People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 380: Day 380 of Survival: The Lonely Gourmet


Pushing the door open, a cold and musty smell hit him in the face.

Xu Zhijian took out his mask and put it on and walked in.

The house was large, but everything looked very old, and many of the wood floors were peeling.

The sofa, coffee table, tatami and other furniture were still there.

But they were also covered with dust.

Walked around the living room, kitchen, and bathroom on the first floor and went directly to the second floor.


The rotten wooden stairs made a harsh sound when stepped on, and kept echoing.

There was nothing wrong with the three rooms, at least on the surface.

Return to the living room.

He turned on the switch to check the power system. The lights, TV, refrigerator, air conditioner, etc. were all working properly.

After checking the map, he started the next step.

Xu Zhijian wiped the dust off the sofa, sat silently and looked around to think about the battle plan.

Kayako was a very traditional evil ghost.

Because she died with resentment, she had endless hatred and viciousness.

What mattered was an indiscriminate massacre.

No matter if they are good or bad, as long as they have entered the house or been targeted, they must be killed.

Even the beloved Kobayashi Shunsuke was not spared, let alone others.

Similar ones include Chu Renmei, Sadako, etc.

This level of evil spirits is relatively strong and not easy to deal with.

There is no need to consider showing mercy, just beat them to death.

As for how to find Kayako and Toshio, this is not difficult.

Just wait for them to come out on their own initiative.

If it is fast, maybe we can get rid of them tonight, and if it is slow, it will not take more than a week.

After thinking it over, Xu Zhijian did not stay for long, but went out to go shopping directly.

This is the first time to come to Xiaorizi’s home, so I have to take the opportunity to play.

Walking leisurely on the road, looking at the signs of various shops, I thought that even if I don’t know Japanese, I can guess most of them.

After all, the activation of the Sharingan has copied Chinese culture for thousands of years.

However, in recent years, it has also been de-sinicized, and the screen is full of katakana, which ghosts can understand.

After a while, he found a second-hand store selling comics and discs.

That is, a second-hand store.

He went in with interest to take a look, and he didn't expect that there were so many good things.

"Slam Dunk"


"The Train"

"34th Precinct"

"The Son of God"

and so on.

They are all classic works familiar to the post-80s and post-90s.

He decisively bought the comics and discs he liked, and then put them in the equipment library.

Some things are hard to come by, and you must buy them and collect them when you come across them.

He left the store and continued to stroll.

When I came to a crossroads and waited for the red light, I saw a group of high school girls in uniforms on the opposite side.

They chattered and laughed, very youthful.

What a pity.

The gap between the girls in reality and those in the two-dimensional anime is too big, which can easily shatter the fantasy.

Speaking of this, I don’t know what the reality is like for those teachers who work hard for "biology classes".

Will it also make men unable to be tough?

After walking through the crossroads and looking around, he randomly chose the road on the left to continue walking.

It was six o'clock in the evening.

Xu Zhijian felt that it was almost time to go back, but he stopped again after walking for a while.

Because he found a barbecue restaurant on the side of the road.

It was a very ordinary store, and the reason why he stopped was because it looked very familiar.

But where had he seen it before? ?

After looking carefully for a while, he finally remembered where he had seen it.

It was "The Solitary Gourmet"!

For daily film and television works, he loves to watch those biology class films and animations.

The most favorite and frequently watched is this series of TV series.

I don't know how many times I have watched it.

Many times I just randomly click on an episode and then watch it while eating.

It really goes well with rice.

So when I saw the name and shape of the barbecue restaurant, I felt so familiar and thought of it quickly.

Now it is 2002, and there are still 10 years before "The Solitary Gourmet" is broadcast.

I didn't expect this small shop to be open for so long.

Let's not talk about anything else. Let's just be a gourmet tonight and have dinner here.

I walked into the barbecue restaurant with anticipation. Because it was not a restaurant yet, there were only three customers.

"Welcome~ Please take a seat."

The waitress immediately came up and bowed slightly, warmly entertaining.

Xu Zhijian found a seat and sat down to look at the menu. Without much thought, he chose the recommended popular set meal.

Twenty minutes later, the food was served.

After tasting it, it was good. Although it was not surprising, it was indeed good.

