not think so at all.

Instead, he stroked the mirror with his hand: "The mechanism in the study is too dangerous. You are safe here."

"I have begun to express my feelings, so when will you accept me?"

The mirror stood quietly without any reaction.

And it did not start the defense counterattack when he moved it, which means that it did not feel dangerous.

Because Xu Zhijian really has no ill intentions now.

On the contrary, there is only one thought in his mind:

Contact the mirror.

Understand the mirror.

Join the mirror.

Surpass the mirror!

He continued: "That's enough, please don't make me wait too long."

After speaking, he turned and walked back to the living room, sat on the sofa, drank coffee, and looked at the mirror.

Maybe it was because of the light, maybe he didn't sleep well?

At this time, his expression looked a little weird, and it was hard to say what it felt like.

It just made people feel a kind of cold and evil!

Thanks to Wanbian for the 500 book coins! A lot~~Thanks to book friend 3081 for the 200 book coins!

Thanks to Sukan, my wife, I'm here, Emi, and book friend 2311 for the monthly ticket.

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