People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 372 Survival Day 372: Approaching science, there are no ghosts in the world

Although "The First Commandment" tells the story of the battle of wits and courage between the protagonist and the ghost.

But the most mysterious, curious and weird thing is the director.

He never showed up from beginning to end.

He only showed a mouth eating and drinking non-stop, and all the food was high in sugar and oil.

But he has diabetes.

He must avoid certain foods, otherwise he would just be courting death.

So there are two interpretations of this director.

1: This is a satire on the powerful who are idle and sucking the people's blood and sweat.

2: This director is also possessed by a ghost.

Xu Zhijian agreed with this, and since it is a horror film, the latter possibility is higher.

Haha... interesting.

Seeing him staring at him, the director asked while eating: "What? What are you looking at?"

He said with a hint of meaning: "Nothing, I just envy the superior's good appetite. I haven't eaten for a day and a night."

The director laughed twice: "Then go and eat quickly. The best thing in the world is to taste food, understand?"

"This way, even if you die, you will have no regrets. You can be a full ghost."

What he said is more meaningful!

A trace of murderous intent flashed in Xu Zhijian's eyes. He thought that it seemed that there was really a problem. Why not kill him now?

But thinking carefully, he couldn't act rashly.

After all, thinking that the other party was possessed by a ghost was just his own inference.

There is no conclusive evidence at the moment.

It would be simple to kill him directly, nothing, but if he really killed the wrong person, it would cause a lot of trouble.

It would affect his own actions.

Well... forget it, just bear with it for a while.

It's a good opportunity to observe carefully and see if there are any new discoveries.

When it is confirmed that there is really a problem, then do it quietly.

He didn't say anything, picked up the file in front of him and left the office directly.

The director who was eating stopped at this time, looking at his leaving figure as if thinking about something.

His eyes were cold.

But he only thought for two seconds and then returned to normal, continuing to eat crazily, as if he didn't see the reason.

According to the instructions, Xu Zhijian came to the edge of the police station and found the legendary sundries department.


Expectantly pushed open the door.

A foul smell of alcohol mixed with tobacco first floated out.

He fanned his hand and looked around.

This is a room of more than 20 square meters, but there are only two windows, and the light is relatively dim.

And it's messy.

Things are either placed randomly in the corner, or thrown directly on the table and left alone.

It doesn't look like an office, but more like a scrap yard.

At this time, there are three men in the room.

One is about 35 or 36 years old, a little fat, with handsome features, but very sloppy and unkempt.

Sitting on the sofa, smoking and watching.

He is the head of the sundries department: Huang Yaozu.

That is the famous leader of Causeway Bay, Brother Haonan.

The man standing opposite him is wearing a police uniform, with short hair and a sparse beard.

He looks clean and capable overall.

This person is Li Guoqiang, one of the protagonists of the movie.

The last one is wearing glasses, thin, sitting in a wheelchair and playing with building blocks seriously.

This is the operator of the Miscellaneous Affairs Department.

He looks like a disabled person sitting in a wheelchair, but he is actually a person with healthy limbs.

This is just a special hobby.

This is the Miscellaneous Affairs Department.

On the surface, it is a marginal government office, but in fact it specializes in dealing with various supernatural events.

It even controls the fate of mankind.

In the end, it has nothing, which is another ironic picture of reality.

Li Guoqiang heard someone coming in and turned his head to look, but there was no expression.

Huang Yaozu smoked a cigarette and said, "Is it Chinese New Year today? Here comes another one, really interesting."

Xu Zhijian walked over and said, "I am Xiao Xu who came here according to the transfer order. Sir, have you received the notice?"

Huang Yaozu said, "Well, you two will keep each other company in the future. I will briefly talk about the work of the Miscellaneous Affairs Department."

"First of all, you must remember the first rule: there are no ghosts in this world!"

"Then we are responsible for some miscellaneous tasks, such as helping others deal with the TV that turns on automatically at home."

"You can deal with tasks if there are tasks. If there are no tasks, you can do whatever you want at any time."

"You can lie down and sleep, play video games, or go out for a walk, whatever you like."

Li Guoqiang frowned slightly when he heard it, and subconsciously glanced at Xu Zhijian beside him.

I thought, this is the Miscellaneous Affairs Department?

The result of my promotion is to come to this kind of place? ?

Also, why is the first commandment that there are no ghosts in this world, what does it mean?

Huang Yaozu asked: "Did you understand? If you don't understand anything, you can ask directly."