After eating and drinking, I returned to the haunted house. It was already 7:30 in the evening.

I checked it thoroughly again. Nothing changed during the time I was away.

I returned to the living room and turned on the TV. I found a channel playing "Chibi Maruko-chan".

I leaned on the sofa, drank Coke and watched it while waiting patiently.

At the same time, I was still calculating whether Kayako would come out, when she would come out, etc.

Speaking of the so-called curse, it refers to a curse left by an unjustly killed person.

Anyone who touches and contacts will die, and then new ones will be produced and continue to spread.

The Grudge series actually has a similar case prototype in reality, which is quite terrifying.

The story begins on March 18, 1988.

It was also 7:30 that evening, and the 30-year-old office worker Masataka Moriya finished his day's work.

He hurried back to his apartment in Nagoya's Nakayama District.

The reason he was in such a hurry to go home was because his wife Mitsuko was five days past her due date.

She could give birth at any time.

Masataka Moriya would call home several times a day to ask if she had started labor pains, etc.

So that he could come back at any time to help his wife give birth.

However, at 6:50 p.m. that day, he made another call before leaving the company.

His wife, who usually answered the phone in seconds, was unable to answer the phone this time.

This made him feel uneasy.

So after getting off work and rushing downstairs, he looked up at his own window.

At this time, the lights of the neighbors around him were all on, but his own house was still dark, without any light.

Masataka Moriya became more and more uneasy and hurried home.

But when he opened the door, a disgusting smell came to his face.

He called Mitsuko's name several times, but got no response.

Then a sound like a cat's cry came faintly from the second floor, so he walked up to the second floor nervously.

The strange sound gradually became clearer, and the more he listened, the more he felt it was like a baby's cry.

This made his heart shudder.

When he opened the door of the room on the second floor, an extremely terrifying picture appeared in front of him!

Mitsuko was lying on her back beside the table, covered in blood, and a long wound was clearly visible on her abdomen.

A child covered in blood slid out of the wound, lying on his side on the ground, crying.

Moriya Masataka rolled and crawled to the entrance, ready to call for an ambulance.

However... the phone disappeared strangely!

There was only a broken telephone line.

He didn't have time to think about it, and ran to the neighbor's house to borrow a phone to call an ambulance and called the police.

10 minutes later, hospital staff arrived at the scene.

Mitsuko had already died at this time, and the child still had signs of life, but his life was in danger.

The paramedics immediately returned to the hospital for treatment.

At the same time, the police also began to investigate.

According to the on-site investigation, a 38-centimeter incision was made from Mitsuko's lower body to her heart!

Enough to be taken out of a pregnant woman's belly.

However, this wound was not fatal. What really killed Mitsuko was the telephone wire wrapped around her neck.

The forensic doctor initially determined that the murderer performed a caesarean section after strangling the victim.

The time of death was between 3 and 5 pm.

But what puzzled the police was that Moriya Masataka called home at around 6 pm that day.

At that time, no one answered the call, not a disconnection.

If Mitsuko was strangled to death with a telephone wire in the afternoon, how did the call get through?

The most important thing is, where did the phone go?

Soon, the forensic doctor brought a message that made the police gasp.

The phone was found, but in Mitsuko's belly!

There was also a Mickey Mouse keychain hanging on it.

At the same time, good news came from the hospital. The child miraculously survived. Fortunately.

Next, the police began to visit nearby residents.

According to everyone, the victim, Mitsuko, was a person with a very regular life.

She would put away the clothes on the balcony at around 4 p.m. every day, but they were still hanging on the balcony on the day of the incident.

At the same time, neighbors also reported that a stranger had visited her home on the afternoon of March 18.

The police quickly found the visitor, who was Mitsuko's friend Tamura Sadako who was doing direct sales with her.

This name is really good.

According to Tamura Sadako, the other party did not show any abnormality when she visited that afternoon and was in a very good mood.

When she left, Mitsuko also sent her to the parking lot, and then the two separated.

In addition, the police learned some unexpected news from the surrounding residents.

Since Mitsuko became pregnant, she and her husband Moriya Masataka often quarreled.

The quarrels were so loud that they could be heard through the wall.

Most of the time, it started because the husband opposed his wife's direct sales, which was not allowed.

