People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 375 Survival Day 375: What a pity

Back to the Miscellaneous Department.

Xu Zhijian gave Ah Hui a portion of snacks and drinks he bought on the way.

The other party thanked him several times and continued to play with the building blocks.

After waiting for a long time, he asked: "Xu Sir, what was the task just now?"

He replied: "No big problem, it's just that the TV always turns on and off frequently, which is very strange."

"The staff thought there was a ghost, but it was just broken."

Ah Hui said "oh" and didn't ask any more questions.

After working in the Miscellaneous Department for two years, he actually knew very well what the main work here was.

But everyone knew it tacitly.

On the surface, you have to follow the rules, that is, there are no ghosts in this world.

In fact, you just need to understand it in your heart, and you don't need to say it out loud.

After a while, it was time to get off work.

Ah Hui was going to stay on duty, but Xu Zhijian said that he would sleep here tonight.

Let the other party go home when he should go home.

And Ah Hui didn't refuse, packed up his things and left.

He lay on the sofa, drinking Coke while flipping through a colorful novel.

It's OK, enough to kill time.

However, after watching all kinds of videos, this description doesn't evoke much emotion.

He looked at it for a while and threw it on the table, then got up and walked to the cabinet in the corner to start looking.

It was full of police records and files, dating back at least ten years.

Such important documents were stuffed in there in such a mess.

It can be seen that the Miscellaneous Department is usually sloppy and not afraid of leaks.

Because for outsiders, the content written on it is more boring than reading mathematics.

For example, on what day today, who called the police, it turned out that the chicken was lost.

Help catch it back/or didn't find it.

That's it.

It's all like this, I don't want to read it after a few glances.

He took out a book and flipped through it.

"2018, June 21, 3:24 pm"

"Reporter: Zhang Xu"

"Reason for reporting: The door of my house is always knocked in the middle of the night, but I can't see anyone outside through the cat's eye"

"Attendance staff: Huang Yaozu"

"Report result: It has been handled. An enemy squatted outside the door and knocked in the middle of the night, so I couldn't see it"

Hahaha~ God, squatting and knocking on the door.

Xu Zhijian couldn't help but laugh. Obviously, this excuse was written for others to see.

Although I didn't see the specific process, I can roughly infer it.

The reporter had provoked the enemy for some reason.

And the other party died in an accident.

Although he became a ghost, his strength was very weak and he couldn't kill directly, so he could only torture him in this way.

If a person is frightened every day, he will sooner or later have a mental breakdown.

At the beginning, the reporter also thought that someone was deliberately making trouble for him.

So one day he deliberately hid at the door in the middle of the night and monitored the situation in the corridor through the cat's eye at all times.

As a result, he knocked on the door as usual, but he didn't see anyone!

Anyone who encounters this will be scared to death.

This world does not follow the laws of nature. Faced with such a strange situation, the only way to solve it is to ask the police.

Huang Yaozu received the task and went to check it out and confirmed the situation.

Then he used some means, perhaps persuading the ghost, or directly physically transcending it.

Finally, he made up this excuse to get the matter done.

"2018, July 11, 10:11 am"

"Reporter: Li Shufen"

"Reason for reporting: The gas stove, washing machine, etc. at home always start automatically inexplicably in the middle of the night"

"At the same time, a black shadow was seen, and it is suspected that a thief entered the house"

"Attendance staff: Huang Yaozu"

"Report result: It has been handled. The electrical appliance is broken. The reporter is a disabled person living alone. His mother just passed away and he is unable to repair it."

Seeing this case, Xu Zhijian thought about it, and then thought of a situation that might be very touching and sad.

An elderly disabled person living alone.

His mother just passed away.

Then the electrical appliance will suddenly start inexplicably.

This should be because the mother is worried about her child and is worried that if she dies, no one will take care of her.

So she tried to continue cooking and washing clothes for her child with all her ability.

That's why you can see a dark shadow wandering around the stove and the washing machine.


Poor parents in the world.

"2018, July 28, 5:44 pm"

"Reporter: Zhao Si"

"Reason for reporting: There is always a woman crying in the alley behind the restaurant, and it is suspected to be a homicide"

"Attendant: Huang Yaozu"

"Report result: It has been handled. There is a wild cat living in the alley, and the sound is made when it chirps at night"

This can be easily guessed from the description.