Li Guoqiang couldn't help asking: "Sir, why is it so strange that the first commandment is that there are no ghosts in the world?"

Huang SIR exhaled a cigarette and smiled: "Because we are police officers, we must have a firm materialistic concept, do you understand?"

This made Li Guoqiang speechless.

What he said really makes sense.

But... I clearly saw with my own eyes that the dead little girl sat up again.

Isn't this just seeing a ghost?

How can I still be materialistic? ?

Huang Yaozu obviously didn't want to continue this topic.

Directly changed the topic: "Okay, come on, sit down and have a drink, welcome to join the Miscellaneous Department, let's get to know each other."

"Li Guoqiang."

"Xu Zhijian."

The two shook hands, sat on his ground, and took the two open bottles of beer.

Everyone touched it.

Xu Zhijian probed: "Sir Huang, do the Miscellaneous Affairs Department have many tasks every day?"

Huang Yaozu said: "I'm not sure, but the police only come out once every ten days and a half. It's very easy."

He chuckled: "That's really good. You don't have to be busy every day, and the salary is higher than ordinary."

Huang Yaozu smoked a cigarette and echoed twice without saying anything else.

Because we know better than anyone that it looks easy, but it is actually more dangerous than any other position.

Not only has one foot entered the gate of hell, but also the psychological suffering.

I feel sorry for the newcomers by hiding it like this, but I have to hide it.

Sometimes "ignorance" may be better.

After chatting awkwardly for a while, Xu Zhijian and Li Guoqiang each found a position and officially started working.

Huang Yaozu continued to sleep on the sofa.

Because she hated the smell of cigarette smoke, Xu Zhijian deliberately chose the one by the window to do her work.

He took out a bottle of Coke from his bag, opened it, took a few sips, and then began to think about his next plan.

To say that "The First Commandment" is a good horror movie, but now it is being praised is a bit outrageous.

It’s not about the content of the movie, but about the worldview.

There is no solution at all times, invincible, and there is no way to deal with the evil spirit like the opponent.

But in Xu Zhijian's opinion, it's just the opposite. It's nothing, it's just rubbish.

If you want to harm someone, you must touch the other person to possess them, and as long as the individual is killed, he will die with him.

As long as it's a hot weapon.

Even without being touched by the opponent, you can kill alone with cold weapons.

What kind of incomprehension is this?

He is a loser in front of Freddy, Alessa, Pennywise, Chu Renmei, and even the Predator.

They are the real overlords of one party.

If you want to harm someone, you need to touch them first. You can get hit without even seeing their shadow.

I don’t even know how I died.

In comparison, it may not even be as good as the Great Black Buddha Mother, at least it can control the target invisibly.

The reason why Chen Fulai is able to run rampant is because there is no way to follow nature in the world view of the movie.

There are only ghosts.

Without a corresponding solution, it naturally seems unsolvable.

But now that Xu Zhijian is here, this shortcoming has been made up for.

He quickly deduced the battle plan in his mind.

First of all, there are only ghosts in the world of "The First Commandment", but they are also divided into good ghosts and bad ghosts.

After an ordinary person dies, he remains an ordinary ghost.

He will not actively harm others, and may even be afraid.

But no matter good or bad, he can easily kill them instantly and not pose a threat.

Secondly, we must keep Huang Yaozu and Li Guoqiang.

This is not difficult at all.

Just find a way to make them "disappear" for a period of time, almost a week.

During this period, they have to do any tasks by themselves to prevent them from being possessed by ghosts.

But what method should be used?

Jingle bell bell…

Just as I was thinking about it, the old-fashioned landline phone hanging on the wall of the office suddenly rang.

The man with glasses who was playing with building blocks didn’t even raise his head. He took the phone and listened for a moment before hanging up.

Then he stood up and walked over and said: "Sir, we have a mission. A swimming pool reported that something happened..."

Li Guoqiang looked at him with surprise in his eyes, and was really confused by the appearance of him sitting in a wheelchair.

Depend on!

Turns out he is a normal person?

Xu Zhijian remained calm.

Of course, if you hadn’t known about it earlier, you would have been confused when you saw it for the first time.

After hearing what he said, Huang Yaozu said: "You two are really unlucky. You met the police when you first came here. Let's go."

The three of them headed to their destination together.

More than twenty minutes later, we arrived at a swimming pool that was temporarily closed.

Xu Zhijian thought for a moment and remembered that in the movie this was the place where Li Guoqiang went on a mission for the first time.