In view of this, the police began to suspect that Moriya Masataka was a suspect.

But on the day of the incident, his colleagues could prove that he had been working in the company in the afternoon and never left the office.

So the suspect was ruled out.

The police then questioned Sadako Tamura again, and she said that she met Mitsuko that afternoon to buy products from her.

Since they had made an appointment to perm her hair at 3:30 p.m. that day, she left at 3:00.

The hairdresser at the beauty salon proved Sadako's statement and did come to the store on time that afternoon.

The alibi was established.

However, Sadako provided a new clue. Mitsuko said that the house next to her house should be unoccupied at present.

But she always heard the sound of men coming in and out, which made her feel uneasy.

However, after investigating the empty house, the police did not find anything suspicious.

The investigation was deadlocked.

At this time, a resident suddenly remembered that a man in his thirties and 1.6 meters tall was wandering in the building that afternoon.

At about 3:10, the man was seen by another witness running out of the building.

Then he fled to the north.

Probably not long after he ran away, another taller man tried to sneak into the house of the resident on the first floor to steal.

After being discovered by the owner, he calmly turned around and left.

The police immediately investigated the two strange men, but the situation became more and more outrageous.

After drawing the portrait of the criminal, it was found that many witnesses who claimed to have seen the suspect were not actually at the scene!

They claimed to have seen suspicious people, but they just wanted to be interviewed by the media.

Now all efforts were in vain.

In that era when surveillance was not popular, there was no way to investigate further.

In the end, it could only be hastily determined that this was a case of a perverted murderer who liked to destroy corpses.

At the same time, there were rumors that the cruel Ukiyo-e was introduced on the TV late-night channel the day before the incident.

Therefore, some people suspected that the criminal was inspired by the program to imitate the crime.

Then the case was silent.

On March 17, 2003, due to the 15-year criminal prosecution period, the case was declared to have reached the litigation period.

Finally, it ended as an unresolved incident.

In order to avoid media interviews, Moriya Masataka moved to Hawaii with his son in 1999.

Never appeared again.

Who killed Mitsuko, why could the disconnected phone be dialed, what happened that day.

And so on and so forth.

These terrible mysteries can never be solved again.

When Xu Zhijian read this case, his first reaction was that there were only two possibilities for the murderer.

1: Husband.

Because 80% of murders between husband and wife are committed by the partner.

These are the experiences accumulated by the police in reality.

As for the testimony of colleagues, it may be false, or they may have received benefits to keep their mouths shut.

Or they may have remembered it wrongly.

2: Residents in the same building.

For example, the man in the empty house next door.

Because they had accumulated various conflicts in their daily lives, and then they lost their minds and killed people in anger.

In order to vent their anger, they also cut open their stomachs, etc.

After all, they were considered to be perverts in their daily lives.

After regaining their sanity, the murderer also calmly destroyed all clues as much as possible, and then fled overnight.

Due to various coincidences, the police failed to successfully find out.

As for the time of death and phone number of the deceased, one of the links must have been inferred incorrectly.

That led to the weirdness.


Just thinking about it, a clear cat cry suddenly sounded outside the house.

Xu Zhijian immediately came to his senses and rushed to the window, thinking excitedly, is it finally here? ?

According to the movie setting, Kayako and Toshio love black cats.

So before going out, there will be a cat's cry or similar sound, foreshadowing the nightmare.

He stood sideways in front of the window, so that he could look outside and prevent being attacked from behind.

But after watching for a long time, the streets and the yard were quiet, nothing.


Is it an auditory hallucination? ?

After carefully recalling the movement just now, it can be confirmed that it is a real cat's cry.

It is impossible to hear it wrong.

But why hasn't it come out yet?

After waiting patiently for about half an hour, no subsequent abnormalities occurred, so I had to check the house again.

When I came to the first room on the second floor, I found that something suddenly appeared on the empty ground before!

It was about two meters high and fifty or sixty centimeters wide.

It was covered with a yellowed white cloth.

This shape seems to be a mirror?

"Finally there is some movement"

Xu Zhijian said inwardly and subconsciously prepared to reach out and lift the cloth.

But when he was about to touch it, he stopped again, thinking that it was not appropriate to do so.



Then he took out his gun and smashed it.

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