It should be that a woman unfortunately died or was killed in that alley, and she became a ghost and kept wandering there and crying.

After Huang Yaozu found out, he dealt with the other party.

Because the cat's cry sometimes sounds like a baby's, so this is used as an excuse.

Xu Zhijian took the file back to the sofa and read the analysis with interest while drinking Coke.

Before I knew it, it was midnight.


In the hospital.

Li Guoqiang, who was sleeping, was woken up by a dry and itchy throat.

He sat up slightly, reached out to pick up the water cup on the bedside table and drank two sips of water.

Then he felt that the taste was a little wrong.

Why is it so sticky... and has a smell of rust? ?

He turned on the desk lamp to check in confusion.

Under the dim light, the cup was not filled with water, but blood that was red and somewhat black!


Li Guoqiang was so frightened that he woke up immediately. He wiped the corner of his mouth and saw that his hand was indeed red.

He couldn't help but retching.

He couldn't understand what was going on. Why did the water turn into blood? ?

Did the nurse make a mistake and send blood that was to be used elsewhere as water?


Just thinking about it, I saw something slowly floating up from the bottom of the cup.

It was an eyeball! !

And it was moving, blinking, revealing an extremely cold and cruel look!


Li Guoqiang finally couldn't help but scream and threw the cup of water in his hand out.

At the same time, he suddenly opened his eyes and sat up.

The dazzling light made him instinctively squint his eyes again, sweating all over his head, and looking confused.

"What's wrong with you? Are you having a nightmare?"

Huang Yaozu's voice suddenly came.

He came to his senses and turned his head to the left. Huang Yaozu was holding a cigarette and a magazine, looking at him in confusion.

He looked around again. It was still the familiar ward, and the lights were on.

There were no broken cups on the ground, and there was no blood or eyeballs on the ground.

"What was that just now...?"

After thinking for a moment, he realized that it was just a nightmare.

He immediately breathed a sigh of relief and replied: "Yes... I just had a nightmare."

Huang Yaozu asked: "What was the content of the dream, can you tell me?"

There was nothing to hide about this kind of thing, so he told it all.

Huang Yaozu nodded: "It may be because of stress or drinking too much, don't worry, it's normal to have nightmares."

Li Guoqiang hummed, and he really didn't take it seriously.

Everyone has nightmares.

He picked up the water cup on the table and took a look. It was normal water, so he drank two sips and lay down without saying a word.

Huang Yaozu didn't say anything more, and continued to read the magazine while smoking.

But her eyes glanced at him calmly, as if she was thinking about something.

The next two days were relatively peaceful.

The Miscellaneous Department did not receive any new reports for the time being.

They continued to recuperate in the hospital, and Xu Zhijian came to visit them when he had free time while on duty.

Talk about the cases they encountered.

Of course, he would not say that he understood the existence of ghosts better than anyone else, nor would he talk about how to deal with them.

Just follow the law that there are no ghosts in the world.

At the same time, he was secretly following the mysterious director and conducting further investigations.

And the other party did not have any other strange behavior for the time being, just eating and drinking non-stop.

Even on the way home, he was eating while driving.

I originally wanted to sneak into the house to observe the situation, but the director lived in an upscale community.

You must have relevant documents to enter and exit.

I couldn't think of a good way for a while, so I had to give up.

This morning.

Xu Zhijian sat in the Miscellaneous Department and looked at those boring files as usual to kill time.

And yesterday afternoon, a major news suddenly exploded the police station.

A police officer named Deng Feng died unexpectedly.

Generally speaking, such things would attract attention, but not as exaggerated as they are now.

And the reason is very simple.

Because Deng Feng is a celebrity, a super good policeman known to everyone in Hong Kong.

How to describe him?

Just like the kind that only appears in TV dramas or on the Internet, justice, integrity, and incorruptibility.

Caring, hate evil, and so on.

For the masses, whether it is miscellaneous matters or personal assistance, he will do his best to help 200%.

Even if the monthly salary is not much, he can take out 60% to support lonely elderly people or students.

Once someone was climbing in the suburbs and unfortunately fell and hung on a tree halfway up the mountain.

He was about to fall.

At that time, he was patrolling nearby and rushed to the scene as soon as he received the report.

Then he did not care about his own safety and risked his life without hesitation to save the other party.

And so on.

The good deeds he has done can't be finished in one night.