The curator called the police and said that there were often strange noises here and it seemed like there was a ghost.

The three of them walked in.

There were no guests in the museum at this time, and only one or two chandeliers were turned on, making it look very dim.

Blah blah blah.

Their footsteps echoed.

When I came to the pool and looked underwater, I didn't see anything strange.

Li Guoqiang asked: "Sir Huang, what are we doing here?"

Huang Yaozu said: "Of course I'm helping to deal with the debris. Hey, the curator is here."

While talking, an old man in his fifties or sixties walked over quickly.

As soon as they met, he said anxiously: "Sir, this place is suddenly haunted. Please help me."

Huang Yaozu said with a smile: "There are no ghosts in this world. Don't worry. Let's slowly tell you what happened."

The old man quickly told everything.

It turned out that a murder occurred in this swimming pool a month ago, and a six or seven-year-old girl unfortunately drowned.

Since then, all kinds of strange things have happened.

For example, the water in the swimming pool will always suddenly move, as if someone is swimming in it.

But there was actually no one.

And there is always a pair of red children's slippers by the pool.

Even if you take it away, it will disappear inexplicably and then reappear by the pool.

Also, there are always some strange sounds, like crying or howling.

It's especially obvious when the museum is closed and no one is around, and it's quite scary.

Just because of a series of strange situations, many customers are afraid to come back.

If this continues, it will close down soon.

After listening to the old man's narration, Xu Zhijian still looked calm, because he already knew what the truth was.

Huang Yaozu also looked like he was listening to the story.

Only Li Guoqiang showed a look of astonishment. Because I remembered the little girl I once saw.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in the empty room.

Gudong... Gudong.

There seemed to be movement of someone drinking water.

Everyone couldn't help but look up and look around.

The old man panicked and said, "Listen, that terrible sound is coming again!"

Huang Yaozu blew out a smoke ring: "Did the broadcast in the duty room turn off and the security guard drank water?"

The old man shook his head: "Absolutely not! The security guard was so scared that he resigned half a month ago."

He thought for a moment: "Come on, old man, take us to the basement to have a look."

"Okay, okay, come with me."

The three of them followed the old man out of the swimming pool, turned left and right for a while, and arrived at the third floor of the basement.

The light in this place was even dimmer, and there was a damp, cold wind with a musty smell.

Because water supply, sewerage, drainage and other facilities are here.

The old man asked timidly: "Sir, is there a ghost hiding here??"

Huang Yaozu shook his head: "They say there are no ghosts in this world. I think it's because of the pipeline."

"Guoqiang, Zhijian, you two go and look for it in that pool."

The two obediently complied, putting their hands in and groping carefully.

While Xu Zhijian was busy, he looked specifically at Huang Yaozu, who was wandering around.

Finally, he stopped in the left corner and smoked with his back on his back, as if he was thinking about something.

It seemed normal, but he knew it wasn't that simple.

After groping for a while, Li Guoqiang was stunned for a moment, and then grabbed a lot of hair directly from the water.

Seeing this, Xu Zhijian said with something in his words: "So many? It seems that the problem has been found."

In the movie, this is where Huang and Li first met.

The same method was used to make Li think that the strange noise was caused by hair blocking the drainage.

He said the first commandment: there are no ghosts in the world.

At this time, Huang Yaozu also turned around and walked over.

He said with a smile: "Okay, now we have found the cause of the haunting. The sound is caused by the clogged drain outlet."

The old man said in disbelief: "Isn't it right, sir? It's that simple?"

He affirmed: "Of course, you really think there is a ghost. Listen carefully to see if the sound is gone."

The old man and Li Guoqiang pricked up their ears and listened carefully, and indeed they could no longer hear the gurgling sound.

Good guy, is it really that simple? ?

After being stunned for a moment, the old man asked subconsciously: "Then... the water in the swimming pool is moving, what's going on with the red slippers?"

Huang Yaozu said: "There must be someone who wants to deliberately mess with you. Maybe it's a business rival. It's not surprising."

"In this way, if we stay with you for a while, you will understand that the so-called ghost noise will not happen."

Everyone left the basement and returned to the swimming pool, sitting on the edge chatting and waiting.

During this period, Huang Yaozu would explain any questions the old man had to him if he could, and he couldn't just prevaricate them casually.

Anyway, the central idea is that there are no ghosts in the world.

Nothing to say.

It has the meaning of "Approaching Science".

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