Regardless of whether it is the neighborhood he is responsible for, whenever it is mentioned, the people all give thumbs up and praise.

Similarly, he never tolerates crime and evil.

Two years ago, a habitual criminal was caught stealing, so he hijacked the store owner in anger and his life was hanging by a thread.

After receiving the order, Deng Feng rushed to the scene.

At that time, the main force had not arrived yet, so he and another patrol officer shouted outside for the other party to surrender.

The habitual criminal naturally did not do it, but became more and more emotional and was about to lose control.

So the colleague had to shoot first.

However, the shot missed and only hit the other party's arm.

The habitual criminal completely lost his mind and was about to cut the store manager with a knife.

At this critical moment, Deng Feng rushed into the store like the wind.

While trying to stop the other party, he pressed his body on the store manager as a shield.

In the end, he was stabbed four times.

If it weren't for God's blessing, he would have been stabbed in the heart and died.

After he recovered and was discharged from the hospital, he said that he didn't regret it at all, and if it happened again, he would still make the same choice.

And it would be faster and better.

He will never let innocent people get hurt.

If someone else said this, they might suspect it was just a polite remark.

But when he said it, his colleagues, superiors, and the public all believed it without a doubt.

However, this is such a police role model, a real superhero.

Two days ago, when he was chasing a thief, he was unfortunately hit by a drunk driver and was seriously injured.

After two days and two nights of rescue, he finally died.

When the obituary came out, both the police and the people were shocked and in uproar.

No one dared to believe that this was true.

So much so that the court even broke the rules and tried the drunk driver in line.

With the joint efforts of the law and public indignation, the death penalty!

The thief was directly sentenced to life imprisonment.

You should know that there has been no death penalty in Hong Kong for N years.

This time it was not only because of Deng Feng's identity, after all, it was an official violent organization, and they wanted to kill one to warn the hundred,

but also because of the kindness of human nature.

This afternoon, Deng Feng's body will be sent for cremation and buried in the Martyrs' Forest Park.

Time flashed to 18:00.

Xu Zhijian put down the file and left the Miscellaneous Department with Ah Hui.

Whether it was out of respect for the hero or the behavior between colleagues, he had to see the hero off.

And most people in Hong Kong thought so.

When we arrived at the block where the hearse passed, there were already endless people waiting on both sides.

There were civilians, colleagues, and people from other industries.

Some cried secretly, and some held flowers in silence.

The atmosphere was depressing and sad.

Xu Zhijian watched all this silently, and felt very emotional. No matter when, everyone has a scale in their hearts.

A hero is always a hero. Although his body is dead, he will always live in people's hearts.

At the same time, this is also a loss for the whole world.

One less sacrifice.

Alas, God is really blind this time!

After waiting for a while in silence, a hearse drove over from afar.

There was a black and white photo of Deng Feng hanging on the front of the car. He was a very young and handsome guy, but this was even more regrettable.

After watching the hearse pass, Xu Zhijian stood for a while and then left with Ah Hui.

Then they parted at the intersection.

He walked around the street for a while with mixed feelings, and walked into a restaurant to eat after it got dark.

The news of Deng Feng's funeral was also broadcast on TV.

The diners sighed as they watched, saying it was a pity, God was blind, etc.

After eating and drinking, he wandered around aimlessly for a while, and at 9:30 in the evening, he was ready to return to the sundries department.

Walking slowly on the street, when passing an alley, he suddenly noticed movement inside.

Xu Zhijian couldn't help but stop and look inside.

But because it was too dark, he couldn't see what was going on.

He didn't plan to investigate it in detail, so he didn't see it.

Just as he was about to leave, a gust of cold wind suddenly floated out from the depths of the dark alley.

At the same time, two black shadows approached quickly.

At this time, the distance was about ten meters, and he could barely see what it was.

They were two men.


They should be said to be two ghosts!

Because neither of them had a shadow, and their bodies were obviously transparent, and they also exuded a yin aura.

One of them was wearing a police uniform, and he pressed the other in plain clothes to the ground and wrestled with him.

Seeing this, Xu Zhijian was confused and wanted to laugh. Oh my god, why are two ghosts fighting? ?

But after taking a closer look, he suddenly widened his eyes and was stunned.

Because he recognized that the ghost in police uniform... turned out to be the sacrificed Deng Feng? ! !

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